Not just in Germany. I think it's just because you have ADSL, which means you have asymmetric bandwidth. Because most homes rather have higher download speeds, most ISP's choose for this.
In Soviet Russia upload limits you! On a more serious note, you should be happy they limit only upload. Here in Croatia the max down speed I can get from T-Com is 20Mbit/s and it costs ~60€/month I think (not counting in the price for GB's, so if you want unlimited Internet, you have to pay another ~8€/month, and for the minimum (I think it's 2GB/month) you have to pay like 5€), so I have the lowest speed (4Mbit/s) with unlimited traffic.
My router seems pretty happy today as it breaks the limit.
That's a highway robbery you have there! I remember the good times back at home country,where I had optic fibre connection with 20Mbit both directions and that for ~15€ per month! If you're ready to pay the double,you can get speed limit raised to 100Mbit. And the best part - quality is so good,that you never have loss of connection.
The good (and unmonitored) internet is the only thing I'm missing from Latvia... Oh,yes - and the tasty potato chips...
I think I'm gonna move to Baltic ASAP
I have to pay (my parents actually, but nvm) another 13€ for the phone (it's think it's the lowest package) and another 9€ for TV (not sure how many channels, but less than 100 for sure).
After 10+ years on a 8/1Mbit connection, this is pure heaven now. Thinking about trying out the 350/20 connection that the ISP is offering in this region now.