Poll : What do you think of the Fragmaster team

What community, didn't know they had one
They only race oval don't they?
Don't like the community, don't like the drivers
Like the community, like the drivers
Don't like the community, like the drivers
Like the community, don't like the drivers
Beat me to it, hehe
Quote from Crazy Harry :But always his 2 pence that no one (in this thread or Nardo) needs.

Pls read the thread title slowly again.

(Lol, same here. )
users are busy racing and so dont get to make solid judgements based in fact, frequently user votes are completely daft through no real fault of the users. The problem with Oval Junkies is, from what I could see, the admins are racing and make the same mistakes.
Quote from Crazy Harry :Tristan don´t know about Oval/Fm Community, etc. But always his 2 pence that no one (in this thread or Nardo) needs.

@zeugnimod: Pls read the words above slowly again.
Quote :Umm, Tristan's post was perfectly sensible, not flaming, and the vast majority of the stuff he posts isn't spam, it's actually helpful...

illepall Right back at you

btw, maybe ther should be some awards or something for forum users. decided by a poll. anyway on topic i thought they just raced on ovals
Quote from tristancliffe :Do you remember that time Nigel Mansell got a lifetime motorsport ban when he overtook Mario Andretti on the right? Or when Al Unser Jr was insta-banned for 24 hours for brushing a wall.

This is the winner right here.

Oval racing in real life has always been close and dicey. Drivers race each other rather than race the race track as in road racing. Ultimately the drivers need the freedom to race each other hard because oval racing can be boring as hell if it is neutered by too many transparent rules that limit what drivers can do in their cars. The only limits should be the laws of physics, and common sense. If a driver is incapable of controlling his/her vehicle under those conditions then he/she has no business being in the server.

I personally don't race in the [FM] oval server very often because of:

- the transparent passing rules as mentioned above
- the distracting message clutter
- the spectatron doing its thing to anyone who puts a wheel wrong
- the lack of common sense among many of the competitors
- the enormous slipstream that makes the already restricted passing meaningless until the last lap
Quote from 510N3D :Quote=th84

Well from my time's with [FM] i would have to vote for the option " I dont like the community, but i like SOME of the driver's.

TBH, some of you guy's act like you rule the world!

1. Ah so what did you make think this is true? I would like to see some reasons here?

It seem's that you dont like to be disagreed with and anyone who come's to your forum and complains about being banned or whatever, they get the same old answer" its our server, if you dont like it **** off".

2. You should really read stuff before you judge:

http://www.fragmaster.net/fm/i ... ;file=viewtopic&t=477

And dont forget the link inside which goes back into this forum. The idea is to make things clear and you cant tell everybody what he did wrong/ or not and why should everybody do a new post because he got banned when we can give advides in order to avoid situations to enjoy his staying on our server?

IMo, the server is the most poorly ran server in all of LFS, even with a admin there almost 24/7. The server mods are annoying to say the least, and the constant spamming is the worst thing i have ever seen.

all from this thread: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=26815#post26815

I have also joined the vent channel a couple of time's a while back and can honestly say that the FM channel is the very reason i deleted the program.

3. Why?

There is a couple i really enjoy racing with though, Queensheet(spelling? and im not sure if he is even a part of the community) is a awesome guy to race with, fair, clean driver and fast everywhere he goes it seems.

4. True, he is fast but also he got his own thinking of how to act on the oval and most of the time he overreacted and did not liked our rules.

There are a couple more that are really fun to race with, but names are escaping me right now, and im not sure if they are even a part of the community anymore.

5. Sure you did forget other names because finding good reasons would not fit into your post at all.

1. Because of the way you guy's treat non-fm members on your forum, and on your server. Ive been visiting your forum for a while now and cant even count the number of people i have seen get treated like a dog for complaining about the way they were treated on your server. There are a couple of people on your team that seem to get off on calling people names and telling them how s*** of a driver they are. What else do you need?

2. I have read many a threads on your forum, i dont hink there is a need to re-read them.

3. Because of the way you guy's like to talk s*** about people, it seems that if you are not part of the fm oval junkies crew, then you are ****. Thats what i got from your ventrillo server. There was even one time (not sure who was on) i joined the server, and you guy's started talking **** about me and another person, then you realised i was on vent, and it stopped. It was kinda like being at a robin williams stand up act, every other word was F******* noob, or Get the F*** off the track! IMO, there was nothing about your vent server that made the racing more fun, the opposite in fact.

4. I think you guys are the one who have there own way of acting and own rules on the oval. Its your server though, people who dont like the rules shouldnt join, and they dont! And i dont blame him for not liking your rules.

5. Do you always have to make more of my words than i do? I simply couldnt remember the names. WHy is that so weird? Why even attempt to remember and write down names when im not even sure they are part of the community or your team?

If you dont want honest answers to a thread such as this, maybe your teammates shouldnt ask.

Quote from dave2004000orsomething [:) :]hmmm ....you must be talking about a different Quietscheente than the one i've known for a long time, lol.

All my races with him have always been very enjoyable. He always is very nice and helpful. Im pretty sure it is the same guy.
What about stopping about oval. What about WEint on FM Fun! Server?
Quote from Crazy Harry :@zeugnimod: Pls read the words above slowly again.

Done. What now?
Quote from zeugnimod :Done. What now?

Herr, lass Hirn regnen.....
Pls keep it in english, its an international forum.

You want opinions on the "FM Community", and if someone gives you one and even suggests, how to improve the opinions, others have about you, you say, the post is spam and complete nonsense. illepall
This post was by myself, and had nothing to do with FM team wanting anything. I wanted honest opinions and I think I got them! Thank you for you comments everyone, I feel this Thread now needs to be locked......
Quote from zeugnimod :... how to improve the opinions, others have about you, you say, the post is spam and complete nonsense. illepall

Maybe you miss something like "life skill" to seperate spam from needful posts. Think about it young man.
Quote from Crazy Harry :Maybe you miss something like "life skill" to seperate spam from needful posts. Think about it young man.

You surely have much "life skill" to become personal here.
Quote from zeugnimod :You surely have much "life skill" to become personal here.

That´s not personal mate. Tristans last post was completly frontin and flamin and if you can´t see that, you must miss life skill or intelligence. And I don´t want to go so far to call you stupid. So try to understand what people write in this thread and don´t just follow a position you don´t know about.
Quote from th84 :1. Because of the way you guy's treat non-fm members on your forum, and on your server. Ive been visiting your forum for a while now and cant even count the number of people i have seen get treated like a dog for complaining about the way they were treated on your server. There are a couple of people on your team that seem to get off on calling people names and telling them how s*** of a driver they are. What else do you need?

2. I have read many a threads on your forum, i dont hink there is a need to re-read them.

3. Because of the way you guy's like to talk s*** about people, it seems that if you are not part of the fm oval junkies crew, then you are ****. Thats what i got from your ventrillo server. There was even one time (not sure who was on) i joined the server, and you guy's started talking **** about me and another person, then you realised i was on vent, and it stopped. It was kinda like being at a robin williams stand up act, every other word was F******* noob, or Get the F*** off the track! IMO, there was nothing about your vent server that made the racing more fun, the opposite in fact.

4. I think you guys are the one who have there own way of acting and own rules on the oval. Its your server though, people who dont like the rules shouldnt join, and they dont! And i dont blame him for not liking your rules.

5. Do you always have to make more of my words than i do? I simply couldnt remember the names. WHy is that so weird? Why even attempt to remember and write down names when im not even sure they are part of the community or your team?

If you dont want honest answers to a thread such as this, maybe your teammates shouldnt ask.

1. Those who take a look at our forum see we do not treat anyone like you say. www.fragmaster.net Start counting. And we do not call anyone anything. It allways seems to you that.... and you allways think that... but there are no facts at all. And even those who made misstakes and/or other crap got another change to join our server and some needs even more then one which is ok.

2. You only read what you like to.

3. This hole thing is not true, you should work on your Pursuit mania.

4. You think but you dont know nothing about us at all.

5. Sure you cant remember. Because there may some positive things to say about us but i do not expect anything like that from you.

You have a problem with me personal nature thats what i see, and that was before this hole thread started. If you need such threads to get rid of your anger stay at least at the truth.

Perfect example how people with problems try to find reasons and excuses to make everybody mad on us.

Over and Out.
(510N3D) DELETED by 510N3D : oops
This thread is starting to look like the one that mutated into munkies vs junkies. I only drove once on the fm server and once on the munkies server, and to me it was exactly the same story: team members are privileged, the usual flooding of the chat area, even the layout was exactly the same.

This whole thing gives a bad reputation to the mentioned teams, why don't they realise that? Have they lost their minds from driving around in circles? illepall
I have to laugh at how Tristan got flamed, he has the right to comment on anything he likes and how he wants it as does any member of this forum. We live in a world that promotes free speech, I think you better get used to it. You reactions and comments in this and other threads are poor.

You feel like you are being victimised? Maybe it's just the fact that you do things the wrong way. Have you thought of that?

With the way you have reacted in this thread, expect a hell of a lot more flaming in the coming weeks. You only have yourselves to blame.
Unfortunately I don't think this thread is going to progress anymore.

I hope the FM chaps realise that alot of people have actually tried to help and have given their opinions. As someone else said somewhere as an example, so many people surely can't be so wrong.

Take a chill pill guys, step back, ignore the spam and try not to be so defensive. IMO you guys have thrown a question over the wall and have not given the resonable responses the consideration they deserve.
I've seen nothing strange in Tristan's post. His judgment is based on the things he read in this thread and in FM's reactions and his point of view is clearly stated. He may be highly opinionated but he wasn't flaming, and he didn't deserve to be treated like this.
Quote from Thorvertonian :This post was by myself, and had nothing to do with FM team wanting anything. I wanted honest opinions and I think I got them! Thank you for you comments everyone, I feel this Thread now needs to be locked......


Goodness gracious, gents, let's all please remember the golden rule here: Do/say onto others as we would like them to do/say onto ourselves.

Listen- we're all racefans here, there's no need to get in a huge tiff. Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Plenty is revealed about a person when they voice their opinions, and the manner they do so...people have the ability to choose their "internet buddies" and what they believe to be true and not to be true about a subject.

If someone thinks Fragmaster is awesome, then who cares...it's really not that big of a deal. If someone thinks Fragmaster sucks....it's really not that big of a deal either...there are plenty of great servers/teams out there.

It's a big LFS world out there....and it's never too late to show someone respect. Just remember the old proverb- as iron sharpens iron, so should one man sharpen another.

But to stay with the topic of the board- haven't heard of you guys until now. I did the oval junkies server a couple times and got kicked, but not sure why, so I haven't been back. Perhaps it would be more fun with something other than the BF1- maybe mix it up. I wasn't a fan of being kicked either, haha, but no big woo- I just found another server to race in. I know you have to eliminate the people who think it's a banger server, but maybe it's too sensative on the ban.

Peace out!
youve got the right idea there m8, y cant people accept not everyone likes the same things and get on with it, however having sed that....

Quote :It's a big LFS world out there....and it's never too late to show someone respect.

sometimes ppl can take things to far and sometimes ppl do not deserve respect after somethings (speaking general, not specific to this thread that is, i dont want to be flamed or anything), btw, ive bin on an oval junkies server a few times and had no trouble, even when i do get hit by someone going the rong way round the track illepall
"1. Those who take a look at our forum see we do not treat anyone like you say. www.fragmaster.net Start counting. And we do not call anyone anything. It allways seems to you that.... and you allways think that... but there are no facts at all. And even those who made misstakes and/or other crap got another change to join our server and some needs even more then one which is ok.

2. You only read what you like to.

3. This hole thing is not true, you should work on your Pursuit mania.

4. You think but you dont know nothing about us at all.

5. Sure you cant remember. Because there may some positive things to say about us but i do not expect anything like that from you.

You have a problem with me personal nature thats what i see, and that was before this hole thread started. If you need such threads to get rid of your anger stay at least at the truth.

Perfect example how people with problems try to find reasons and excuses to make everybody mad on us."

1. your right, it seems that the thread's which i was talking about have either been deleted, or moved. But they were there, i have no reason to lie about it. Anyone who has visited your forum like i have, know's what i have said is true.

2. I havent read anything on there in quite a while, but why would I after reading what I HAVE read on there? And what the hell is pursuit mania, and what does it have to do with the couple of times i have joined you vent channel?

3. The whole thing IS true, again, i have no reason to lie about it.

4.Your right, i dont know a whole lot about you guy's, only what i have read on your forum and what i have experienced on your server.

5. All the thing's that i would say that are positive, i have already said. Again, i have no reason to lie.

I have no problem with you at all. Why would you think i am here to get rid of anger when your teammate asked me my opinion of your team? That dont make a whole lot of sense dude. It seem's like you have a problem with me because of my opinion's ive expressed here and on other thread's which you are subscribed. You dont need my help to get people "mad at you", you guys do a good job of that yourselves without any help. I have no problem personally with anyone on your team. I dont agree with the way you guy's handle yourself and thats it! Everything i have said in my post's is the truth, if you cant take it, either dont read it, or tell your team not to ask! I dont know what else to say. I have never been banned or kicked from your server (that i know of). I have no reason to be mad at yourself or anyone else on your team. So stop trying to make it out like im out to get you and the rest of the team..
Quote :That´s not personal mate. Tristans last post was completly frontin and flamin and if you can´t see that, you must miss life skill or intelligence. And I don´t want to go so far to call you stupid. So try to understand what people write in this thread and don´t just follow a position you don´t know about.

I just read Tristans last post and your pointing the finger in the wrong direction.

The other thing I didn't say in my post, because it may have been consieved as a personal attack, is that I didn't like the attitude displayed by the FM admins when on the Oval Junkies server - perhaps with all the negative ways of opinion toward your server it is prudent to mention this.

The biggest gripe I had when I tried your server was as soon as an admin "THOUGHT" somebody was not adhering to their rules - bearing in mind the admins where never spectating when i've been there, but racing, and therefore in a few cases quite definately totally and utterly wrong - they'd launch into them with a load of immature abuse.

Seeing replies by FM admins in this thread I can see the same parallel.

The difference is that on this forum you don't hold the ban stick so you can't have the last word. What you can learn from this - is this thread holds the backlash you would have heard if you hadn't booted all those users.
This thread is closed

What do you think of the Fragmaster Team?
(239 posts, closed, started )