BF2 every so often.. not online lol always found it to be extremely laggy for some odd reason (then again.. my video card can barely handle the insane graphics anyway

Wolfenstein Enemy Territory (get attached to that at random times lol)
..havent touched NFSU in a few years lol
the sims 2! oh yes! actually.. its quite fun building houses in that game
GPL every so often
GT4 (gotten a little into that just recently.. just for fun of it)
hm.. subspace/continuum.. havent touched that in MANY years rofl
odd.. i still have GTR demo on my HD.. owell lol
netkar i havent played in a while
airport tycoon i play.. well.. had the urge to one day lol.. not sure why
havent touched burnout 3 in a while
dont really play many games since my 5200 isnt exactly.. top of the line lol
i do want to play half life 2 though.. friend at school says it can be funny at times and is a good game overall (said it was funny when he picked up a boat and threw it at someone who was flying and killed them lol)
but ya.. not to many games for me; lol recently i havent been playing LFS that much either quite honestly.. havent spent but about an hour on it the past 2 weeks :S
yep.. thats pretty much it games wise