lol...this has been one interesting thread to read...ill give you all that much. Really makes good reading when your bored off your ass!
I am a member of EagleRaceTeam and that is a team that once was under the wing of Fragmaster, and we made a lot of friends over the time together. Now we are a more independent team, but still very closely tied with fragmaster. I really value every friendship I've made, as they are all pretty kool dudes. If you spent enough time with us (joining our Ventrilo server) you would see how quickly we could have a good time...and we are really open to people. Now, I don't understand why something little like this had to become soo huge, but it did, and shit like that happens.
But bottom line, NO ONE HAS TO LIKE THE OVAL!! It's just a different form of racing that doesn't catch on everywhere. I think some of my buddies need to see that. It's ok for someone not to like the form of racing they happen to do all day long.
But it's not ok to be soo rude and critical about it! If you don't like it...GREAT!

But don't be soo critical and rude about like "only idiots race oval, it takes no skill bla bla bla" There's no need for that. I started racing the oval, when EAGLE was an all-oval team, and I happened to be a big IndyCar/NASCAR fan. I'll tell you, it took skill to pull the things off that we did, and we had A LOT of fun doing it! But overall, I can still see how some of you may think about it because, when you look at it....we were just going around in circles. Still though, there is no reason to be so severe about it towards any oval fans whenever it gets brought up because, they dont go crazy over circuit racing.
I understand the anger some of you may have with the way you claim certain members behave AFTER being mistreated to begin with. You have to understand, they are severe because they are having to deal with this severe criticism of yours EVERYTIME something oval-related is brought up in these forums...again I wonder, WHY? I normally try to keep out of these discussions, but I see as there is this 7 PAGE THREAD ON NOTHING, I wanted to spill my 2 cents. I think, in order for these childish discussions to end, the community has to be a little more fair about the whole oval deal.
MAINLY, if it is an oval thread, and you don't like the oval, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU READ/POST IN THE THREAD!! Common, thats a simple one, just trying to get your post count up by starting controversy? Seriously, you don't like the oval, why get involved in an oval discussion.
Next, just be less severe when responding. Dont make your first response "...ah well, whatever...the oval is a stupid racing form that requires no skill what so ever and only idiots drive it. And those servers get so serious, like those FM dudes that have that dumb kick/ban abuse and auto-pit"
Common guys, grow up, there is no need for that. I mean if you don't make a senseless insult, why would they react harshly and then fuel your fire? Just do your part to avoid this shit.
Then, TO THE OVAL DRIVERS! Don't be so critical of your sport. You are going around in circles, so its easy for people to see it in a shallow immature way. But do YOUR part by not paying any attention. You see those senseless posts, dont even right a reply to those posts. Just continue on with the discussion directed towards those members that seemed interested. No reason to respond to that senseless stuff. But remember, I was an oval racer, so I kno what skill it took, and we all know it within our community. So leave it at that, no point in changing people. Just relax, have a good time like LFS was built for. Don't let a forum discussion work you up!
And for FM, you guys really got to be that LITTLE bit more tolerant of others. I understand the rules are there, easy to read, and they are there to promote better racing, but a lot of those drivers have never been on a server run like FM. I think FM is the only server with these programs. Let's just be a little more helpful, bring DOWN the Ban-o-meter, and just work with them. it will be a better result in the end. There is a lot of Banned drivers out there who get mad at the whole FM community because they claimed to be banned for no reason. Just be a bit more tolerant. No one wants to be BANNED from a server, so don't over abuse it and be more clear with these people. some people need a little more special attention than others

All in all, I hope people read this, understand, and do their part! Common mates, we're all friends here, brothers...we all share something: A PASSIONATE LOVE FOR RACING! ALL FORMS, whether they differ amongst us or not, we're all here to do the samething: RACE & HAVE FUN! So let's just cheer up and do our parts to help end this Oval vs. the world discussion. We should never be against should be a UNITED fight: RACERS vs. The idiots that think racing is not a sport!!!
So there's my it or not. And its unbiased, as I dont like to lean things in one way or the other. Besides I was once an oval racer, and a skilled one at that, and now am a circuit racer, another skilled i see both sides, and I know what it takes to be skilled in both sides. And to quote my good friend th84...
Let's just "AGREE TO DISAGREE''! that's what seperates us from the rest of the animals and the idiots in the world...we can choose how to react to others!
Have fun, and my regards,
RaCeR or SennABoy