US Elections 2012
(493 posts, started )
Quote from CSF :Don't tell me you believe in god and attend church every week.

Theres nothing wrong with being a religious person. Abortion = murder
Quote from Bmxtwins :The large majority are from middle class white americans who have a comfortable life.


Quote from Bmxtwins :Regardless, its still immoral to terminate any life.

Including Osama bin Laden? How about death row inmates?

Quote from Mustangman759 :Theres nothing wrong with being a religious person.

Allowing religious dogma to override logic and reason is wrong, IMO.
@ Kingsbury's. But then 73% abort for reasons due to being unable to afford a baby, so its putting the needs of the baby first. And then if I put my troll face on I could also argue that everytime you put on a condom before sex you're denying the chance of life
#279 - CSF
Quote from Mustangman759 :Theres nothing wrong with being a religious person. Abortion = murder

Allowing religion to cloud judgement is a very dangerous game, and is exactly what is wrong with American politics.
#280 - CSF
Quote from amp88 :Source?

Including Osama bin Laden? How about death row inmates?

Allowing religious dogma to override logic and reason is wrong, IMO.

And the people the US has killed in 'Gods War' in Iraq.
Quote from Mustangman759 :Abortion = murder

So is masturbation serial murder on an unprecedented scale? I imagine a good proportion of this forum would be up there with Pol Pot.
Quote from Crashgate3 :So is masturbation serial murder on an unprecedented scale? I imagine a good proportion of this forum would be up there with Pol Pot.


So, for all you US pro lifers.

If you can't carry out abortions, why have either the death penalty for adults, or murder adults in your endless wars to bring 'democracy' to people who are unfortunate enough to live in a country who's resources you want to steal.

Check Romneys response when he was questioned on the presidential death list........

And, Obama was the lesser evil, Romney was the most moderate ? Then why was Ron Paul taken out with massive voting fraud.

He would have won the election easily as he spoke real sense, of course he would have never got your controlled senates support, but he would have represented most intelligent American voters views.

But, why bother being pro life for fetus's, yet be happy murdering adults or children.
Maybe it's only me that sees how stupid that opinion is, or is it just that murdering brown people is fine as they aren't People.

See my George Carlin quote earlier.
Does anyone want to take a shot at explaining the whole 'ZOMG OBAMA IS BLACK MUSLIM' and 'ZOMG OBAMA IS MARXIST/SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST' I've seen banded around the past few months online and in the media and heard from friends?
Quote from DeadWolfBones :...and Republicans are also for making it more difficult to get birth control.

No, they just dont want to give it away at shools.

On the other hand romney won popular vote so **** obama.
Quote from Racer X NZ :Lolz

So, for all you US pro lifers.

If you can't carry out abortions, why have either the death penalty for adults, or murder adults in your endless wars to bring 'democracy' to people who are unfortunate enough to live in a country who's resources you want to steal.

Check Romneys response when he was questioned on the presidential death list........

And, Obama was the lesser evil, Romney was the most moderate ? Then why was Ron Paul taken out with massive voting fraud.

He would have won the election easily as he spoke real sense, of course he would have never got your controlled senates support, but he would have represented most intelligent American voters views.

But, why bother being pro life for fetus's, yet be happy murdering adults or children.
Maybe it's only me that sees how stupid that opinion is, or is it just that murdering brown people is fine as they aren't People.

See my George Carlin quote earlier.

If there was a feck off button on the bottom of posts youd have the highest out of anyone in this forum
#286 - CSF

Donald Trump, everybody. Complains that Obama didn't win the public vote (wrong). Bet he didn't complain in 2000.
#288 - CSF
Hmmmm, I don't see how Romney got more votes... Maybe that's who BMXtwins real father is.

Quote from Bmxtwins :Yes and 2% of abortions are rape babies. The large majority are from middle class white americans who have a comfortable life. Regardless, its still immoral to terminate any life.

I like how you pull this stuff out of your ass while knowing what you are saying is not even true. Where do you get the number that 2% of abortions are "rape babies" (fetus is not a baby just like sperm or ovum isn't)? Or where do you get the statistics showing that majority of abortions are from middle class americans who have "confortable life"?

And if it is immoral to terminate "any life" then what about sperm, tumors and removal of appendix? Amputations? Should I tell my dentist that he is immoral person because he removed my wisdom teeth? Should we stone him? Perfectly living teeth! Maybe we should stop taking medicine too because it literally kills bad bacteria? Or are those bad bacteria immoral and deserve to be punished by a heavy dosage of aspirin?

If you want real life example what happens when abortion is illegal you take a look at africa. If killing women is your goal then making abortions illegal is one of the best ways to do it.
The Republicans lost because their most attractive policy of small government and minimal economic interference has been hijacked by fundamentalists who have very unattractive views on death penalties, gay marriages etc... It presents a very confused image and makes them rather ugly. It's very hard to vote for Republicans even IF you agree with their economic vision (though is still more bias towards crony capitalism than free-market capitalism)

There is also another problem. The most talented people who are into free-markets, small government, low taxes 'tend' (I say that hesitantly) don't want to go into government jobs. They 'tend' to get good jobs, start their own businesses and become successful and wealthy individuals. And Romney proves even if this type of individual gets into politics they find it hard to 'relate' to the electorate.

Those who believe in social justice and distribution of wealth (and I hesitate again) tend to want to go into governmental jobs. You don't find many right-wingers working for the state (and I know several state workers who back that theory up). So the most talented and charismatic left wingers end up proving very popular politicians, because that's the obvious career route to take.

And that's why you end up with the charismatic and talent Obama trouncing someone like Romney... well that's my theory anyway
Quote from Bmxtwins :If there was a feck off button on the bottom of posts youd have the highest out of anyone in this forum

So then your saying don't carry out abortions, wait till their born then murder them then.

Interesting moral stand
Quote from Bmxtwins :If there was a feck off button on the bottom of posts youd have the highest out of anyone in this forum

You might shoot yourself in the foot with this one.
Just got this email from my brother. Really sums up how we both feel about the election.

Quote :And so begin the postmortems. I think the Romney campaign will be a lesson for the ages that you cannot lie and scheme your way to the presidency. The country would have survived if he won, but such a victory would have essentially been fraudulent. In one of my gov classes last year, we were talking about how all the indicators (unemployment, economic growth, etc) suggested that this was an election in which the incumbent should lose. Obama did not triumph in this election; Romney was just too awful of a candidate to ever win. Not liked by conservatives, moderates, or liberals. He fooled people for a little while with the good debate performance, but enough people saw through it and realized that he's a snake.

Another part of his email brought up a story that no one has really talked about. Interesting, because we're going to need a new flag if the story carries through.

Quote :Another interesting story is unfolding that has been almost completely drowned out by the presidential coverage. Puerto Rico held a referendum on their status last night, and it appears that statehood has come out as the preferred choice. The referendum was non-binding, but it is believed that Puerto Rican officials will begin to draft congressional legislation admitting them to the union. We may have a 51st state soon enough.

Quote from Rappa Z :Just got this email from my brother. Really sums up how we both feel about the election.

Another part of his email brought up a story that no one has really talked about. Interesting, because we're going to need a new flag if the story carries through.

There's an inherent conflict with the Republicans that I think will take a long time to solve.

How can anyone who believes in true small-government justify wanting to 'run the show' as a president. "Hi, elect me so I can do nothing!" It's a very hard sell, and it will always come across as crony-capitalism. And as I said before anyone 'free-market' person tends to run businesses and actually get on with life which once again will raise questions about their 'motives' if they ever wanted to be pres.
Quote from Bmxtwins :If there was a feck off button on the bottom of posts youd have the highest out of anyone in this forum

If the choice is limited to drones spouting religious dogma flying in the face of logic and reason and saying things which are blatantly lies (such as Romney winning the popular vote) and someone who occasionally (OK, maybe more than occasionally... ) comes up with far-fetched theories supported by questionable sources I know who I'd rather listen to. At least Racer X is somewhat creative and tries to find those sources (questionable as they may be).

US Elections 2012
(493 posts, started )