The online racing simulator
(228 posts, closed, started )
It seems that the Lapper (from the first post) works on my windows xp but not on windows server.
is possible that it comes from net framework?

any way this is the holiday of Christmas, Merry Christmas to all :wmann3:
Hello to all,

thanks to Bishtop, he found the solution that is very strange, in fact we just changed the server port and inSIM port and it worked.

I do not know what to say except thank you Bishtop

Hello Yisc[NL],

I add in this version trace of last 100 incoming packet. This packets are traced in ERR file. Please give me this trace when server crash.

Thank you.

Attached files - 108.7 KB - 791 views
Had another crash with the debug version.
Console says this:

Error in SMALL TypeSmall valus is 171, reset to 0

I've attached the log file.
Attached files - 40.1 KB - 651 views
Thanks Gai-Luron, I have installed your latest test version on my servers.
Now we will have to wait and see what happens.
I really hope you fixed it.
Just a quick update, so far so good.
The real test will be this sunday evening when Absolute Beginners have their racenight.
I can confirm that the problem is solved.
Racing night has just been finished and Lapper ran as smooth as possible.
Thank you so much for you help Gai-Luron.
Do you need to apply this fix to version 6.x as well?

Sound good. Thank you for your help. Yes i need to apply this to all my applications.

Bye bye

lapper 6.013

1/8/2013 9:17:36 PM

Lapper Instance abort!

System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)
в System.BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte[] value, Int32 startIndex)
в InSim.Decoder.SMALL..ctor(Byte[] packet) в C:\LFSLapper_SVN\src\InSim4.cs:строка 942
в LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection) в C:\LFSLapper_SVN\src\LFSClient\loop.cs:строка 1032
в LFSLapper.LFSClient.doloop() в C:\LFSLapper_SVN\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:строка 561
в LapperInstances.LapperInstance.doConnection() в C:\LFSLapper_SVN\src\LFSInstances\LapperInstance.cs:строка 247
Void ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(System.ExceptionArgument, System.ExceptionResource)
Closing Instance...
Hello,Good bye, thank, my sister is beautifull, how do you do?

Read post before your own. Be patient or try to dev

Sorry, i'm reading english so bad

Release available to replace

Correct LFSLapper issue with 0.6E.
Replace only LFSLapper.exe

Don't replace Krayy version with this version. I wait for Krayy to give him a patch for his version.


I just wanted to say thank you for this update which works perfectly.

I just had another Lapper (version 5.x) crash.
Again it seems to have something to do with the new LFS packets.
I was driving on the track and a 2nd person came in and typed !top.
The log is showing what happened, hopefully this can be fixed.
Attached files - 13.5 KB - 683 views
(sarxes) DELETED by sarxes : Old and not relevant already.
New LFSLapper version:

|Changes from to|
1. LapperInsimVersion changed to Version 7 (Thanks to Yisc[NL])

2. New Events:
Event OnCarContact($PlayerA,$PlayerB,$PlayerA_Speed,$PlayerB_Speed,$PlayerA_X,$PlayerB_X,$PlayerA_Y,$PlayerB_Y) # Player event
Event OnCrossingChecker($userName,$Flags,$Time,$Object,$UserSpeed,$CircleIndex) # Player event

3.New PlayerVar:
Z, //Height of player on track
|Changes from v6.014 to |
1. New player vars (case sensitive):
ObjectContactSpeed, //Speed of player when hitting a object
ObjectContactHead, //Heading of player when hitting a object
ObjectContactDir, //Direction of player when hitting a object

AccelerationStartSpeed2, // Min value for the acceleration feature relative to user unit km or mph
AccelerationEndSpeed2, // Max value for the acceleration feature relative to user unit km or mph
AccelerationTime2, // Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed

2. New Lapper Vars
$AccelerationStartSpeed2 = 100; # At which speed to start measuring time. In km/h
$AccelerationEndSpeed2 = 160; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In km/h
$AccelerationStartSpeedMph2 = 60; # At which speed to start measuring time. In Mph
$AccelerationEndSpeedMph2 = 100; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In Mph
$AccelerationPrivateMaxTime2 = 10; # Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message

$DetectHitObject = ""; #To get objectstrings for detection look at docs/ObjectHit.txt

3. New Events:
Event OnAcceleration2( $userName ) # Player event
Event OnObjectHit($userName,$ObjectFlag,$ObjectHitTime,$Object_X,$Object_Y,$Object_Z,$ObjectType) # Player event

Great to see a new version of Lapper being released.
I did notice that the file 'trackList.cfg' isn't up-to-date.
So here's the correct file, which you might want to include in a future release.
Attached files
trackList.txt - 1.7 KB - 502 views

I have changed the TrackList file in the DEV version.
The future release could take a while, because i have to update the scripts on my lapper.

Thank you all for testing and enjoy the new version of LFSLapper.
Me too, i'm glad to see new version of the LFSLapper.

Good job guys Wink
Yes, I appreciate the work you've put in too. Thumbs up

Now about these Autocross start lights.... Nod
As promised: New LFSLapper Version

Contains function to control autoX startlights.

|Changes from to|
1. New Lapperfunction:
startlightcontrol(5,149,1,1); #Control AutoX StartLights // More info in 'Control StartLights.txt' in 'Docs' folder. includes Examplecode

2. Renamed/added Objects for $DetectHitobject var.
Changed: All_Railings' renamed to 'All_Armco
Add: Railing

Have Fun
Attached files
LFSLapper V7.0.4.0.rar - 2.2 MB - 855 views
Two minor fixes for LFSLapper.lpr

Line 1250

Current line: privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_outpitwindows}%", GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName"] ) ));
Should be: privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_outpitwindows}%", GetCurrentPlayerVar("NickName") ) );

Line 1255

Current line: privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_pitwork}%", GetCurrentPlayerVar("pitWork") ) );
Should be: privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_pitwork}%", GetCurrentPlayerVar("PitWork") ) );
Fixed in the dev version.
I've fixed an unhandled exception which caused Lapper to crash, instead of just showing an error in the log file.

Filename: GLScript.cs
Line: 1039

Current line: throw;
Should be: throw new GLScriptException("';' needed");
This thread is closed

(228 posts, closed, started )