A General Note to Series Competitors
Thank you guys for sticking with us through this point in the RNCS. Sadly, these Kyoto 400 practice sessions have been full of disrespect towards one another and full of bad crashes. It's not so much the crashes which bother me as it is the disrespect. You'll notice when you see the credit list for session 2 that we were very strict with credit for attending apractice session once again. There probably are people who deserve credit who will not get it due to one little incident. We can't allow this to continue here in the Realistic NASCAR Cup Series, and this is what we are forced to do about it. I'm sorry, but in order for the Kyoto 400 and other future events to go as planned we must make it very difficult to receive practice session credits. I'm sorry, and I hoped that it wouldn't come to this, but it has.

Please stick with us through these practice sessions and continue to act as well as you are able to.This will allow us to pick through the bad drivers and attitudes effectively. Please don't give into the attitude of those who are mador what not. We inside of Race Control are doing everything that we can to keep these practice sessions running smoothly and effectively, we ask that you do the same.

Do not mistake me when I say this: We will race the Kyoto 400 with only 15 competitors if that is the number of competitors who are able to race cleanly and respect one another.

Just because you attend two practice sessions doesn't mean that you will race in the Kyoto 400. You must attend two practice sessions and race cleanly, safely, and respectably in them from flag to flag. No excuses will be accepted. To this point nobody has been banned from competition in the Kyoto 400. I'd like to keep it that way, but it is up to those who participate in the Kyoto 400 Practice Sessions if this will remain true. If it comes February 10th and you havn't received 2 session credits you simply will not be racing with us in the Kyoto 400. No appeals will be permitted, no PMs will be answered unless we have made some sort of mistake. I'm sorry, but this is the way that it has to be.

I am tired of drivers trying to get one anther into trouble! We havn't listened to it yet, and we never will. All it does is cause us in race control to have a distraction. If you're told to do something; do it. Ask a question once, but DO NOT ask it again. Is it that hard?

Now, with that said, we are only putting in place one change for the Kyoto 400 at this time. From now on, the SC speed for the Kyoto 400 will be 75mph (120 km/h). This will allow more time for competitors to enter pitlane and exit without being lapped.

The Kyoto 400 Skin Thread is up as well, please check it out. If you have any issues with it please PM me and I will look into fixing those problems.

Thanks for sticking with us, and I hope to bring you guys one of the best oval races of the year after this messy process is complete.

CameronCorns – Director ofRealistic NASCAR
admins did a really nice job today. Couldn't understand a thing kid said and half the time it seemed like you were dyslexic and reading numbers wrong Cameron [stick to names :P]. But other than that it was a really pleasant race. I got involved in a few incidents which were ultimately accidents. Not really mad at anyone. I filed a protest because I was disappointed however, something that usually never happens.
it would maybe be fixed by making the series more skill and less luck. With that I mean less ky1 and more more fe24,indianapolis,kilimonjaro and other smaller ovals. IRL Nascar only has 2 super speedways over 30 (or more, just started following it) races. Here we have 5 out of six, and 2 full throttle all the way behind right after each other. The rage from r1 is taken to r2. And everyone is going for p1, otherwise you will not win the championship, because if you drive smart, you wont have time to come back from point distance. All that rage and unbelievable hard racing causes hatred and disrespect.

theres only 1 race where you need to put your skills in and thats the fe24 race. The 3 races after needs only a little skill, but luckily is not full throttle and the tyres will overheat, but still will be very high speeds.

hope this helped you,
Its not just in this championship.I do not participate in many leagues, but from my observations this disrespect and hatred is everywhere these days
Quote from kochomoch :Its not just in this championship.I do not participate in many leagues, but from my observations this disrespect and hatred is everywhere these days

true. the whole world became disrespect and hatred. sad
I agree that more variability in tracks would be great. We rely on what we have now and that's been the same for years.
Thing is, if you want to organise event on autocross, you are limited to 16 cars. It also brings more trouble, when it comes to pitting ("cannot reset - would cause yellow" stuff) etc.
Also if you think that XRT, LX6 and particularly FZ5 aren't skill related, i'm looking forward to seeing you in these races. :P
Xrt is definitely the best
The F24 race combined with the FZ5/KY1 race are really the only ones that sound entertaining where it isn't flat out and highly boring and aggrevating (chaos).
Had we more time and people to help organize the Fern Bay race, I would have liked to knock out the Stock Car 250 (FZR) and put in another F24 race with XRG or something of the sort, but I'm not sure how well the Fern Bay 150 will go. If it goes well, I'll look into running a Kyoto 400, IndyCar 250, 2 or 3 races at F24, and one or two tough races on KY1 (RAC, FZ5) for 2014.

The LX6 should be a little like the XRT on the Kyoto oval, but we'll have to see.
I disagree. You can not blame the track for hatred and disrespect, it's the people that participate that cause this.

I have had lots of good oval racing on kyoto oval and if i remember well a couple of weeks ago we raced on autocross with oval layout and it was exactly the same shit with the same people. I like the new tough approach Corny's is taking even if it's gonna mean a smaller field.

Also when u say ky1 is flat out and takes no skill i disagree. Tactics play a bigger role here, when do u bumpdraft, when do u do regular drafting and when do u try to sneak away. When do u pit, etc. Makes it more interesting than the mini ovals imo.
Quote from ChristijaNL :I disagree. You can not blame the track for hatred and disrespect, it's the people that participate that cause this.

I have had lots of good oval racing on kyoto oval and if i remember well a couple of weeks ago we raced on autocross with oval layout and it was exactly the same shit with the same people. I like the new tough approach Corny's is taking even if it's gonna mean a smaller field.

Also when u say ky1 is flat out and takes no skill i disagree. Tactics play a bigger role here, when do u bumpdraft, when do u do regular drafting and when do u try to sneak away. When do u pit, etc. Makes it more interesting then the mini ovals imo.

I'm not blaming the track. I say its a helping factor
Quote from ChristijaNL :I disagree. You can not blame the track for hatred and disrespect, it's the people that participate that cause this.

I have had lots of good oval racing on kyoto oval and if i remember well a couple of weeks ago we raced on autocross with oval layout and it was exactly the same shit with the same people. I like the new tough approach Corny's is taking even if it's gonna mean a smaller field.

Also when u say ky1 is flat out and takes no skill i disagree. Tactics play a bigger role here, when do u bumpdraft, when do u do regular drafting and when do u try to sneak away. When do u pit, etc. Makes it more interesting than the mini ovals imo.

I agree completely. As I said last night: 'All regulars doing the oval, we should expect improvement, it is not happening'. Regular track, should make the racing better. Now you want a to use a new track, better racing is not going to happen.

Past weekend's DoP (Desire of PATIENCE) 24 hour race... not one incident between 2 cars, not one chat line for 24 hours, not one bad word uttered. Completely different crowd, utter respect for each other.

I don't have an issue per se with kiddies driving leagues, but every oval race I have taken part where kiddies were allow (even FM), same thing - should be in bed or doing homework and doing something for their futures instead of thinking that bad attitudes are ok in public. DoP - age limit 16.

I love the oval, and damn, IMO, there is an awesome lot of skills involved. The problem is with those drivers thinking that the oval is about 'foot down, turn left turn left'.
I race at ndr primarily, the admins at rn are no wheres neAr as strict
Not sure whether this is the correct thread, but lacking any better thread:

Last night's qualification session was defined to be 20min, hardcore (no shift-s or -p).

Now I don't know whether 'hardcore' is a word used to define a type of qualification in American Nascar, but seeing that it is not defined in RN's rulesbook, I ask admins to refrain from using such subjective words.

For me:

'Hardcore' means: 1 driver qualifiy at a time, 1 out, 2 hot, 1 inlap, no shift-s or -p allowed, like what was done in every RN qualification session I ever attended.

Suddenly when quali started, everybody jumped out of the pits, started to drive like mad, I did not have a clue what was going on (note: me staying in the pits after everyone started).

'Free' qualification - means for me what last night happened.

I never understood it to mean that you start with quali, but when you shift-s or shift-p, yor session is over or you get penalised. So, I refueled to 4%, ran 4 laps, ran out of fuel and tried to coast to the pits to refuel. Wham bang someone drive full speed on the apron into me. After that it seemed like a lot of drivers shift-s or -p'd, I did not know it was allowed to o it as long as you do not join,

For the first time ever I uttered 3 words during quali -'sry', 'wait, new set'. Well, forgive me, but that was surely better than 'perm', 'perm', 'perm', 'perm', for 1000 times. Or not????????

Please define practise sessions better.

By the tim the race started, I was dismayed, after running into a crash twice, after avoiding one crash after 2 subsequent reestarts, I wasn't in the mood any longer.

After listening to all the bickering, I was not in the mood any longer tro raceeither, if I wanted conflict, I'll spent more time wih my wife, instead of trying to relax after work.

When I google 'hardcore', I just get porn in any case.
Hardcore in LFS is used for qualifying (and race) sessions,where you're not allowed to shift+P or spec until you decide to end your session.
The one you described as hardcore is actually hotlap qualifying,where everyone drives a limited amount of hotlaps without anyone else on track (or near you).

PS. About these "perm"s - maybe if chat is closed,than it's closed? Otherwise there will be these perms all the time. Since there is TS mandatory,you can still contact admins via that.
Thanks Rony for clarifying - have heard the term on lfs, but never saw a definition.

Agree on the 'perm' thing, no chat is no chat.
I should have defined the qualifying a little more. That is my fault and I'll be sure to clarify that next time and every time after that

The issue with not allowing any kind of chat is that people are not able to contact that admins in the event of an issue unless they want to minimize LFS (if they can't speak via TS that is).

Would it be an issue if we allowed only $SC and $Pcheck to be used and no other text messages? I could definitely arrange that, and it would make penalties a lot easier to hand out
Quote from Eclipsed :Hardcore in LFS is used for qualifying (and race) sessions,where you're not allowed to shift+P or spec until you decide to end your session.
The one you described as hardcore is actually hotlap qualifying,where everyone drives a limited amount of hotlaps without anyone else on track (or near you).

PS. About these "perm"s - maybe if chat is closed,than it's closed? Otherwise there will be these perms all the time. Since there is TS mandatory,you can still contact admins via that.

admins didn't answer teamspeak half the time.
Quote from Bmxtwins :admins didn't answer teamspeak half the time.

90% of the things which were communicated to us were none issues or petty things. Those which weren't required reviewing and were not responded to very quickly.
Quote from Jettascuba :I agree completely. As I said last night: 'All regulars doing the oval, we should expect improvement, it is not happening'. Regular track, should make the racing better. Now you want a to use a new track, better racing is not going to happen.

Past weekend's DoP (Desire of PATIENCE) 24 hour race... not one incident between 2 cars, not one chat line for 24 hours, not one bad word uttered. Completely different crowd, utter respect for each other.

I don't have an issue per se with kiddies driving leagues, but every oval race I have taken part where kiddies were allow (even FM), same thing - should be in bed or doing homework and doing something for their futures instead of thinking that bad attitudes are ok in public. DoP - age limit 16.

I love the oval, and damn, IMO, there is an awesome lot of skills involved. The problem is with those drivers thinking that the oval is about 'foot down, turn left turn left'.

you cant simply compare a road race to oval races. In road races its easier to not have a crash with others, since if you make a mistake, you will be in the grass or gravel. Also on oval you're always close to others at high speeds. If you make a small mistake there, you can takeout half of the field.

KY1 is the oval of LFS of course, but the low bankings and the huge draft is making it impossible to not slide to the outside into each other. On fe24 I never saw a big accident. Not even a spin. Because the speeds are lower it's easier to say when one car is beside you.

about the age limit. It's not controlable, since it's easy to make a new lfs account and buy s2 again with different identity. Even though I also want that age restriction.
Just want to ask, why is everyone looking on age.. I don't think that age should be controlled, not only because i will not be possible to drive, but also, ask yourself, everyone who caused incident was under 16?
Because younger people tend to act more wrecklessly
Quote from Bmxtwins :Because younger people tend to act more wrecklessly

Did I act wrecklessly, ever? Last year I was 16. It really does depend on the person. Some 14 year olds act better that 20 year olds.