You think $130 is expensive? Come to Ontario. Better yet, come to Toronto. I got quoted at $330/mo for a '98 Neon, parked in a secure, underground heated carpark with real security guards in a good area of the city, with a completely clean driving record and absolutely nothing of value in the car, ever (it doesn't even have a CASSETTE player ffs). Yea. I laugh at your $130. Laugh out of jealousy. Ha.
Of course, a buddy of mine pays $46/mo for his insurance in Regina (well, did, before he moved out here permanently. Now he doesn't have a car, like me, because no one can afford one).
That aside, I'm pulling in about $3500/mo on my paycheques right now. But, I don't get taxes taken off (contract), so you can lop that down to about $2600/mo. Then I pay $1700/mo in rent. Then $75/mo for my phone. Then $135/mo for my crap cable and internet. Then about $200/mo for food. Then, I have a girlfriend, so there goes the rest of it

It's actually kind of depressing; the cheques themselves are usually about $4000, after HST (as a contract worker, I have to collect HST on top of my rate to give to the government, which is about $455), and work expenses. But, most of that isn't really my money. Damn taxes.