The online racing simulator
Drift HARD!!!
(33 posts, started )
#1 - Litro
Drift HARD!!!
Well.. the name.. and stuff... Can you give video from more angles? It looks like completly my bad from this POV.. but you were blocking a lot, etc. I wanted to talk to you, but ragequit..

Sorry from me..
I find this difficult to masturbate on.
#4 - Litro
Denny12, if you feel offended, post a replay.
This is Sparta !! Drift Edition XDD. Nice vid
Dorifto kingiiiiiii
Quote from Denny12 :Well.. the name.. and stuff... Can you give video from more angles? It looks like completly my bad from this POV.. but you were blocking a lot, etc. I wanted to talk to you, but ragequit..

Sorry from me..

I could send the open series of RN race 1 here XD
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :I could send the open series of RN race 1 here XD

I could send the open series of RN race 2 here...
#9 - Litro
Just do it!
Quote from Denny12 :I could send the open series of RN race 2 here...

please do, I hit the apron when I hit you, because I wanted to leave you enough space.
Its long replay....what time must see?
P.S. Heres replay of this video(time 5:00)
Attached files
AS2_race_15L_16R_0F.mpr - 1.1 MB - 216 views
Its oval, but in dat replay there was autocross.
Quote from Litro :Its oval, but in dat replay there was autocross.


Of course he would never send that replay, because he knows why


That's the moment that Mr. Korený was speaking about. When Mr. Majoor can send that. It's also good to send this

And now some videos!
OK, saw dat, but what about that autocross race?
About autocross.. It was my fail, The track didn't fit me much, but its true that i shouldn't ever try to race if I wasn't prepared.. So yea, I tried it, but it was bad one from me, I alredy said somewhere my opinion about it (RN subsection).. I made many mistakes, but This one was solved by admins.. If they were right or not, thats not on us to disscuss.. I didn't get the licence for this anyway...
Better to discuss and apologize. And not try to do it again.
Quote from Litro :Better to discuss and apologize. And not try to do it again.

I apologized to him. one moment of not concentrating enough made me hit the apron. I wanted to keep it straight so countersteered. That he was just there is just bad luck. His win didn't got effected, I apologized...
I apogolized too, and did not started with bringing back old things..
But I am still wondering why bmx was still there..
Quote from Denny12 :I apogolized too, and did not started with bringing back old things..
But I am still wondering why bmx was still there..

because shift s or p wasn't allowed. did you even read the rules?
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :because shift s or p wasn't allowed. did you even read the rules?

And standing on track was?
Quote from Denny12 :And standing on track was?

well, do you want me to turn back into traffic with the damage I had?

Drift HARD!!!
(33 posts, started )