I watched 85th Oscars this night. Damn what a long night it was.. I even almost felt asleep at some stages. Ok... So, speaking about the winners, I am extremely happy for Life Of Pi winning oscar in Cinematography and Original Score nomination. That decision made by academic movie critics was really great.

Also, I was really happy to see Christopher Waltz winning Best Supporting Actor, 'cos let's face it - he blew all his opponents far away. He is an extreme talent as Daniel Day-Lewis is which won fairly (I would have been happy for Denzel Washington as well). Although, I was not satisfied with nomination Best Original Song. Adele is on the wave, so the formula is simple: she takes everything, 'cos of her status. It's not FAIR. Just listen to the composition of "Pi's Lullaby" from Life of Pi. Such a greatness. How did such a song not win? Unbelievable. Well, it's quite awkward to rate when I've not seen Lincoln yet. Well, I saw Argo and I don't agree it's the best movie this year. Even Life of Pi with its adapted screenplay is much more involving, interesting, so does Unchainned Django with an original screenplay is(happy for this film winning in Best Original Screenplay nomination). I am happy for Ang Lee winning Best Director nomination.