I seem to misunderstood the thread topic, me silly thought it's about recommending good films.

now I'll stick to topic and try to bitch about what film is worse than another and also pick up a good film that everyone likes and start flamewar saying it's terrible.
To be sure I checked my ratings history on IMDB and the worst films in there (1/10) are:
Twilight series, Prince Charming, Bulletproof Monk, Home Alone 3 (idk why), Constantine, Meet the Spartans, Blair Witch 2, Jumper, Alien vs Predator, Disaster Movie.
And the worst films with huge promotion I've seen lately are Thor and Sucker Punch. Absolutely terrible, unwatchable films for little children who enjoy empty films full of special effects and handsome actors. They both earnd 3/10 tho.