haha Squid Fear and Loathing is one of my favroute films :X
Well it's been a busy film week for me.
M: Watched this and knew I would love it after the opening 5 minutes. Never have I been in such suspense before from a film. Truly a masterpiece!
2 Days in Paris: Wasn't sure what type of film it was just happened to catch it on tv. Well it was the first romantic comedy I have ever enjoyed. was very good (Also they watched "M" in it. was spooky to see that scene twice in one day)
Before sunrise: Well thaught I would try another romantic film. Was blown away by this film. They managed to keep the talk intresting for the full time. Also I loved the camera angles and general photography of Vienna. The awkwardness of the characters was palpable.
Before sunset: Thaught I would catch up with them 9 years later. Was a good sequel and the emotion was very tense. Great ending too!
The science of sleep: I love the Gondry music videos and din't know what this would be like. MAD it is the only way to describe it. The lead character is bordeline crazy and the bohemian people he meets are equally crazy. amazing use of stop motion and dream sequences. Was very good but took me a little to get into. Cooky and french is the best way I can describe it
Manhattan: My first real experience of Woody Allen in a film. The photography of the film is superb, as was the musical score. It all tied together perfectly! Black and white made it stand out even more to me. Must say other than Woody's character I didn't much like the characters/acting.
Double Indemnity: Oh my god, reminded me of a less glamorous LA Confidential. The lead lady is so manipulative. This tied with a quick qitted but seemingly unintelligent man makes for amazing viewing. This gripped me from beggining to end, And oh what an end!
12 Angry Men: I loved the claustrophobic nature of the film. the locked doors, the total cross section of people. Absolutely stunning acting by every single character. The simple script does nothing to dull this film. I think it may have even helped it. Watching the characters grow throughout is mesmerising(sp?)!
I told you it's been a busy week for me
WIll be watching "Once upon a time in the west" tonight so shall give you an update tomorrow/later on in the week. I imagine i'll be watching a lot more films this week too!