Quote from syfing :Last edited by Kyotee; Today at 23:34. Reason: Updated files XD

Psch. The URL broooke.
New version creeping around the corner!
Kyotee, I'm having issues with the ENB. I unpacked the .RAR in my main LFS folder just how you stated. I start the game and on the upper left corner it appears that the ENB starts well saying some stuff about Gta, etc. But all I was seing was a black screen, I thought it would take more time to load because of the ENB, but no. So I figured out that the screen is black when the ENB is on, because I pressed Shift + F12 to disable it in-game and that way I can see the game menu and everything (but in bad quality). Also if I minimize the game using Alt + Tab and then maximize it, the game crashes/force closes.

Any idea how to arrive to a solution? Thanks in advance for your work.
Try the new version.
Hello again Kyotee, thanks for the support, the ENB did work well this time, but my graphics card can't handle the settings as I thought it would. It's an Xfx 9800 GT. My fps lowed too much and the game was unplayable.

BUT, I tried pressing Shift + F12 and the settings of the ENB changed and everything looked a lot much more colorful and I had good fps and it was playable very well. I guess these are the "medium" or "low" settings.

Question: Is there any way to set these "medium" or low" as the default settings when starting the game? Also, is there a way for you to make different ENB packs with different settings like: one for highest settings, one for medium and one for low? I guess that would incentive users to use the ones that suit them better in terms of performance with the game. I'm looking forward to use a medium or low settings pack.

Thanks in advance for all your work, good to see LFS is still improvable.
Is everything supposed to be so dark and black? I also have a HUGE FPS drop... From 250 to 30. Nice...
The "performance" patch made an improvement, but still the game isn't playable at 25 fps. I guess my computer can't handle this graphical improvement.
Bump for update.
I run 2 x HD7970's, and with the High setting, I get 2fps....
Another thing anoying the crap out of me, is the blur effect witch is totaly useless, I got it turned down by turning off motionblur and alternative depth..

I just can't get this working...
Quote from =Wolf=[NO] :I run 2 x HD7970's, and with the High setting, I get 2fps....
Another thing anoying the crap out of me, is the blur effect witch is totaly useless, I got it turned down by turning off motionblur and alternative depth..

I just can't get this working...

Turn off motion blur and depth of field, then delete effect.txt
Also, I run a single 680 and I got 40 FPS fine. Turn down your AA.
(anbiddulph) DELETED by anbiddulph
Bump because updates and stuff.
(Denny12) DELETED by Flame CZE : post not needed anymore
WTF?! Ugly cars
I have to disagree, most of them seem pretty good (considering the LFS's polygon limitations)

sad that the BMW one didn't fitted right on the wheeltrack :/
Quote from Specht77 :I have to disagree, most of them seem pretty good (considering the LFS's polygon limitations)

sad that the BMW one didn't fitted right on the wheeltrack :/

Agreed, but hey, they're just there for demonstration. This isn't a carpack, remember.
Why was my image removed, exactly? This is my thread, I think it's allowed to contain images of what I want.

There's no rule against it in the forum guidelines.
Very cool work mate, nice blur!

i have a one question.
How can i delete those additionals shadows when the blur effect is on? Is it possible? You can see, my car is glowing around
Quote from Papadogas :Very cool work mate, nice blur!

i have a one question.
How can i delete those additionals shadows when the blur effect is on? Is it possible? You can see, my car is glowing around

If you want to remove just the glowing effect, change "UseIndirectLighting=1" to "UseIndirectLighting=0" under enbseries.ini. To remove the shadowing effect entirely, copy the enbseries.ini file from the Medium Config folder.

Thanks for the reply.
Yeah thats cool but for normal cruising the distant blur effect is annoying and useless, how can I disable it completely?

Quote from Runie123000 :Yeah thats cool but for normal cruising the distant blur effect is annoying and useless, how can I disable it completely?


Delete effect.txt, that's it.
Quote from Kyotee :Delete effect.txt, that's it.

Amazing work on making SweetFX working with ENB on a DX8 game.
Awesome !
i deleted the effect folder, now the game looks much better for me. But my performance is shocking? Without the mod i get 400 fps, with it 40.

what controls that shadow glow below the car? I want that and that only.
Quote from ukiqi :i deleted the effect folder, now the game looks much better for me. But my performance is shocking? Without the mod i get 400 fps, with it 40.

what controls that shadow glow below the car? I want that and that only.

That effect is what reduces your fps more than anything else.