I don't see many usefull ideas so far. I also don't think a basic race is the
way to go because it doesn't reward the most dedicated demo user,
simply the one who managed to be faster on that occasion. Also, the
organisation around that race might give problems. It is pretty simple
only because the winner would be, well, the winner of that race.
One good point that i didn't even realise myself is that demo users do not
have online stats so most of my idea wouldn't work. I would have required
a minimum of online racing, in all demo cars and all BL configs, no matter
the finishing times. That's hard to judge. We'd need a special server setup
with an application keeping all the stats. Even then, it's impossible to
verify the validity of usernames. The only part that would work is requiring
a minimum time registered on these forums.
Basically the idea is to give it to someone who 'deserves' it. So someone
who contributes to LFS in a way or another, is present in the community
and is a decent driver (not a wrecker for example...).
I was also thinking it would have been good for LFS to have a little recruiting
competition, the demo user who recruits the most new players would win, but
that is also a bit hard to verify...
A small essay would be a good idea as long as it's not too long, i mean, someone
will actually have to read all that you know
EDIT: Oh, i just had an idea, maybe a 'driver test' using a layout would be good
since it rewards a good driver more than simply a fast one.