The online racing simulator
cheaters / hackers
(103 posts, started )
2nd replay
But yeah, imho its not the first time he use hacks.
Wow. Didnt expect this from that guy.

Thanks for the information, very appreciated.
(xyx) DELETED by xyx : hm... can´t remember why ... that´s strange .....
never expected this off him,shocked
R1Hard isn't a bad guy, I've driven with him tons of times. He may have altered some stats but in the big picture, it's not like that's a life threatening issue guys. Here's a race he and I were both in although I was just watching while taking a smoke break.

Lap 6, best LFS line ever! xD

Attached files
KY1_BF1_Welty_vs_ChuckNorris.mpr - 229.9 KB - 330 views
#30 - CSF
ive raced with him for a long time and get along with him well and think hes a good bloke. but using mods does damage the good reputation in my personal view

edit: just read the post from the link that CSF has posted and have to say that it states totally unacceptable cheating from rihard.In my opinion someone that uses cheats/hacks can not have any respect for racing in lfs or those they race against and is disappointing to see its from someone like r1hard
Watch his race stats for the end of april, doing 4000 races a day is

not what you can do in the usual way. I drive a lot and if you finish like

a 1000 races a month on bl2 its a lot......
Indeed. Watching his race stats, he's done over 3000 races on May 2nd. Impossible.
1 cm race?
Damn you got bigger
What does it mean? Its not faster
Quote from Litro :What does it mean? Its not faster

That way you can earn laps without any effort.

By the way, judging from the replay date (May 8th 2013) and the fact that there is only P V L and Anakin Skywalker with no username (remember?) connected, it seems quite suspicious to me.
(__urx__) DELETED by Flame CZE : duplicate account
Quote from Flame CZE :That way you can earn laps without any effort.

By the way, judging from the replay date (May 8th 2013) and the fact that there is only P V L and Anakin Skywalker with no username (remember?) connected, it seems quite suspicious to me.

You are suspicious. How can you ignore what everyone else knows ? What's your point ? Guess it's a flytrap, maybe even suggested by Victor, i know he loves honey traps.

As you can't do anything about it, just shut up is the best way.

And last but not least, suspicion without proof aka naming and shaming, is even forbidden on this forum, you should ban yourself from acting like those little badboy kids Victor loves so much.

Or are you just showing the way again ?

So smart...
Lol what crawled up your ****? ^-^
Quote from kingwalter :You are suspicious. How can you ignore what everyone else knows ? What's your point ? Guess it's a flytrap, maybe even suggested by Victor, i know he loves honey traps.

As you can't do anything about it, just shut up is the best way.

And last but not least, suspicion without proof aka naming and shaming, is even forbidden on this forum, you should ban yourself from acting like those little badboy kids Victor loves so much.

Or are you just showing the way again ?

So smart...

hi kingwalter

the proof was in the pudding so to speak, it showed anakin skywalker in the replay and pvl , so it was too have had the replay he was either anakin or pvr had gave it him,which is unlikely as its something that one wont want to brag about,
This kingwalter does remind me of that little fake India(n).. What was that pseudo again?
its clear now days a lot of people are cheating, hacking and cracking s2 but in the end nothing can be done it will always happen. apparently it is ok for s2 users to host a cracked s2 server. since that seems to be ok why bother fighting this. ya it takes the fun out of it i can agree there. the down fall is too many people doing it not enough support to stop it.
if you contact the devs and have proof they will act,ive contacted them many times and each time they got back in touch and dealt with the issues,the most recent was about a user with a cracked account and the matter was dealt with within 2 days..

cheaters / hackers
(103 posts, started )