The online racing simulator
ClaViCo Autocross Plugin
(288 posts, started )
i wish i would have read about this cool tool before starting on my marathon rally stage project.

can i use this tool to remove default objects already in vanilla lfs, then save and load that layout in single player?
You cannot remove objects that are already originally placed in LFS. They are there as long as Scawen removes them in some of next patches.
I tried to make a loop but every time I got to the top and placed an object, the LFS cars just wanted to shoot upward so a loop is definitely not possible. I did however create a half-loop of sorts.
Attached images
half loop.jpg
Attached files
BL1X_itbrti_Half Loop.lyt - 1.3 KB - 510 views
Haha nice! But what if you make a stepper half loop with opening, then place the other half loop some meters away, wouldnit still **** up? You mention the cars get launchd into air, is it possible to use other objects, materials for the loop rather than thise steel barriers?
Quote from The Very End :Haha nice! But what if you make a stepper half loop with opening, then place the other half loop some meters away, wouldnit still **** up? You mention the cars get launchd into air, is it possible to use other objects, materials for the loop rather than thise steel barriers?

If I make the Banner2 'ramp' steeper, there's a greater chance that the cars will not make it up the ramp at all, since the minimum step for z-axis is too great. I tried to make it more smooth, but it seems that the cars either hit an invisible wall, or the Banner acted as a speed boost and they flew through the ramp itself.

I've tried with all the solid objects: Armco, Barrier, Banner, Ramps, and Speedbumps, they all seem just just launch you higher if you pass through them.
Strange stuff
Well, what about a little higher ramp then? About 4x as high and double the wide as a normal one?
Quote from The Very End :About 4x as high and double the wide as a normal one?

That's crazy talk, you're out of your mind! :scared:

Hehe, I'll have a go at it again after I get some sleep.
Haha well that's not crazy ;p
You should have seen the object modifcation which were released some years back, in that there was a 100 meter high ramp lol
Quote from The Very End :Haha well that's not crazy ;p
You should have seen the object modifcation which were released some years back, in that there was a 100 meter high ramp lol

Serach "bigramp lfs" in YouTube
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :I'll have a go at it again after I get some sleep.

Okay, I give. I tried for a few hours to make it bigger but it just ended up a flop. The first ramp is basically set as high as it'll allow, so I tried to make the second ramp more of a loop, yet it still pretty much sucks.
Oh? Is it some strange physic fluxes or is the objects not suitable to be stacked on top of eachothers?
As far as I know - objects cannot have same X and Y location values.
Quote from sicotange :1. Download LFS dedi & extract its content
2. Find the setup.cfg file, open it and modify the following:
• replace //pass=password by /pass=password
• replace //insim=29999 by /insim=29999
• replace // by /ip=
• replace /mode=demo by /mode=S2
• replace /usemaster=yes by /usemaster=no
3. Save setup.cfg
4. Launch LFS dedi & ClaViCo AP
5. Launch LFS -> multiplayer -> join specific host -> local network and fill in these parameters:
• Host IP address:
• Host port: 63392
• Host password: password
6. Click go and once ingame do shift + i

This should work.

Its not happening anything when i do shift+i whats problem?
What does the WL WR LU LD Means?
When i add objects sometimes its just disaperes whats problem and also when i do Skuroads it really bugging , Help toturial or something
Quote from david989898 :When i add objects sometimes its just disaperes whats problem and also when i do Skuroads it really bugging , Help toturial or something

If you're adding ramps, you will hit a height restriction eventually, where the ramps will just be placed as low as the game allows. If you set your view directly overhead, you'll see that they are still being added.

As for the skyroads (elevator?), I might be wrong, but I think sicotange is still working on it. I believe the speed and height difference are manually adjusted via his local ClaViCo insim.
Progress report June
I must admit I haven't been working on ClaViCo AP the past few weeks. I'm working on other aspects of ClaViCo at the moment. For some reason I prefer waiting for news concerning the "no ground level check" flag as well as the new autocross object(s). ClaViCo AP has progressed alot over the last months and it will be easier to use and make much more sense if or when a "no ground level check" flag is implemented. Either way ClaViCo AP is not yet ready for a public release. I want to iron out a few rough edges, fix 1 big bug (which requires rewriting a few parts) and wait for the autocross improvements.

On the brighter side, I setup a testserver where ClaViCo AP is currently up and running. Feel free to try it out. Only problem at the moment is that there are a few things you can't do without admin pass.

The server is called "ClaViCo". Don't hesitate to report bugs you encounter on the testserver. Once online type "!help" for a list of commands. Finally, once you are online you will have to do "shift + I" to open the HUD.
it says iam banned on the server???? what i never been there
all sorted. But how to make Spiral? when the ramp contact with another ramp it disaperes??
Quote from david989898 :all sorted. But how to make Spiral? when the ramp contact with another ramp it disaperes??

Because, It Dosnt Allow It Merging In Another Object
hello hope someone will help me. been using clavico getting used to it BUT when 2 objects hits togheter they show in 1 sec and disapere this makes me much trouble please what is the problem?
I have problem -_- , has stoped working ...What i do ??

PLzzz help

ClaViCo Autocross Plugin
(288 posts, started )