I agree to your post 100%.
But normally, as I said, when people think it's what a race car feels like, it's usually over exaggerated, because in the cars with Servo systems I've driven, fx Lamborghini Gallardo GT3, Chevy Camaro, Lacetti (WTCC spec) and so on, usually the servo is more effective than in most road cars. ( <- Meaning that the centering effect in road cars are bigger compared to 'race' cars )
By effective I mean less physical power needed at speed to turn the car etc.
Many times I've had people on TS saying how realistic it felt when they ran the curb, and I've asked ''Why?''... '' I can really feel the rumble strip in my hands and how it's hitting my arms about''.
Thing is, you don't feel this ''Shaking'' in the wheel, the whole car shakes about, the wheel you're holding isn't exactly flickering about, usually I don't feel anything( I feel something, it's just not big like wow this is so tough) in the wheel from Curbs, asphalt damage, contours in the track It's on when you hit someone you can really feel a hit in the wheel, or if you're in a compression area where there is a lot of stress on the car, that's where it gets tough, but apart from that, you don't feel much.