My first time shooting live music -
Com Truise live @
Broadcast Glasgow last night.
Bit of background info:
I've never tried to shoot anything this dark before with a requirement to keep a relatively fast shutter speed, so it was quite a challenge. The main lighting source was stage left (the purple light source), but there were a few additional sources (such as the LEDs on the equipment and the laptop screen). The combination of those different light sources looks quite cool in a few shots.
I was shooting with my 650D and my slightly faster lens (Sigma 17-70 f2.8-4 vs my 18-135 3.5-5.6 kit lens). I stayed at the widest aperture possible through the range and around ISO 3200 and 1/100th of a second shutter for most of the time. This seemed to be a decent balance but it obviously introduced a significant amount of noise. I ran the images through Dfine 2; that removed some of the noise, but there's still some remaining. It doesn't look to be a huge problem to me though - perhaps it does to others?
Anyway, thanks for reading/looking. As before, I welcome any constructive criticism or feedback.
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