The online racing simulator
Quote from Tinytacohead :They're great cars. 4cyl or 6? Personally I like them a little better than their Probe counterpart, as there aren't near as many on the road/are a little more unique. (at least here)

V6. My father owned a white one a decade ago, and my parents don't want me getting one, due to it being "too fast" for me or "too broken" to fix.

I also agree with your "rarity" statement. only 6 popped up on Kijiji. none on Craigslist.

I found this one the best, due to it being a post 1995+ car, it has OBDII on board, and another one a bit farther away needs a new clutch and is a 1993 (almost as old as me).

my mother was ashamed of me when I showed her the pictures. She said, "but it's all scratched! And it's purple!"
If mechanically in good shape I'd have a hard time passing it up if at all possible. Then again you said you're broke & if I remember correctly, they drink premium & at least used to = high insurance for younger peeps. (my stepdad had a handful of Probe GT's over the years, including a '93 & '96, while my MX-3's engine came from an MX-6)

PS - your mom's color blind

EDIT - I'd rather have OBDI myself, but that's me
Quote from Tinytacohead :If mechanically in good shape I'd have a hard time passing it up if at all possible.
PS - your mom's color blind

my mother tells me to pass it up, she says it's not worth it. I haven't been working for a year, and this is what gets to me.. I had to pay tuition recently, and that left me with almost nothing.

I can't just go to the guy's place, since it's at the other side of town.
Mom wants you in a baby-poop colored Volvo. No friends, bus etc to get ya there?
like I said a few posts above, the bus I've been taking is usually way too crowded, or when it's not, a crazy lunatic doesn't stop laughing hysterically the whole trip.

My friends however, are usually busy elsewhere.
Quote from Zipppy :like I said a few posts above, the bus I've been taking is usually way too crowded, or when it's not, a crazy lunatic doesn't stop laughing hysterically the whole trip.

My friends however, are usually busy elsewhere.

What's wrong with my laugh?
Quote from Zipppy :like I said a few posts above, the bus I've been taking is usually way too crowded, or..

I was talking about to simply go look at the car, as you stated you had no way to go see it. (or that's how it read to me anywho) I would endure a crowded, stank short-bus if needed, if the reason were to go look at possible alternate forms of transportation.
Quote from Tinytacohead :I was talking about to simply go look at the car, as you stated you had no way to go see it. (or that's how it read to me anywho) I would endure a crowded, stank short-bus if needed, if the reason were to go look at possible alternate forms of transportation.

I misread your other statement, my bad.

I've just checked, and there aren't any buses that go there.
Quote from kars19 :Ergonomics sorted

Finally my E30 is comfortable for 194cm tall person
Only downside is getting in/out the car

I'm a bloody midget myself, but I used to be like that when I first got a bucket seat and installed steering wheel closer. But Nowadays I slide in like a boss! Just takes a little time to learn the correct movement pattern.
Quote from BigPeBe :I'm a bloody midget myself, but I used to be like that when I first got a bucket seat and installed steering wheel closer. But Nowadays I slide in like a boss! Just takes a little time to learn the correct movement pattern.

Yes, the pattern is simple:
Wax on
Wax off
Wax on
Wax off

And so on.
Le routine:

Open door
Right foot in
slide your bum into seat followed by a left foot combo into car movement.

Boom, you're in.

Went a bit sad last week, saw paint chipping off my mirrors. So decided to get some more carbon fibre stuff...

My new baby!

I thought I would be early again this year to get me a RWD car for the winter. Currently laid my eyes on this (rusty) beast. I could just stuff it with a small turbo And it fills the requirements I have for the winterbeater: 3 doors, RWD and not being "restricted too much by the emissions" which means I could actually legally turbo it

Yes, it's a cheap POS, but just for the winterlulz I could actually go for it.

Quote from nikopdr :nikopdr the man]

This man here buys and sells cars (and carparts) more often than he goes to shower. No joke.
Quote from Hahmo :This man here buys and sells cars (and carparts) more often than he goes to shower. No joke.

So that's not a lot?
Quote from Hahmo :This man here buys and sells cars (and carparts) more often than he goes to shower. No joke.

I don't get it.

During 2,5 years of owning my license I've only owned 6 cars. I wouldn't really say that's a lot.

EDIT: I do know people that have owned ~5-10 cars during a year, or something similar to that. In my eyes, I can't find a reason not to trade a car as often as I'd like. Considering I'll just try most of them and stick with what I find suitable. The Golf will most likely stay, so I can't find a reason to buy myself some entertainment for the winter and for the next spring.
Quote from nikopdr :I don't get it.

During 2,5 years of owning my license I've only owned 6 cars. I wouldn't really say that's a lot.

During my 5 years of driving I've owned 2.5 cars (one I drove for 5 feet, doesn't really count). My girlfriends had 3 cars in the space of 4 years.

I'd say 6 in 2.5 years is a lot.
I've had 2 cars in 6 years.

Only reason I got rid of my 4Runner was cause it was poor on gasoline. I loved it!
still have the same car after 5 years, you mad? Its just so cheap to run
In 13 years i had 5 cars.i still have 3
license - 5,5 years
cars - 6
vw mk2 gti 2005-2007
vw mk3 gti 2007-2008 (got license 19.02.2008)
bmw e36 m3 2008-2011
bmw e32 735 2011-2012
bmw e34 535 2012-2013
bmw e30 330 2013-

*I had my first and second car (half a year) before license
5 years, still have my Impreza.

Post your Car two
(2440 posts, started )