OK .. I'm glad to read so much reaction.. This only means one thing ...
Your all still here because you more or less care about LFS.
What I don't like is the manner that you guys talk to each other. I still believe in having your own opinion !!!! So please let's have an adult conversation about this without blaming each other on how things to be done.
If some leagues only love GTR then that is there full right..
I can only say we've started a new season. 11th already !!!!.
We were with 14 racers last night..
It started bad as the first server ( liveforspeed.be1) crashed completely

So we've switched to our second server liveforspeed.be2.. I was wondering, with indeed only 14 racers, why the hell we needed 2 servers.. But on such situations you know why of course.
How do we try to attract as many racers as we can ??
SECURE clean racing as much as possible with just enough rules and fair play.
Using a safety car procedure where we bring back action and keep racers in the game..
But indeed 14 is not a lot but I must say most of them race with us for years now.. So I guess we're not doing a bad job..
And also for 14 racers it is a lot to invest in money and time as we do now have 2 full servers 24/7 online, pay for the website hosting and keep this all up to date, writing newsletters, review every race, write race reports, creating lot's of graphical designs..etc...
We also have a nice reward for the season winner. A special autograph from
Toro Rosso and next year Redbull driver Daniel Ricciardo
But we do loving it !!! But this does not take away that we want to know if there is even a future for LFS development !!!!
So are there guys here that are in contact with the programmers ?? I there an event we can organize to sound an alarm bell to those guys ???
So please help each other instead of all those negative reactions..
So please ONLY react if you got some positive ideas.. And be quiet if you just want to lose some frustration !! It always easy to blame another, be above that and help us on good ideas !!! THANK YOU !!!