Remember me young Sith? Do you have the multiplayer replay of us from last year where i tired to explain why it is suboptimal way of driving with forces view?
I know what bothers you, i know how it feels not getting a straight answer, often insults instead, and i think i might provide an answer again.
I can start by answering immediately that the F-view will remain for some time if not forever. It's just that it is soooo convenient 'debug setup' feature for players that it would be a downgrade to remove it completely. There is the possibility of limiting its use for practice sessions or replays for example, removing it from competition sessions altogether. But to achieve that would require near consensus of the community that it is a bullshit method of driving in addition to it being potentially advantageous. I say potentially because there is one way i can think of it being advantageous but can't actually confirm because it would be extremely time consuming to test is and get accurate results from it. That is to simply drive both ways: lots laps in cabin, lots laps in F-mode, under most similar conditions. With many different people testing it, etc...
I know how advantageous it might look if you want to think it that way. Clear vision of the track, distance from the tire edge to the grass, etc. Taking advantage of every single pixel on the fly and what not. Pandering to such a way of driving to gain same advantage, to achieve level ground, is of course out of the question because it is bullshit. The need to 'set it right' arises.
But it takes some more experience and most of all thought to come to terms that it's not the case. The 'why' part is what i tried to explain back then. I hope to god you still have the fukin replay
In the end, explanations don't mean shit if they fail in practice. If that test could prove my logic wrong, that it is indeed an advantage, I would agree with you Sith.
Toilet Paper
@ good intention Gav: opinions don't matter, arguments matter (in good intention m8
). Which he did not receive, as far as i noted tho