I was playing round with the design of one of my "marshall's" as I wanted to show a Scottish flag on him.
Not long finished it, when I watched repeat of 'The Big Bang Theory'; one where Sheldon and Amy were recording a video of 'fun with flags'.
Because of these 2 things, had the idea of making some flags with lapper - see attached image for what they look like - also uploaded video to YouTube HERE - note: poor quality [converted original .avi to .mp3 otherwise would have taken 6+ hours to upload].
Flags available;
+ Chad and Romania have same flag
* Dutch and Luxemberg flags very similar except Dutch blue much darker
$ Madeup - doesn't exist - this was 1st mock-up to get size, etc, setup.
Not sure what you would do with the flags (!?), but if you want the code for any of the flags, then let me know.
Not long finished it, when I watched repeat of 'The Big Bang Theory'; one where Sheldon and Amy were recording a video of 'fun with flags'.
Because of these 2 things, had the idea of making some flags with lapper - see attached image for what they look like - also uploaded video to YouTube HERE - note: poor quality [converted original .avi to .mp3 otherwise would have taken 6+ hours to upload].
Flags available;
Austria Bangladesh Belerus Belgian
Bulgaria [COLOR=Blue]+[/COLOR] Chad Czech Denmark
[COLOR=Blue]*[/COLOR] Netherlands England Estonia Finland
French Georgia German Guinea
Hungary Iceland Italy Japan
Latvia Lithuania [COLOR=Blue]$[/COLOR] Madeup Mali
Malta Mauritania Monaco Nigeria
Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal
[COLOR=Blue]+[/COLOR] Romania Russia Scotland Serbia
Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden
Switzerland Tunisia Turkey Ukraine
+ Chad and Romania have same flag
* Dutch and Luxemberg flags very similar except Dutch blue much darker
$ Madeup - doesn't exist - this was 1st mock-up to get size, etc, setup.
Not sure what you would do with the flags (!?), but if you want the code for any of the flags, then let me know.