The online racing simulator
Flags of the World
I was playing round with the design of one of my "marshall's" as I wanted to show a Scottish flag on him.

Not long finished it, when I watched repeat of 'The Big Bang Theory'; one where Sheldon and Amy were recording a video of 'fun with flags'.

Because of these 2 things, had the idea of making some flags with lapper - see attached image for what they look like - also uploaded video to YouTube HERE - note: poor quality [converted original .avi to .mp3 otherwise would have taken 6+ hours to upload].

Flags available;

Austria Bangladesh Belerus Belgian
Bulgaria [COLOR=Blue]+[/COLOR] Chad Czech Denmark
[COLOR=Blue]*[/COLOR] Netherlands England Estonia Finland
French Georgia German Guinea
Hungary Iceland Italy Japan
Latvia Lithuania [COLOR=Blue]$[/COLOR] Madeup Mali
Malta Mauritania Monaco Nigeria
Norway Pakistan Poland Portugal
[COLOR=Blue]+[/COLOR] Romania Russia Scotland Serbia
Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden
Switzerland Tunisia Turkey Ukraine

+ Chad and Romania have same flag
* Dutch and Luxemberg flags very similar except Dutch blue much darker
$ Madeup - doesn't exist - this was 1st mock-up to get size, etc, setup.

Not sure what you would do with the flags (!?), but if you want the code for any of the flags, then let me know.
Attached images
Scottish Marshall.png
flags of the world.jpg
Thats very nice.
i go work on my lapper again(fixing bugs etc) and maybe this will be a nice feature. ill lett you know when i'm interessed.
Only thing that comes to my mind about this - how about displaying country flag next to name on some after-race "podium"?
I had thought about this, but although it could probably be done, I didn't want to make or use any sort of registration / login system that would require collecting driver details, such as their country - at least not on my server.

If a system was used, I've only got 40+ countries flags, so lots missing, although a generic 'flag' with text could be used - sort of like I'd premade as a welcome message flag - see attached image.
Attached images
welcome flag.jpg
Further 15 flags
Another lot of flags that I've made. They are;
Costa Rica
Indonesia (like Monaco flag, only longer)
Myanmar (Burma)
United Arab Emirates
Attached images
LFS 15 more flags.jpg
Additional Flags
Final lot of flags;
Dominican Republic
United States of America
Due to the number of stripes, and that I can only make stripes a minimum size, the USA flag is about 3 times the area of the other flags - no other reason why it's bigger than the other flags; especially the Scottish flag.
Attached images
LFS More flags of the World.jpg
LFS’ versatility is infinite
Very slowly im making my own cruise insim from scratch(damn that hurts). As i have included a multilanguage system i had that idea on adding flags when selecting each language. So im wondering how do you make that big straight lines? I'd like to see the greek flag example.
If you're doing it in lapper, then the 1st line of the flag part of the code would look like

openGlobalButton( "greek_blueline",89,14,12,26,1,8,64,"^4-");

Basically, telling the insim to put a blue (^4) dashed line (-) 12 wide x 26 deep in the 200 x 200 LFS 'window' 89 from left and 14 from top edge. The 1 is not required (space between lines of text - if used - it's not, but you still need a value). The 8 is the number of seconds, and 64 refers to justification and background colour of button (in this case, blank button with text aligned left).

If you know how to use lapper, then the attached file can be placed in the /includes directory, and you would have to then add the file name into the addonused.lpr file. Once LFS and lapper running, type !flag and flag will appear on screen.

If you look at the code, you'll see that you need to place 54 button lines on the screen with specific spacing to get the desired effect!

IF it had been a horizontal tricolour flag, the coding would have been much easier, but then it's absolutely no-where as bad as the stars and stripes.

On my server (Sin'rs too), I've put flag vests on some of my 'marshalls' - you have to drive offline in certain places to find them (bit like coding easter eggs), which use the same coding, as does my yellow flag that appears when you crash.

Oh, and when you leave the pits, you'll see flashing lights in the HUD area (very top of screen), which I've also used for traffic lights in the past.

Coding for Traffic lights / drag xmas tree lights can be found somewhere in the LFSLapper section of this forum. As can a half finished Cruise lapper.
Attached files - 1.2 KB - 423 views
Thanks for your answer, i was wondering how do you make the dash so big. Im using C# InSim.NET which means i'll have to convert it. Anyway now that i have the values it will be easy to remake it. Many thanks! Probably tomorrow i'll make a pic of my wip GUI.
This idea also caught my eye In my opinion it could be useful to display stats. I stumbled across 2 issues though:

1) It is rather difficult to ensure all the flags have the same size.
2) It can be tricky to fit the flags into small buttons.
3) You can't resize your flag.

Anyway, below is a screenshot to show what I got so far (I only made a few flags so far).
Attached images
You're right about getting them the same size - I couldn't do it at all - especially the USA flag, which due to all the horizontal lines is about twice as high as my other flags.

And unfortunately, without a lot of work, it would be hard to scale them.

I was actually making my flags for a special purpose - they were actually to be vests for some of the 'people' (marshalls, etc) that pop up on my server at different times (entering pits, exiting pits, too slow, etc).

For this purpose, I did make them the same size, which is not the proper flag proportions, which differ country to country (e.g. 1:1, 1:2, 2:3, 3:5, 10:19, etc).

It was only after I had done some of the vests that I thought I'd do flags.

Like your flags though.

The fact they're slightly different sizes shouldn't lessen the wow factor of actually having them seen on your server.
Attached images
LFS People Vests.jpg
And the other thing you have to watch out for, is the number of buttons being used to make up a flag.

My USA flag needs 126 buttons!

This means that if you have a number of other buttons on your screen (and my server does), flags popping up can make other buttons disappear, due to the LFS button limit.
Quote from sinanju :And the other thing you have to watch out for, is the number of buttons being used to make up a flag.

My USA flag needs 126 buttons!

This means that if you have a number of other buttons on your screen (and my server does), flags popping up can make other buttons disappear, due to the LFS button limit.

That's exactly what i was thinking when implementing your greek flag. Now im making a GUI Maker program to help me create these flags with less buttons by modifing buttons in-game!
So far none of the flags I made exceed 10 buttons. Granted, I haven't made the complex ones but since the size of my flags is rather small the flags details (stars, armories, etc) can't be displayed so I don't really bother.

Progress so far:
Attached images
Latvian flag is also easy (similar to austrian,just different proportions of both red/white and lenght/width),but the problem might be the correct color tone as it's not basic red,but much darker.
Quote from Eclipsed :...,but the problem might be the correct color tone as it's not basic red,but much darker.

The real problem with colours when you're using an LFS Insim to do things is that you are restricted to the standard LFS colours, where there is only 1 shade of red, green, yellow, and purple. There's 2 shades of blue; very dark and cyan. Unfortunately, there's no orange, which is strange as it's used within LFS for the exit, leave, no drivers and back buttons.