Short trip with my new RX100. I'm really impressed with the image quality. High ISO performance is not so good, but at base 125 ISO and adequate aperture (visible diffraction starts at f/7,1), the sharpness and dynamic range are very good, much better than my former Canon 30D. Looking at unprofiled RAW image (this is bottom lef corner of the true raw image camera records - remember, compact cameras apply lens correction, as the raw editing software does, this is visible in software which does not support my camera), I'm surprised the camera handles the lens correction so well. No visible vignetting and CA visible only on extreme corners. Anyway, here's a sample:
1/200s f/6,3 ISO 125 @ 28mm - edited, shadows and blacks up, removed CA
top right:
1/8s f/11 ISO 80 @ 28mm - edited and handheld
sharpness loss due to f/11, center:
bottom left (top right is out of focus):