I am an Ukranian and been user of this forum for a very long time.
I chose not to use my main nick simply because expressing own opinion on this matter, might result in a label, I do not want it.
Now, for the first time I actually agree with Racer X NZ, I never thought it would ever happen but since the issue is concerning me personally, I actually had occasion to experience things he write about first hand.
Currently I dont live in Ukraine but live in Europe, country you could call democratic and all that stuff.
When this whole thing began, I was amazed how biased media actually are.
I got to experience it first hand because, for the first time, conflict was happening so close to me and I was reading not only news in country I live in currently but also US news, so called "independent", Russian and Ukranian news hubs.
Since the very beginning media forgot to mention that its not about Euro Integration anymore but a fight against corruption and militia brutality.
In media here, it was always about people wanting to go to EU and bad oligarchs fighting against it.
They never showed or even talked about injured enforcers or even the fact that protestors are armed with molotovs or weapon.
They were always peaceful protestors and violent berkut.
When it was too hard to hide flaming berkut, they admitted there are "some radicals".
They forgot to mention that so called "peaceful protestors" attacking other people who are against euromaidan, they also forgot to mention there are any people against euromaidan at all.
According to media here, its unanimous, always been.
Also, when "F

ck the EU" seen the light of day, media here made this sentence main point as well as "BAD RUSSIANS ARE SPYING ON EVERYONE" they never bring any attention to the fact that its not bad wording but US, deciding on the Ukranian new government.
EU and USA tied hands of the president and didnt allow him to deal with the situation, which escalated rather quickly.
Polish politics with their mesjah complex were here once again, they were here at the orange revolution, they were here during presidential election when Yanukovich was elected (they influenced outcome as well) and just as previously, when all was said and done, they left Ukranians to deal with the mess they left.
Media never made a point who is actually leading euromaidan, yes Klichko was an accessory, a face to show to the EU but who actually was leading it and who were the people there.
The euromaidan never listened to Klitchko and straight flipped of Timoshenko, Yaceniuk made a smart choice and put a lot of distance between them.
Its Yarosh and Tiahnybok that actually got all the support there.
Media never mentioned that Pravy Sektor threatened officials and forced them to sign resignations, how scared members of parliament started to pass retarded laws and how Pravy Sektor stated they were above them.
The political cleansing that went, how Muzychko with AK started to threaten officials and that he behaves like a loony.
There are actually too much to write on the issue but people who actually running Ukraine are fascists and neonazis and unfortunately its not an overreaction.
Everything that put euromaidan in negative light is conveniently omitted.
A lot of info is being manipulated via understatement, for example, there was an article that stated that Russians are censoring Ukranian sites (because Putin dont want russians to know they are being manipulated).
The funny thing they showed screen cap of a blocked site, they forgot to mention that this particular site was censored because Pravy Sektor used this site to ask Dokku Umarov to fight against Russia.
Dokku Umarov is a terrorist, is it really that weird that this site got blocked.
There is so much to write about current situation and manipulation in media that I dont even know where to begin.
Even now, there are protests against euromaidan or against current government but nothing makes it to the news here.
Media now in some kind of hysteria about Crimea when people at Crimea are actually pretty cool with the whole situation.
I mean they obviously dont want war but they are pretty cool with Russians being here and many people dont agree with media calling it an "aggression" or declaration of war.
And I agree, Yanukovich is not a good president but there are ways to deal with things in democratic manner, what happening now is nowhere democratic no matter what media say.
Russian media are trying to sway opinion (I think RT is actually pretty neutral) but US and EU media are far worse if you ask me.
Fun fact, in country I live currently, there are many news outlets with their own forums and stuff, you can swear and insult people in comments, but if you dare to comment on the current situation in a tone that is against what media are lobbying, your comment gets deleted, same thing if you post any source links.
They accusing Russian media of manipulation and censorship but they are not better.
Also, check operation named Urgent Fury, is it me or something looks similar.