Quote from sicotange :because of the "Can't add : intersecting object" check.

Speaking of which, I'd like to see this became a switchable mode. I love Clavico, but I'd like to be able to overlap things freehand too.
Perhaps it would be a good compromise if the intersecting object check could be disabled with a command.
Hope that FE will get an update soon, chicanes are horrible to drive
Quote from sicotange :I'm also slightly confused now. This packet can only be used if the car has already left the pits? In essence you choose to reset a particular car at a particular place for a particular player no matter if they are racing, idle on track, spectating, in garage, in pitlane or doing a pitstop. I suppose this can't be done easily?

IMO it would be a bad idea to be able to spawn a player who isn't already on track somewhere, as there's a good chance they won't be ready for it - the act of joining the track would be a clear indication that the player is ready to drive and can then be used to trigger an InSim app to move the car.

There's also the complication that the player/car isn't in a known good state until they're actually on track. You have no idea what car/setup/skin etc they have.
Eehh the question is more, why would you like to reset somebody somewhere.

I can think of only one reason, in open config, with MRT.. It gets in some cases impossible to reset your MRT so you can continue your journey because the MRT lacks a reverse and that is needed when you are facing a barrier.

But other then this situation, why can it be handy to reset a car controlled by InSim?
I still think it gives the InSim app maker more options which in my eyes is only a good thing. Besides, you can easily detect if a player left the pits or not. When an admin types /restart some players are also AFK thus not ready to race.

Not being able to detect which skin & setup a player would have liked to use when his car gets "forcespawned" is problematic yet it also adds some interesting things in the mix. Suppose your InSim application spectates all players on track. The InSim application then "forcespawns" a specific car which would use a random skin (or not) and the default LFS setup. This could (and in my opinion would) make races epic.

The setup debate is a long one but I think Scawen acknowledged that the best option would be to allow both. Although I adore playing with the LFS setup capabilities I think racing with same setups can be a lot of fun too. A packet giving the possibility to "forcespawn" a specific player with a specific car anywhere anytime would offer a tremendous amount of possibilities.

Quote :But other then this situation, why can it be handy to reset a car controlled by InSim?

Custom race grids, destruction derby, learning tutorials, drift competitions etc. I can think of many things making use of such a powerful packet. A safety car "cheating" it's way in front of the race leader in the event of a crash is another example.

The only real problem I can think of is performance issue(s). Resetting 32 cars at once...but that's where Scawen's mastery & magic come into play
Quote from sicotange : This could (and in my opinion would) make races epic.

You mean less real? Well hhmm luckily the beauty with InSim packets is that you can use them or not.

I was just wondering why especially this got so very important all of a sudden.
Quote from cargame.nl :But other then this situation, why can it be handy to reset a car controlled by InSim?

The absence of recovery trucks for endurance racing would be a prime example I think - wait a couple of laps and spawn a stranded car back in the pitlane somewhere for them to do whatever repairs they want/need. Yes, the pitlane command kinda does that already, but that fixes damage as well which isn't always a good thing, especially as things like engine damage can't be repaired in a pitstop.

Another use might be some of the stunt based layouts where it's easy to get stuck somewhere where the normal reset doesn't help at all. A few safe places for the InSim to reset the car to, especially keeping damage, would be pretty good for that.
It's an old request and "important" only because it's supposed to be a quick and easy thing for me to do, so I mentioned it.

In my mind, it's just, add an InSim packet that uses some existing Car Reset code, and all's done. It's not supposed to be a complicated thing.

It allows custom grids, helps with safety car, probably several possibilities in Cruise servers. I don't know what, but it seems nice to spend an hour and servers will be able to move cars to any location.
Quote from Trekkerfahrer :Hope that FE will get an update soon, chicanes are horrible to drive

Looks like some peole seems to went mad on FE green chicanes
glad to see I am not alone
I remember Scawen talking about doing a great pass on Fern Bay (long time ago) ... Let's talk about this next year
Clicking through the new Westhill screenshots, I was wondering if there will be some new official FBM skins to use? :eclipsee_
Quote from MandulAA :Clicking through the new Westhill screenshots, I was wondering if there will be some new official FBM skins to use? :eclipsee_

I think they decided not to make them public because of the company logos. Not guaranteed though
Quote from Storm_Cloud :KY3 is ... an absolute classic. It does need a quick car, like FO8 or these infernal GTs. Had one of my all time favourite races there - never more than 3 seconds apart from my rival for the win for over an hour.

I remember, my friend!

Those were the old classic times till 2008, but unfortunaly now, you can´t find dozens of daily drivin F08 racers anymore or get a competitive racefield.

On the other side I believe we got the longest way behind us, to get these Times back.

Cu on track, when new content is released (in a few weeks).
Quote from scania :will the new tire phy got flat spot effect?

It already does! Lock up a wheel with F9 on and you'll see.

Or turn the ABS off, brake force up to max, lock them up at 160mph and keep them locked until you stop, then in cockpit view drive at 5mph and see what it's like to drive a car with square wheels
Quote from McGherkin :It already does! Lock up a wheel with F9 on and you'll see.

Or turn the ABS off, brake force up to max, lock them up at 160mph and keep them locked until you stop, then in cockpit view drive at 5mph and see what it's like to drive a car with square wheels

Maybe he meant a visual effect?
Quote from Flame CZE :Maybe he meant a visual effect?

Maybe, but then it's not really important to LFS. I'm sure it'd be nice, but it involves making a system which can overlay textured flatspots onto the tyre at different points (let's not even get into 3d modelled ones). Added to the fact that you probably wouldn't notice it on over half of LFS's cars (closed wheel meaning the wheel's hidden behind an arch) means it's a lot of effort to include something which wouldn't be a huge amount of use.
Quote from McGherkin :Maybe, but then it's not really important to LFS. I'm sure it'd be nice, but it involves making a system which can overlay textured flatspots onto the tyre at different points (let's not even get into 3d modelled ones). Added to the fact that you probably wouldn't notice it on over half of LFS's cars (closed wheel meaning the wheel's hidden behind an arch) means it's a lot of effort to include something which wouldn't be a huge amount of use.

With a vertex shader it would not take much (really, not long at all!) the problem is that LFS tyres are already quite polygonal in appearance so I'm not sure what would be added by changing it's shape to show a flatspot - certainly I expect that now Scawen is playing with pixel shaders that the visualisation of the tyre is going to get pretty good, perhaps with some scuffing around flat spots - and hopefully a few more polys :P
Quote from Scawen :
but it seems nice to spend an hour and servers will be able to move cars to any location.

OK, so what happens if somebody is doing a lap on a server and decides to teleport himself from the beginning of the track to the end of the track doing a 10 second lap as a result. How is LFSWorld going to cope with that?

Or the InSim data itself (concerning split sector times etc).
Quote from cargame.nl :OK, so what happens if somebody is doing a lap on a server and decides to teleport himself from the beginning of the track to the end of the track doing a 10 second lap as a result. How is LFSWorld going to cope with that?

Or the InSim data itself (concerning split sector times etc).

How about making an option: Reset timer when teleporting car: Yes/No ?
Quote from cargame.nl :OK, so what happens if somebody is doing a lap on a server and decides to teleport himself from the beginning of the track to the end of the track doing a 10 second lap as a result. How is LFSWorld going to cope with that?

Or the InSim data itself (concerning split sector times etc).

Same as HLVC I'd imagine.
Good point cargame
IMO it should always reset the timer, or perhaps use nodes to determine if you have skiped part of track, but in that case things are going a bit more complex and it might be "inconsistent"
Apart from the timing issues, I do like the the idea of being able to 'slap' a troublesome player around the map like in my old counterstrike times
Quote from Bean0 :Apart from the timing issues, I do like the the idea of being able to 'slap' a troublesome player around the map like in my old counterstrike times

nice hehehehe
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Progress with the Westhill version
(525 posts, closed, started )