The online racing simulator
Yes...please please please...if someone could send me an invite...THAT WOULD BE AWESOME, also just found this thread!

PLEASE...if someone would be so kind as to send me an invite to: PM or
racer _ 2418 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Would love to experiment a bit, if anyone happens to have a spare invite kicking about please? Pretty please?
Quote from Sternendaal :The sim looks very promising,shame it uses pixel shaders thru,so I can only make it work if I buy a new expensive graphics card

you can get an x800gto for pretty cheap nowadays. that runs the game well (1280x1024 4xAA 16xAF).
Quote from ajp71 :Thanks Franky

Can you get RBR to work? For RBR I had to update my drivers then it worked fine, DR went straight on with no problem for me.

I dont have RBR. I tried to update my drivers,but already have the latest one.
Using a GeForce 256

Quote from Gabkicks :you can get an x800gto for pretty cheap nowadays. that runs the game well (1280x1024 4xAA 16xAF).

€110 "Pretty Cheap".
If someone has a invite left and don´t know some other nice people, I AM nice and I would be glad to get one
buedi [at] gmx [dot] net

Edit: Thx alot In Cognito!
Edit: Thanks to Mr Gabkicks, I am currently downloading. Will try it tomorrow.
Quote from Sternendaal :€110 "Pretty Cheap".

I upgraded to an ATI 9600 Pro from a 9000 and the difference was amazing, still struggles with anything ISI based on the lowest detail settings but for GPL/N2003/LFS/RBR it's a lot better and best of all I can run AA in LFS/N2003.

I don't know what your card is like so I don't know whether an upgrade would be worth it.
Quote from tristancliffe :I'm right behind you in that queue!


How did this pass me by for so long (I thought it was a league thread )

You was already entered a few pages back
#63 - axus
Quote from tristancliffe :I'm right behind you in that queue!


How did this pass me by for so long (I thought it was a league thread )

Mhm... I was thoughtful and asked someone to send you an invite... didn't you get one? It seems people don't like you... tends to happen when you spam.
If you dont get an invite just fire up netKar Pro and take a lap in a Formula Ford as it feels almost exactly the same.
thanks In Cognito for the invite
thanks incognito!!
Quote from sil3ntwar :If you dont get an invite just fire up netKar Pro and take a lap in a Formula Ford as it feels almost exactly the same.

They are very very different, the FF feels like a cross between the best bits of LFS/RBR/nK and going over the bump it is incredible when the car gets light, feels just right IMO, very informative. The sound is totally wrong, sounds sampled and far far too meaty for a Zetec. The gear shifts are simplistic much more like LFS/RBR than nK there and there is also none of this inexplicable sudden spins or ability to pull a car suddenly back round when it's at 90 degrees to the track as in nK.

The physics seem very good in terms of car handling and feel the engine and transmission simulation seems fairly non-exsistant atm but this is clearly a very early pre-alpha test and tbh it's certainly no worse than the really early LFS test versions, very promising but it's going to be a long wait, great to see public testing as well, at least it's steered clear of nK's biggest mistake already.
As above, thanks In Cognito.

Wonder when/if I'll get some invites, need to share the love
If ANYONE has an invite left, I'd be extremely grateful if you could send one my way.
You got one.

3 invites left. Devs seem to give invites more and more... first they had 400 beta testers (in the closed beta test), now they probably have 4000.
ok... wouldnt mind giving this a try, if there are any invites left and if there are any generous people willing to give me one that would be very kind...

edit: i read somewhere only people with full dx9 card support? guess that rules out my radeon 9800pro


edit2* whoops my email:
Okay, I'm giving in.

androidxp :hypnotize
AndroidXP & Madman: you got invites.

My invites are now finished. Remember that every new player who has got an invite from someone, should get 5 invites to give after a short delay.