Lets have a look at the latest info about MH17, as I'm sure that many people would like an outcome on what actually happened to the flight. Especially those who's relatives and friends were killed.
On Aug. 11, the Dutch Safety Board announced that a preliminary report would be published in a week with the first factual finding of the ongoing investigation into the flight that departed from Amsterdam and crashed in Ukraine. The Netherlands was given custody of the flight data recorder, or black box recordings, from the crash.
As of Aug. 25, the Dutch government has refused to release the recordings.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/f ... ck-box-recordings/5398571
Russia is demanding to know why international investigators have yet to publish the black box data from a Malaysian airliner that was shot down over eastern Ukraine in July, a deputy defence minister said in an interview published on Saturday.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new ... m-downed-flight-MH17.html
MALAYSIA Airlines will cut 6000 workers as part of a $US1.9 billion ($2 billion) overhaul to revive its damaged brand after being hit by double passenger jet disasters.
http://www.news.com.au/finance ... ry-e6frfm1i-1227041964578
And lets not forget this strange fact.........
In fact, I'm unaware of this being part of an investigation into an aircraft crash EVER.
This was confirmed at a news briefing in Kiev held by the office of the Prosecutor General Yuri Boychenko:
“In his words, the results of the investigation will be published once completed only if a consensus agreement of all parties that have signed the agreement prevails.”
http://21stcenturywire.com/201 ... ion-to-remain-classified/
So, I wonder which country is blocking the release of information ?
Or, in fact, why such an agreement was ever signed in the first place ?
( Australia, Holland, Belgium, Malaysia, looking at you here.........., for the Ukraine its a b(**#! obvious 'get out of jail free' card )
Based on everything I've read, here's my theory.
SU 25M, which easily has the hight and speed to do this, was radar reported to be at a suitable hight and range, and is armed with R-60 air to air missiles, fired and hit an engine, As MH17 turned and dropped in hight (as reported by Russian radar) it then was destroyed by 30mm cannon fire from the aircraft.
This could easily be confirmed by the blackbox voice recorders, air traffic controllers audio recordings, and by physical examination of the aircraft.
Regarding the physical examination, I've posted pictures already of the cockpit area showing damage similar to 30mm cannon fire.
We're probably never going to get the voice recorder info, or the communication with air traffic control as the recordings were seized by the Ukraine immediatly afterwards.
And this is Wikipedia on how a BUK system works.
A proximity fuse aboard the missile determines when it will detonate, creating an expanding fragmentation pattern of missile components and warhead to intercept and destroy the target. A proximity fuse improves the "probability of kill" given the missile and target closure rates, which can be more than 3,000 km/h (1,900 mph) (or more than 900 m/s (3,000 ft/s)).
You would therefore expect damage over the entire aircraft, rather than only around the cockpit area.
And this is interesting.
Media did pick up on several sound bites, including one by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden the day of the incident. Biden stated that MH17 “had been shot down and blown out of the sky” over eastern Ukraine. It’s interesting Reuters “tweeted” Biden’s comment at 1:42 p.m. on the day of the tragedy, 4 hours and 30 minutes after the plane was lost. This means it’s logical to assume Biden “knew” what happened to MH17 literally minutes after the fact.
http://www.japantoday.com/cate ... world-ever-know-the-truth
This is the biggest clue that there will never be an honest investigation into what happened.
This is all the more remarkable given that the US was heading a 10-day NATO exercise, Sea Breeze, which concluded the day MH17 was downed.
Warships and aircraft from seven NATO countries, including the US, Britain, Romania and Turkey, took part in the Black Sea drill which involved commercial traffic monitoring and “reaction to asymmetric threat warnings, anti-submarine warfare and artillery firing.” But the presence of sophisticated electronic intelligence in the vicinity has apparently yielded nothing as to the circumstances surrounding MH17’s crash.
Has this made western media ?????????
Lets see, NATO countries having drill, US wants Ukraine in NATO, see earlier posts, Ukraine gets to shut down the investigation, hmmmmmm...........
TL;DR. It was Russia. Must have been because their so good at hiding what they do from all the awesome western spying technology.
Edit: This is awesome, Dutch Safety Board official PDF. Take a deep sniff and see what you can smell...........
The draft versions of the preliminary report will be discussed by the international investigation team and with the Board prior to being published. The ICAO states that the normal period required for drawing up a preliminary report is 2-4 weeks, however justified exceptions are permitted. Given the particular and complex circumstances surrounding this occurence , it is not yet exactly clear when the preliminary report will be published.
http://www.onderzoeksraad.nl/u ... rs_investigation_MH17.pdf
'Particular and complex circumstances' is an interesting phrase for a political statement. The rest of it is also well worth reading, just pay careful attention to the exact use of words.
On Aug. 11, the Dutch Safety Board announced that a preliminary report would be published in a week with the first factual finding of the ongoing investigation into the flight that departed from Amsterdam and crashed in Ukraine. The Netherlands was given custody of the flight data recorder, or black box recordings, from the crash.
As of Aug. 25, the Dutch government has refused to release the recordings.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/f ... ck-box-recordings/5398571
Russia is demanding to know why international investigators have yet to publish the black box data from a Malaysian airliner that was shot down over eastern Ukraine in July, a deputy defence minister said in an interview published on Saturday.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new ... m-downed-flight-MH17.html
MALAYSIA Airlines will cut 6000 workers as part of a $US1.9 billion ($2 billion) overhaul to revive its damaged brand after being hit by double passenger jet disasters.
http://www.news.com.au/finance ... ry-e6frfm1i-1227041964578
And lets not forget this strange fact.........
In fact, I'm unaware of this being part of an investigation into an aircraft crash EVER.
This was confirmed at a news briefing in Kiev held by the office of the Prosecutor General Yuri Boychenko:
“In his words, the results of the investigation will be published once completed only if a consensus agreement of all parties that have signed the agreement prevails.”
http://21stcenturywire.com/201 ... ion-to-remain-classified/
So, I wonder which country is blocking the release of information ?
Or, in fact, why such an agreement was ever signed in the first place ?
( Australia, Holland, Belgium, Malaysia, looking at you here.........., for the Ukraine its a b(**#! obvious 'get out of jail free' card )
Based on everything I've read, here's my theory.
SU 25M, which easily has the hight and speed to do this, was radar reported to be at a suitable hight and range, and is armed with R-60 air to air missiles, fired and hit an engine, As MH17 turned and dropped in hight (as reported by Russian radar) it then was destroyed by 30mm cannon fire from the aircraft.
This could easily be confirmed by the blackbox voice recorders, air traffic controllers audio recordings, and by physical examination of the aircraft.
Regarding the physical examination, I've posted pictures already of the cockpit area showing damage similar to 30mm cannon fire.
We're probably never going to get the voice recorder info, or the communication with air traffic control as the recordings were seized by the Ukraine immediatly afterwards.
And this is Wikipedia on how a BUK system works.
A proximity fuse aboard the missile determines when it will detonate, creating an expanding fragmentation pattern of missile components and warhead to intercept and destroy the target. A proximity fuse improves the "probability of kill" given the missile and target closure rates, which can be more than 3,000 km/h (1,900 mph) (or more than 900 m/s (3,000 ft/s)).
You would therefore expect damage over the entire aircraft, rather than only around the cockpit area.
And this is interesting.
Media did pick up on several sound bites, including one by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden the day of the incident. Biden stated that MH17 “had been shot down and blown out of the sky” over eastern Ukraine. It’s interesting Reuters “tweeted” Biden’s comment at 1:42 p.m. on the day of the tragedy, 4 hours and 30 minutes after the plane was lost. This means it’s logical to assume Biden “knew” what happened to MH17 literally minutes after the fact.
http://www.japantoday.com/cate ... world-ever-know-the-truth
This is the biggest clue that there will never be an honest investigation into what happened.
This is all the more remarkable given that the US was heading a 10-day NATO exercise, Sea Breeze, which concluded the day MH17 was downed.
Warships and aircraft from seven NATO countries, including the US, Britain, Romania and Turkey, took part in the Black Sea drill which involved commercial traffic monitoring and “reaction to asymmetric threat warnings, anti-submarine warfare and artillery firing.” But the presence of sophisticated electronic intelligence in the vicinity has apparently yielded nothing as to the circumstances surrounding MH17’s crash.
Has this made western media ?????????
Lets see, NATO countries having drill, US wants Ukraine in NATO, see earlier posts, Ukraine gets to shut down the investigation, hmmmmmm...........
TL;DR. It was Russia. Must have been because their so good at hiding what they do from all the awesome western spying technology.

Edit: This is awesome, Dutch Safety Board official PDF. Take a deep sniff and see what you can smell...........
The draft versions of the preliminary report will be discussed by the international investigation team and with the Board prior to being published. The ICAO states that the normal period required for drawing up a preliminary report is 2-4 weeks, however justified exceptions are permitted. Given the particular and complex circumstances surrounding this occurence , it is not yet exactly clear when the preliminary report will be published.
http://www.onderzoeksraad.nl/u ... rs_investigation_MH17.pdf
'Particular and complex circumstances' is an interesting phrase for a political statement. The rest of it is also well worth reading, just pay careful attention to the exact use of words.