The online racing simulator
Quote from xOwnage133 :Hey guys,

I need a bit of help. I've recieved my Oculus Rift DK2 today and have played several demo's. Awesome stuff but whenever I try to play LFS using the DK2, something is wrong. I've tried multiple things but whenever I go to the 3D mode and select the Rift, it says tracking isn't enabled. It's very weird because it already says that in that status thingy. The Rift has been found but it doesn't use the tracking. The tracking camera is enabled and working fine.

I don't get any of this either: "You should be given the option to exit, ready to restart in Rift mode".
Again, it does recognise the DK2, but can't use tracking. Whenever I do go into 3D mode after following all the steps, closing the game manually and start it again, nothing happens. Not on my main monitor and not on the Rift either. I just see my Rift as a 2nd monitor and that's it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Have you installed the 0.6F8 test patch? If not, check the first post of this thread for the installation instructions.
Quote from Flame CZE :
Quote from xOwnage133 :Hey guys,

I need a bit of help. I've recieved my Oculus Rift DK2 today and have played several demo's. Awesome stuff but whenever I try to play LFS using the DK2, something is wrong. I've tried multiple things but whenever I go to the 3D mode and select the Rift, it says tracking isn't enabled. It's very weird because it already says that in that status thingy. The Rift has been found but it doesn't use the tracking. The tracking camera is enabled and working fine.

I don't get any of this either: "You should be given the option to exit, ready to restart in Rift mode".
Again, it does recognise the DK2, but can't use tracking. Whenever I do go into 3D mode after following all the steps, closing the game manually and start it again, nothing happens. Not on my main monitor and not on the Rift either. I just see my Rift as a 2nd monitor and that's it.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Have you installed the 0.6F8 test patch? If not, check the first post of this thread for the installation instructions.

Wow, I'm stupid. Thank you
Quote from CZE :

PC SPEC : 512 RAM,128MB video card Nvidia GeForce4 MX4000,Win XP

THX for idea and suggestion...

P.S. : Why i cant put picture to spoiler??if i use spoiler it wont show my picture after click on spoiler :/

I guess it is AGP card. I might check my latest AGP card and mail it to you if it is better. I dont remember what model it is exactly.
Well I just checked it is written on it 7800 series from nvidia. If I remember correctly it is one of the best agp card I could buy back in the time (as I did not want to update my mobo by then). I dont know if it is still reliable but I guess it would be huge bump in fps. I dont know if it is support shaders.
Hello. I have just purchased the s2 licence and after no problems playing the game with my dk1 i have decided to download this new patch. Now i can't reset the rift position because it gives me some kind of error. A red text appears in the top left corner but its to small to read and it only appears in the rift. So the rift is now useless. I can't find the previus patch anyware. Please can some one tell me how i can downgrade or where to find the old paches. Thank you
Quote from loopingz :

I guess it is AGP card.


Oh sorry... Look serious.. :|

Would be awesome if somebody gets LFS running with Pentium I and ISA VGA slot.. Like some S3 chipset. Yes! S3 Graphics, it also exists, not only phones...
Quote from danielduinea :Hello. I have just purchased the s2 licence and after no problems playing the game with my dk1 i have decided to download this new patch. Now i can't reset the rift position because it gives me some kind of error. A red text appears in the top left corner but its to small to read and it only appears in the rift. So the rift is now useless. I can't find the previus patch anyware. Please can some one tell me how i can downgrade or where to find the old paches. Thank you

this will not solve the issue, just give you links to download older versions
Quote from loopingz :I dont know if it is support shaders.

Has DirectX 9.0c so its SM3. Best of its kind, owned a 7800 myself on AGP
Flotch thank you for your links but they do not work. It says the files are invalid. Is there no place where i can find them ?
Here's the original 0.6F LFS.exe. You can rename your current LFS.exe to something else (like LFS_6F8.exe) and use the 0.6F exe as your default.
Attached files - 892.3 KB - 441 views
ah my bad ... those links are not working anymore since forum update ... Hopefully some are archiving LFS.exe
That is interesting, I do not remember anyone talking about the DK1 and this new version. I think the new version is supposed to work with the DK1 but you would need to install the drivers available from the Oculus site. Drivers were not required with the DK1 before, but are required for any new software produced for the DK2.

Can anyone else let us know what you have found out about the DK1 and how it works with these new LFS patches?
This new patch works with the dk1 but like i said the only problem that i have is that i cant reset the rift position and i am sidways in the car. I will try to download the drivers and see if it works. Whenever i try to reset the rift i get an error but i can't read it.
I updated the drivers but still my dk1 will not reset position. I still get the small red text that i can;t read in the top left corner. Can i please have an older patch so i can play the game ? thank you
Quote from danielduinea :I updated the drivers but still my dk1 will not reset position. I still get the small red text that i can;t read in the top left corner. Can i please have an older patch so i can play the game ? thank you

Hi Daniel. I did change something related to that in the F8 patch.

Here is a link to the F7 patch. Please can you let us know if this fixes the problem?

The results that you tell us may affect how I implement DK1 tracking reset into the next patch. It's interesting, as DK1 has that wandering yaw problem, the reset key must be pressed occasionally. I forgot this when I made the change in F8.
Seriously guys, stop burning the guy just for having an old GPU. I'm sure it's not because he is in love with it, but for some other reason

If my proposal annoys you, there is not much to do.
#643 - CZE
Quote from loopingz :
If my proposal annoys you, there is not much to do.

look at post above your by post by TrIpLe M.

And the problem card dont support Directx9
Is there a way to turn off that Health warning?
Previously I mapped a button to the turn off an on oculus, for convenience and easy reset of position, it was more or less instant. Now, that health warning comes up everytime with a timer, no less, and you have to go through a couple of screens. Could all that be optional, so that those of us who are aware of the risks, and know that your head should be in the right position dont need to go through the loops every time?

A quick double press on 3D off/on like it was before, should be enough to reset without any fuss.
Just my 2 cents..

Thank you Scawen it works great now. I can reset the rift. I am having a ton of fun just being a passenger in the races. I put the cam in costom mode and shifted the position on the right seat. Blew me away. I am waiting for the dk2 also. I,ve followed the Vr scene since the Oculus has been anounced and i have to say that this is the best implementation on the market. No headaches,no motion sickness and feeling of space and the cockpit of the car just amazing.
I know this is a raceing simulator but i say to demands open world gameplay. A city like in City Car Driving will take it over the top.
Quote from CZE :
Quote from loopingz :
If my proposal annoys you, there is not much to do.

look at post above your by post by TrIpLe M.

And the problem card dont support Directx9

Yes but he offered you (loopingz) a GeForce 7800GT, which is very powerfull and will help you have a better experience in LFS. I say you PM him
AGP doesn't work in a PCI slot


You are annoying yourself with it, and us. It's the other way around. What do you expect, that an ELEVEN year old system still needs to be supported?

Quote from sermilan : I'm sure it's not because he is in love with it, but for some other reason

Quote from oleroc :Is there a way to turn off that Health warning?
Previously I mapped a button to the turn off an on oculus, for convenience and easy reset of position, it was more or less instant. Now, that health warning comes up everytime with a timer, no less, and you have to go through a couple of screens. Could all that be optional, so that those of us who are aware of the risks, and know that your head should be in the right position dont need to go through the loops every time?

A quick double press on 3D off/on like it was before, should be enough to reset without any fuss.
Just my 2 cents..


As Scawen said when he first had to implement the H&S warning, it's required by Oculus and nasty things happen if they find you're not displaying it in their demanded times. So I think the ones to take the health and safety message requirement up with are the Oculus folk, who seem to think this the best way to implement this, for whatever reason.
couldnt you make the h&s warning only appear to us customers? it seems like the kind of thing only the silly us laws would require at all
Quote from oleroc :Is there a way to turn off that Health warning?
Previously I mapped a button to the turn off an on oculus, for convenience and easy reset of position, it was more or less instant. Now, that health warning comes up everytime with a timer, no less, and you have to go through a couple of screens. Could all that be optional, so that those of us who are aware of the risks, and know that your head should be in the right position dont need to go through the loops every time?

I can't say much here but that Oculus has said specifically that they will reject any program that does not comply with the H&S rules. Although they were unable to state what their own rules are, and you have to kind of figure the rules out from C++ files in the SDK and get the text from an image file you can find lying around in there. For something so "important" it is surprising how little they want to help with it. I can't tell you how much time I spent trying to get the information out of the brick wall that is Oculus. But if you want to read up on it, here is an 11 page thread at Oculus forums.

Quote from danielduinea :Thank you Scawen it works great now. I can reset the rift. I am having a ton of fun just being a passenger in the races. I put the cam in costom mode and shifted the position on the right seat. Blew me away. I am waiting for the dk2 also. I,ve followed the Vr scene since the Oculus has been anounced and i have to say that this is the best implementation on the market. No headaches,no motion sickness and feeling of space and the cockpit of the car just amazing.
I know this is a raceing simulator but i say to demands open world gameplay. A city like in City Car Driving will take it over the top.

Great, I'm pleased you got the DK1 working, using Test Patch F7. I've made a note to include support for the DK1 reset system. I like the idea of an open city as well. I look forward to an update of South City with more roads. But it will be some time before we do that, as the plan is to work on the S3 content after the Westhill release.
This thread is closed

TEST PATCH 0.6F12 (Rift DK2)
(832 posts, closed, started )