The online racing simulator
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from nacim :I corrected somes mistakes in the french translation on this thread, can you look at all thoses errors and update the language for the next update ?

I really don't want to start editing the French translations myself. Apart from the errors you mentioned, there are 24 missing lines in this important language. There are 3 French translators marked as active - Oliv76000, sicotange and Tungsten - maybe you could send them a PM?

I modified the French file directly and translated the 24 missing lines (I don't have an Oculus Rift to test it in game), and the only one translator active on the forum dosen't allow to send him PMs. So here is the file :
Attached files
French.txt - 59.3 KB - 587 views
Quote from Matrixi :The new 3D toggle menu is much more clear now. Though I think the "A Rift has been identified on another device"-line might still be confusing for some people. Perhaps "A Rift has been found on your system" would be even more clearer?

It sounded a bit confusing for me too, although I know what it's supposed to mean.

In the Czech translation, I translated it as "A Rift has been identified on another device - OK", so the users won’t think it’s something bad.
Can anyone remember what that typo was, that was in the 0.6F release notes and also at Oculus Share?
Quote from Scawen :Can anyone remember what that typo was, that was in the 0.6F release notes and also at Oculus Share?

Did you mean this?: "...without touching any Windows desktop settings. This mey be available when your desktop is..."

At Share, Setup Instructions tab, 2nd paragraph under the 5. (Screen resolutions for your Oculus Rift.) part
Yes, thank you for that.

Actually most of that whole Setup Instructions text is just nonsense now, I'll need to write a much simplified set of instructions for the 0.6G resubmission.
(sicotange) DELETED by sicotange : Obsolete
Nacim, your translations have been submitted. Thanks
Test Patch F11, now including French, Polski, Croatian.

For Rift users, this removes one thing that used to annoy me, when
I forget to put the Rift into extended mode before starting LFS.

If you try to enter 3D mode when the Rift is not in extended mode,
and get the message to restart LFS with the Rift in extended mode,
it is now possible to go into a window (SHIFT+F4) and set your
Rift to extended mode then click 3D to try to enter Rift mode
again without exiting LFS, so avoiding one exit and restart.
Quote from sicotange :Nacim, your translations have been submitted. Thanks

Quote from Scawen :Test Patch F11, now including French, Polski, Croatian.

It's a pleasure

I'll test this patch, I see that Scawen want to publish 0.6G as soon as possible now.

EDIT : I have translated this line but in 0.6F11, it's still in English (in the file French.txt) :

3h_ornoinit Could not initialise Oculus Rift headset


3h_ornoinit Impossible d'initialiser l'Oculus Rift

EDIT 2 : It's seems that lots of my corrections does not appear on this patch...

@Scawen : Can I be a official translator so I can easily correcty all those mistakes and untranslated lines ?
Translation successfully updated. I somehow forgot that line... But there are other lines left untranslated?? Which other line(s) remain untranslated?? I couldn't find any.
Quote from sicotange :Translation successfully updated. I somehow forgot that line... But there are other lines left untranslated?? Which other line(s) remain untranslated?? I couldn't find any.

Not untranslated, but there's are somes mistakes. Enable PM and PM me, I'll show you, we don't need to spam this thread
@Scawen: I updated a few lines of the French translation. Those are mainly small improvements, not translations so it's not a disaster if these are not in 0.6G.
No problem, I will get all updated translations this afternoon.

Thanks to you and nacim for your work on the translations.

Yes, maybe we should add nacim later but I don't want to do it now, too busy today.
Quote from Scawen :No problem, I will get all updated translations this afternoon.

Thanks to you and nacim for your work on the translations.

Yes, maybe we should add nacim later but I don't want to do it now, too busy today.

Well, thanks you too
One thing I have been thinking about, on Windows 7 if you use the auto-updater, you get this message (first attached screenshot).

I'm not sure if everyone would know this problem has a solution. So I was wondering if the second screenshot here is good advice?

If so then I can supply this small update to the restarter program in the full version.
Attached images
Yeah, that can help a lot of people, or you can say "Try launching this program with administator rights"
Test Patch 0.6F12
Oculus Rift :

New command line options /rift=on and /rift=off
Use e.g. in a shortcut to make sure Rift mode is entered or not

LFS.exe /rift=on - try to go straight into Rift mode
LFS.exe /rift=off - do not go into Rift (ignores previous mode)

InSim :

New packet IS_HCP to add extra mass or intake restrictions
to particular cars (affects all drivers using those cars)

Misc :

Minor update to LFS_restart.exe suggesting run as administrator

Updated Translations :

Nearly all translations are now updated - Thank you!
Neat! Thanks for this new InSim packet, I hope more are to come
(sicotange) DELETED by Scawen : solved
(Scawen) DELETED by Scawen : solved
(sicotange) DELETED by Scawen : solved
Quote :...
ISP_CON,// 50 - info: contact between cars (collision report)
ISP_OBH,// 51 - info: contact car + object (collision report)
ISP_HLV,// 52 - info: report incidents that would violate HLVC
ISP_PLC,// 53 - instruction: player cars
ISP_AXM,// 54 - both ways: autocross multiple objects
ISP_ACR,// 55 - info: admin command report
ISP_HCP,// 66 - instruction: car handicaps

By the way, what is going on with the texture in the 2nd pic? :o
Attached images
When set restrictions using new packet IS_HCP, change seem to happen to cars in race. However in that case there isn't a way for other insims to detect restrictions (localy)?
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Quote :...
ISP_HCP,// 66 - instruction: car handicaps


Well spotted, thanks.

Quote from Flame CZE :By the way, what is going on with the texture in the 2nd pic? :o

That is a case where Tree Edge Alpha doesn't work entirely correctly.

Interesting article about the method here:

Quote from DANIEL-CRO :When set restrictions using new packet IS_HCP, change seem to happen to cars in race. However in that case there isn't a way for other insims to detect restrictions (localy)?

I suppose so (not).

This is just a packet that was easy to implement because it uses an old system, in which the master server can provide handicaps for class balancing.
Mr Danish Wizard,there are only 2 views available to set as default view - in car and custom,follow view is not available in this selection. I would also prefer to have the very evil follow view set as my default view.
It can,but it's too close for a decent FOV and it has fixed axis (the view is static to car).
Comparision with real life is not very good,as in sim you don't get any g-forces on body to feel how car moves,so I need to see it. I'm not that high skilled racer as you are,so I need some help,sue me! :P
Quote from Scawen :This is just a packet that was easy to implement because it uses an old system,

It's all nice that it's easy to implement but if it's also a good idea nobody knows. I don't understand why this needs to be crammed in on (supposedly) release day.

I personally don't see any benefit to change added masses or alter air restriction during a race. Racers build their setup based on handicap values when those numbers all of a sudden change basically the whole setup is worthless.

And is it realistic? All of a sudden a bunch of cars have 50 kg extra during a race. Out of nowhere.. Very weird..
This thread is closed

TEST PATCH 0.6F12 (Rift DK2)
(832 posts, closed, started )