Guys!!! I did it

I used AutoIt3 for key press simulation and made bat file. In but file I wrote:
START {Your AutoIt3 script location} (in my case (D:\LFSOculus\LFS_V.au3)
START {Your replay location} (in my case (D:\LFSOculus\data\spr\test.spr)
In AutoIt3 script i wrote:
Sleep (3000); //waits 3 seconds (While my replay loads)
Send("{F6 down}"); //Presses down F6 button (In your case would be V button)
Sleep (4200); //Waits till Oculus warning sign countdown ends
Send("{F6 up}"); // Releases button
Send("{ENTER down}"); //presses Enter to close down Oculus warning sign.
Send("{ENTER up}"); //releases Enter
Send("{F8 down}"); //Presses F8 button to sync your position and close another Oculus message
Send("{F8 up}"); //releases F8
Thats it

And it works perfect now, just one click and You are in passenger seat in fast car
Anyway big thanks You all and I hope, this topic will help someone