SRP camera
(11 posts, started )
SRP camera
Hi everyone! Is it possible to write a small script to run LFS single player replay with driver view at the start, now every time I run replay (*.spr) file, it starts with outside camera.

lol Big grin chgange view
Cuprum, i want this for oculus rift demonstration in expo, and i don't want to push v button every time, when client want to test them.
You can use a script to press V (3 times?), whenever you want to switch your camera and bind it to a keyboard button or even a controller button. Read more about how scripts work here:
I tried to write in script /press v, but it didn't work. Frown
Best I could find out is via one button-press:
go to the options menu, where you can set quick-messages on the F-keys. (likey F1 = smiley etc)

set one F-key to:
/view driver

Ingame press the F-key...

Fully automatic seems not possible, I tried with autoexec.lfs but that does not work because it does not run at replay start.
But at least this way you only have to press one key once. So no risk of pressing V once too much and having to circle all views again.

Other way would be a small insim script that runs in background.
Attached images
I understood whats the problem, when I write in script say or press F2 it works and shows text, and i think press v works also, but script pushes v while replay is loading, so thats why camera is not changing. Maybe somewhere in game settings i can change, that replay always starts with driver camera.
Gutholz thanks for replay. I started to look for external program, that can simulate key pressing
Forgot about the /view command. "Worst" case scenario, you can make a small insim program that will press /view at "IS_STA" (check Docs/InSim.txt for more)
Guys!!! I did it Wink I used AutoIt3 for key press simulation and made bat file. In but file I wrote:

START {Your AutoIt3 script location} (in my case (D:\LFSOculus\LFS_V.au3)
START {Your replay location} (in my case (D:\LFSOculus\data\spr\test.spr)

In AutoIt3 script i wrote:

Sleep (3000); //waits 3 seconds (While my replay loads)
Send("{F6 down}"); //Presses down F6 button (In your case would be V button)
Sleep (4200); //Waits till Oculus warning sign countdown ends
Send("{F6 up}"); // Releases button
Send("{ENTER down}"); //presses Enter to close down Oculus warning sign.
Send("{ENTER up}"); //releases Enter
Send("{F8 down}"); //Presses F8 button to sync your position and close another Oculus message
Send("{F8 up}"); //releases F8

Thats it Smile And it works perfect now, just one click and You are in passenger seat in fast car Wink

Anyway big thanks You all and I hope, this topic will help someone Wink
Sleep (3000); //waits 3 seconds (While my replay loads)
Send("{F6 down}"); //Presses down F6 button (In your case would be V button)
Send("{F6 up}"); // Releases button
Sleep (4200); //Waits till Oculus warning sign countdown endsSend("{ENTER down}"); //presses Enter to close down Oculus warning sign.
Send("{ENTER up}"); //releases Enter
Send("{F8 down}"); //Presses F8 button to sync your position and close another Oculus message
Send("{F8 up}"); //releases F8

There was mistake after F6 down coems F6 up Smile

SRP camera
(11 posts, started )