Yisc's code release
After I got a private message earlier today, I decided it is about time I release the latest versions of my Lapper scripts to the community.
Some of them might not have changed after the last release, but I think it's nice to have all scripts in one place.

So here we go with:

Connected - V1.00 (tool to see who is connected to the server and inform players when to go to pitlane exit and start qualify, in case of oval races)

Ctrack - V1.07 (tool to change the loaded track of an LFS server)

Handicap system - V1.10 (tool to set handicaps for 5 different classes and 4 different cars)

Message configurator - V1.00 (tool to setup which messages from Lapper you want or don't want to receive)

Pitboard - V2.08 (information screen about split times, gaps in front and behind you, ect)

Pitwindow GUI - V1.04 (tool to setup one or more pitwindows - works together with Pitboard)

Private messages - V1.01 (tool to send private messages to a player)

Safetycar - V1.02 (tool to use when safetycar is on track - works together with Pitboard)

Schedule - V1.04 (tool to view scheduled races on current server and other servers that have been added to the schedule module)

Schedule set - V1.03b (tool to set a series of scheduled races to let Lapper change track/car(s)/password at the given dates)

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.
Attached files
connected.txt - 7 KB - 547 views
ctrack.txt - 7 KB - 508 views
hcs.txt - 99.7 KB - 451 views
message_config.txt - 11.6 KB - 534 views
pitboard.txt - 133.5 KB - 472 views
pitwindow_gui.txt - 24.7 KB - 445 views
private_messages.txt - 5 KB - 458 views
safetycar.txt - 7.9 KB - 461 views
schedule_2.txt - 41.5 KB - 467 views
schedule_set.txt - 81.6 KB - 428 views
You have a slight error in your pitboard.lpr file

Line 66
CASE "!start CASE "!pbstart":":

You seem to have pasted a CASE command inside another CASE command.
I've just downloaded my pitboard.txt file as uploaded on this forum, went to line 66 and didn't see the issue you mentioned.
There even isn't a "!start" text in the whole file.
My humble apologies Yisc - totally my fault!

As you use the same CASE command I do for config'ing something, I change your CASE command (along with a vertical placement setting) when a new pitboard script comes out, and I didn't notice that when I downloaded your updated scripts and changed it, that it was me that had pasted something into a case command, saved it, put it on my server, copied it into my server backup, my testing backup, and the V6.14 original and backup, and then all the same copies on my 2nd drive. When I checked my copies, they (of course) all had the same error, and being tired, and very human, I blamed someone else!

Teach me to not do anything complicated at 5 in the morning.

Nogmaals, apolgies.
Fully accepted.
I did noticed that I left some debug info switched on in the file, but you won't have a hard time getting rid of that
Handicap system - V1.11 (tool to set handicaps for 5 different classes and 4 different cars)

Schedule - V1.05 (tool to view scheduled races on current server and other servers that have been added to the schedule module)

Schedule set - V1.04 (tool to set a series of scheduled races to let Lapper change track/car(s)/password/handicaps at the given dates)

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.
Attached files
hcs.txt - 100.8 KB - 402 views
schedule.txt - 102.7 KB - 389 views
schedule_set.txt - 90.1 KB - 383 views
Handicap system - V1.12e (tool to set handicaps for 5 different classes (or subclasses) and 4 different cars)

Schedule - V1.05b (tool to view scheduled races on current server and other servers that have been added to the schedule module)

TopTable - V1.01 (tool to show best times for each car at the current track)

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.
Attached files
hcs.txt - 128.2 KB - 390 views
schedule_2.txt - 104 KB - 402 views
toptable.txt - 6 KB - 438 views
Connected - V1.01 (tool to see who is connected to the server and inform players when to go to pitlane exit and start qualify, in case of oval races)

Pitboard - V2.09 (information screen about split times, gaps in front and behind you, ect)

Ctrack - V1.08 (tool to change the loaded track of an LFS server)

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.

To be able to use Ctrack properly, you also need an updated version of trackList.cfg which is also included in this message.
Change the extension to .cfg and put it in the bin-folder of Lapper.
Restart Lapper to activate the new file(s).
Attached files
connected.txt - 7.6 KB - 422 views
pitboard.txt - 133.8 KB - 372 views
ctrack.txt - 7.5 KB - 420 views
trackList.txt - 1.2 KB - 392 views
I've mucked about with your pitboard.lpr file a bit, so would be grateful if you can check if the backing and 'pitboard <nickname>' are shown when you join a X or Y configuration track? Doesn't on mine. I'm using your pitboard on my two WE2X servers.

Not a problem, as I've got these to pop up when you do !cfgsplits command, but if missing, would useful to be done if you ever do another update.
Pitboard - V2.09b (information screen about split times, gaps in front and behind you, ect)

Just a bugfix to get rid of the error in line 290, when driving on a open config track.
Attached files
pitboard.txt - 134 KB - 382 views
Registration system - V1.05
Registration system - V1.05 (to add an extra layer of protection against unwanted people on your server)

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
reg_system.txt - 23.4 KB - 399 views
Registration system - V1.06
Registration system - V1.06 (to add an extra layer of protection against unwanted people on your server)


-Made the exclusion of Admins a configurable option (default setting is: yes)
-Updated the layout of the configuration screen (!confreg) a bit
-Fixed the number of login attemps left, that could go below zero
-Updated the login screen, so that is closes (for local admins) when login attemps reach zero

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
reg_system.txt - 27.4 KB - 369 views
As registered?

It would be very useful to describe any problems as detailed as possible.

-Do you have admin rights on the server or not?
-Have you created an account within the registration system?
-Which version of the script are you running?
-Which version of Lapper are you running?

Recently I invested a lot of time on searching for a reported issue and it turned out that the person wasn't running the latest version of Lapper (which is which caused allsorts of weird behavior.
Registration system - V1.07
Registration system - V1.07 (to add an extra layer of protection against unwanted people on your server)


-Added a new way to store accounts, can be used to avoid accounts with the same name
-Made the new store method configurable
-Made the check on accounts with the same name configurable
-Fixed an issue with an empty screen when no account could be found
-Fixed a bug with "$register_join_check" where a ; was missing in the code
-Added an extra command !login to be excuted by admins, after they registered them self
-Added a variable to reflect the version number of the code

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
reg_system.txt - 37 KB - 382 views
Registration system - V1.08
Registration system - V1.08 (to add an extra layer of protection against unwanted people on your server)


-Disabled the possibility to register accounts, while not all the required fields where filled
-Added a module to manage registered accounts (to be accessed using: !manreg *)
-Disabled a piece of probably obsolete code
-Added check to see if LFSusername already has an account when admin tries to add one

* this will only work when accounts are stored using the number method, which can be configured in the configuration module (!confreg)

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.

Attached images
Attached files
reg_system.txt - 46.3 KB - 456 views
Registration system - V1.09
Registration system - V1.09 (to add an extra layer of protection against unwanted people on your server)


- Fixed a bug on check account, when player isn't a server admin

Change the extension of the file to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use it.
Attached files
reg_system.txt - 46.6 KB - 431 views
Pitboard - V2.10 (information screen about split times, gaps in front and behind you, ect)

Ctrack - V1.09 (tool to change the loaded track of an LFS server)

Change the extension of the files to .lpr and add them to addonsused.lpr to be able to use them.

To be able to use Ctrack properly, you also need an updated version of trackList.cfg which is also included in this message.
Change the extension to .cfg and put it in the bin-folder of Lapper.
Restart Lapper to activate the new file(s).
Attached files
pitboard.txt - 135 KB - 331 views
ctrack.txt - 7.8 KB - 304 views
trackList.txt - 1.7 KB - 325 views
Yisc[NL] Hi
!manreg I get this error when I wrote
That means that your username isn't listed in the file called admin.txt
Could it be a player's registration at only 1 times 1 line?
Quote from mikail346 :Could it be a player's registration at only 1 times 1 line?

No, the message means that you either aren't an admin and therefor not allowed to execute the command or that your LFS username isn't listed in the appropriate file.
But once more, these kind of questions don't belong in this topic.
Added How can such a Button?

That's a normal button, with a transparent background.
How to add a button