One thing us oldschoolers will be able to say soon(ish) about Westhill, is that "I can remember when it was all just fields." Big grin

Now where's my slippers and pipe gone.
Quote from Flame CZE :
Then all the newly hired programmers would have to learn and get used to Scawen's code style and workflow, and I think it would become a bit messy when people with different "habits" started co-operating with him.

This is a dumb thing to say. Anyone worth their salt in a computer science field should be able to look at that code and understand it the first or second time, and if Scawen's code is that messy then it might do him well to go take a few classes.

While it's 100% understandable that Scawen doesn't want other people touching his code, this is too far from the reason.
I think some older come back, but as a community it will not solve. Update only one track + open mode this doesn't solve anything. Soon come routine and everything will be back. If the competent did not release new update for one year about the next step forward we can only to dream. To satisfy only his ego but not people what to buy his license. At this time lfs have nice resolved hadverove requirements (ship)
The ship is leaky and duct tape does not solve the problem only prolongs life crew on ship Big grin
I doubt an updated track is enough for the oldschool guys to come back. Even if they do, only for a few races, then they'll be gone again.
Quote from Töki (HUN) :I doubt an updated track is enough for the oldschool guys to come back. Even if they do, only for a few races, then they'll be gone again.

I completely agree, but I'm still on board for those three or four races before I finally give LFS its rightfully deserved funeral in my eyes. Seems that it's only proper.
re adding programmers: it's not a programming problem, it's a math problem. actually coding physics simulation rules is simple, it's engineering them that's hard.
Assetto Corsa killed this because the LFS developers instead of releasing new cars and tracks, got focused on the tyre-physics then got stuck with it's maths. I remember when they announced the Scirocco back in 2008.

LFS physics are great the way they are now, Hell, I learned to drive thanks to this Sim.

Trust me. This is going nowhere. I've seen it before.
Quote from OTone :
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from theodu69 :What are they actually doing? Everyone is moving to Assetto Corsa

Just in case it is somehow not yet clear, we are currently working very hard on the last things to be able to release the new Westhill. That is what we are actually doing. Smile

P.S. We don't mind if you use another sim any time you feel like it. There's no exclusivity clause in our contract with you. Big grin

You sure are a great programmer but I think you are old enough to understand that by saying things like this you are ruining a great community.

But hey, if that's what you want, that's exactly what the people is doing.

Just don't expect people returning here just because you updated a race track... after a decade.

I agree with you in every, every sentence. There's not even proof of how the development goes. Never ever shown a video in 7 long long years.
Quote from Rodrigo-Kaiser :
Quote from OTone :
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from theodu69 :What are they actually doing? Everyone is moving to Assetto Corsa

Just in case it is somehow not yet clear, we are currently working very hard on the last things to be able to release the new Westhill. That is what we are actually doing. Smile

P.S. We don't mind if you use another sim any time you feel like it. There's no exclusivity clause in our contract with you. Big grin

You sure are a great programmer but I think you are old enough to understand that by saying things like this you are ruining a great community.

But hey, if that's what you want, that's exactly what the people is doing.

Just don't expect people returning here just because you updated a race track... after a decade.

I agree with you in every, every sentence. There's not even proof of how the development goes. Never ever shown a video in 7 long long years.

true.... for me... LFS is Dead about 6 years since 2008... early 2009 car+map... 2015..? nothing.. only working in the oculus rift?? who have it? 20 people?.... omg ....I am very disappointed i leave this account do not think back over here ... see all in another side people Smile good luck all

PD: scawen and dev team. leave this and work in another project look the future.. look the technology today... now direct x 9 is old... today i have 25 years... im started in lfs with 12... but i cant wait more.. few years without notices... updates.. cars.. fun... but thanks by all and good years in lfs with this comunity Smile ty all ( sorry my bad english )
Quote from Davikasy :
Quote from Rodrigo-Kaiser :
Quote from OTone :
Quote from Scawen :
Quote from theodu69 :What are they actually doing? Everyone is moving to Assetto Corsa

Just in case it is somehow not yet clear, we are currently working very hard on the last things to be able to release the new Westhill. That is what we are actually doing. Smile

P.S. We don't mind if you use another sim any time you feel like it. There's no exclusivity clause in our contract with you. Big grin

You sure are a great programmer but I think you are old enough to understand that by saying things like this you are ruining a great community.

But hey, if that's what you want, that's exactly what the people is doing.

Just don't expect people returning here just because you updated a race track... after a decade.

I agree with you in every, every sentence. There's not even proof of how the development goes. Never ever shown a video in 7 long long years.

true.... for me... LFS is Dead about 6 years since 2008... early 2009 car+map... 2015..? nothing.. only working in the oculus rift?? who have it? 20 people?.... omg ....I am very disappointed i leave this account do not think back over here ... see all in another side people Smile good luck all

PD: scawen and dev team. leave this and work in another project look the future.. look the technology today... now direct x 9 is old... today i have 25 years... im started in lfs with 12... but i cant wait more.. few years without notices... updates.. cars.. fun... but thanks by all and good years in lfs with this comunity Smile ty all ( sorry my bad english )

Lol same here, I'm almost 21 now, I started with LFS back in February 2007, when the XRT was a demo car, my rig was a piece of trash Duron Pro 1300(welded in a PCChips MoBo) when I was like 13, hell man, I even bought a wheel to play that demo. Couple of years ago I finally bought S2 and got really dissapointed, there was nothing much to do, most servers were empty and the most active were TC Cruise(useless, but one of biggest player-magnet) and random turkish drift servers. Just like today.

I know nobody's stopping me, but I guess Id have to find another Sim. It was good while it lasted.
Scawen, please close this thread and give us the new Westhill, ok? Or rename the thread to 'No progress in Westhill guys, see you in early 2009'. If you release it tomorrow, I'll buy S2, S3 and even the rally pack. You told us, demo guys, to get ready for the update. So I'm ready, how about you?
Quote from rychlyjaromir :Scawen, please close this thread and give us the new Westhill, ok? Or rename the thread to 'No progress in Westhill guys, see you in early 2009'. If you release it tomorrow, I'll buy S2, S3 and even the rally pack. You told us, demo guys, to get ready for the update. So I'm ready, how about you?

true. i dont know if i should laugh or cry, whesthill was announced around this time last year maybe one or two month later, but we are still waiting for the 150% accurate westhill track

Scawen, Eric. Please, do you a favor and release it allready..
Quote from rychlyjaromir :Scawen, please close this thread and give us the new Westhill, ok? Or rename the thread to 'No progress in Westhill guys, see you in early 2009'. If you release it tomorrow, I'll buy S2, S3 and even the rally pack. You told us, demo guys, to get ready for the update. So I'm ready, how about you?

Nope, you are not ready. He wrote you should buy S2 to be ready. Smile And he didn't specify the time frame... just that they are "working hard" to release it. Work on your written text comprehension, you completely missed the point of his post, and instead turned it into something different.
Your degree of frustration caused by lack of new content has entered another level - you are so angry at devs that you started defending them (clever attempt to convince yourself everything is fine and there's nothing to worry about, i.e. 'I don't need new content').
im no forced to out westhill.... but maybe some pics... of the project. anything for the people can review and critique about it the good the bad dreams more often etc ..

but not 1 notice? of 3 months or 4 months :/ i believe it but 70% of this community think lfs its dead... :/
This is a new record: for the first time in human history someone has described the length of a human pregnancy as "a few weeks".

I am not surprised that Scavier set this record...congratz
Notice the difference in attitudes of developers towards community: iRacing and AC: "You can play our games!" LFS: "You can play other games..."
ur just swisting what scawen said. it was not said in that content
I am still happily waiting whilst playing other games. Keep up the work, I don't mind if it never gets released. The game is already great fun and I've propably spent way too many hours in it.
Quote from rychlyjaromir :Notice the difference in attitudes of developers towards community: iRacing and AC: "You can play our games!" LFS: "You can play other games..."

Thats because they know their sims sucks (iR,AC) and they want you to play it because too much money already was dumped in those products and they need to make profits, here devs knows they have something unique and diffrent from any other sim racers and they know they have a good product and they safely can say "play other sims with no worries, if we finally add new content we know you will be back here sooner or later" Big grin
Or from the other side, if i was a dev i think i couldn't handle all those ppl saying my product is shit and release new content etc. when im doing my best. If you want to get a good product just wait patiently, if not just play other ones.

Personally i like to get one good patch instead of getting a ten crappy patches which fix one thing and ruin 5 and always "we fix them all soon" and then never fix it and instead of fixing it most devs are just adding another new content for real money like new cars and tracks because 100% working games doesn't make any profit, they just need to be at a decent level of working and then lets just add content for real money as long as some ppl will eventually understand some game fixes are needed. This is actually a situation in 80-90% of racing games today. Most things you got today its just a flashy graphics half-product which wasn't made to the end but it had to be released in its prime time for more money income. for example "The Crew" game.

You can say im frustrated and im defending devs but at the end its their product made from enthusiasts to enthusiasts and they are working on their on with their pace which suits them best.
Its not a game corporation which needs to sell their product in every possible way to make profit.
Quote from luki97 :
Its not a game corporation which needs to sell their product in every possible way to make profit.

i must disagree. Scawen said that LFS is their main income. Only Victor has a real job.

So if you watch at the LFS World Statistics, his project LFS is quiet dead. And the last update was early 2009, its just a matter of time when it comes down to "we need money for our Family".
A lot of people think they know what Scawen's situation is (and Eric's, I suppose), but the fact is that you don't, and it's none of our business. It's none of our business if LFS is a hobby for them. It's none of our business if LFS is their only income. It's none of our business if it's somewhere in between the two.

Don't create things to add gravity to your claims and hypotheses. If I were them it would annoy me that people are discussing what they think is my financial situation, and how it means that I "need" to do something. It annoys me to see it, tbh.

This thread is about the Westhill update - it is coming, and frankly you don't have to care.

Mind your own business.
'Mind your own business'

Yet you care enough to come here and reply.
I agree to Sinbad to some extend. I think you are right in saying that we should mind our own business and that we can't judge the situation spot on perhaps.

But the fact of the matter is.. that their product works and runs because of its members. Many members (like Dominic from GenR e.g.) stick huge amount of spare time to make things work and run. This is again, what makes LFS interesting for everybody including new people.

But I guess somehow too much of an atmosphere has been created where people expected updates or changes because the whole world could see it was rapidly going downhill with LFS. The people who put that much time and effort in organizing stuff on this platform are obviously getting fed up if all the work is being done for nothing. Besides for many people there are now alternatives.

I think the whole situation about updates S3, VW bloody ugly unreliable old car and westhill is not handled in quite the right way what caused them to get fed up even more. Often quite understandably imo.

Although I keep on saying lfs is still the best sim out there, especially of you like accuracy and having an interest in car physics and geometry. But it has just become useless to run a team, organize leagues or what so ever. And because of the huge waiting times for updates, people lose their trust and go find there luck somewhere else. Obviously this is no fun if you have stuck so much time into it and people continue just because they have the hope for some updates that could create more enthusiasm again.

Also banning the most active players without any decent reason from this forum doesnt really send out the message that devs really care. So why should they? Compared to the online racing there ever was on lfs... its totally dead now. And it has been dropped so far now.. that it will probably take lots of time to build it up again like it was. Which you can have immediately on other platforms.
see? this is heating up again. why its heating up? because no progress report or anything for probably more than 2 months and again complete silence about where we are.

tbh when scawen announced westhill first time and claimed release date "in a few weeks", if someone had said we would have to wait around 10 months -maybe a year- I'd never, ever, ever believe it. but here we are.

but when considering the last "new content" was 8 years ago, this is less of a surprise.
This thread is closed

Westhill Progress (November)
(946 posts, closed, started )