9. june, 2015.
17:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET

A reminder - server will be password protected 1 hour before qualifying start to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers out of way,pass will be always the same: green
Some historic stats:
Last race won by: [TC-R] P.Butcher
Last FO8 race won by: [WCL] A.Valta (85th RTFR - FE Silver Alternative Rev)
Last Kyoto race won by: S M.Kapal (102nd RTFR - FZ5 @ KY Oval)
Current rating leader: RGˆRony (+6 points)
Event rating and other statistics
Server is up and running: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race (feel free to spam the Airio top table with your laptimes)
17:00 UTC / 19:00 CET / 20:00 EET
A reminder - server will be password protected 1 hour before qualifying start to keep not knowing crowded server jumpers out of way,pass will be always the same: green
Some historic stats:
Last race won by: [TC-R] P.Butcher
Last FO8 race won by: [WCL] A.Valta (85th RTFR - FE Silver Alternative Rev)
Last Kyoto race won by: S M.Kapal (102nd RTFR - FZ5 @ KY Oval)
Current rating leader: RGˆRony (+6 points)
Event rating and other statistics
Server is up and running: Ronys Tuesdays Fun Race (feel free to spam the Airio top table with your laptimes)