The online racing simulator
TEST PATCH 0.6J2 (now J5)
(130 posts, closed, started )
Quote from nacim :Adding expensive options does not mean losing your player database if you keep the minimum settings low enough so people can just enjoy LFS on a low-end computer, but you'll have more potential buyer because there are a lot of people just ignoring LFS because it's not "modern looking".

Let them ignore... Those players are mostly young and without having much dedication to something which has a great gameplay/functionality. Those people have a low attention span and shift a lot in their desires (essentially describing puberty here). High quality looks are not thát important. If you want a comparison, the big simrace leader Iracing is also still on DX9. Moving up to more advanced graphical technics is only worth it if you can put a dedicated graphics programmer on it. So much which deserves improvement, graphics are not that important, it's nice when some easy made improvements can be created though. Make up on a woman, it looks a bit better but it's still the same woman.
The shaders_doc.txt contains wrong command for shader reloading, it says /psh instead of /rsh.
Quote from : Those players are mostly young and without having much dedication to something which has a great gameplay/functionality. Those people have a low attention span and shift a lot in their desires (essentially describing puberty here). High quality looks are not thát important. If you want a comparison, the big simrace leader Iracing is also still on DX9. Moving up to more advanced graphical technics is only worth it if you can put a dedicated graphics programmer on it. So much which deserves improvement, graphics are not that important, it's nice when some easy made improvements can be created though. Make up on a woman, it looks a bit better but it's still the same woman.

that's a quick jump into conclusions you did here.

You know there is alot of people who like physics/gameplay features and graphics stuff, like it or not when it correctly done ( like Iracing ) it play a huge role to improve the immersion.

I personally like both, never really stopped playing LFS because of graphics, but I always said to myself such a nice simulation with solid multiplayer deserve a little bit better looking, it's true being used to mess with raytacing renders doesn't help me too much either.

Anyway I will always support every tiny step to a better looking sim.
Quote from AnnieC :The shaders_doc.txt contains wrong command for shader reloading, it says /psh instead of /rsh.

That sentence in the txt also has a grammar typo: a shader / shaders. Smile
Quote from :
Quote from nacim :Adding expensive options does not mean losing your player database if you keep the minimum settings low enough so people can just enjoy LFS on a low-end computer, but you'll have more potential buyer because there are a lot of people just ignoring LFS because it's not "modern looking".

Let them ignore... Those players are mostly young and without having much dedication to something which has a great gameplay/functionality. Those people have a low attention span and shift a lot in their desires (essentially describing puberty here). High quality looks are not thát important. If you want a comparison, the big simrace leader Iracing is also still on DX9. Moving up to more advanced graphical technics is only worth it if you can put a dedicated graphics programmer on it. So much which deserves improvement, graphics are not that important, it's nice when some easy made improvements can be created though. Make up on a woman, it looks a bit better but it's still the same woman.

Yeah, how dare those useless ignorant kids want improvements. I like my games in 256 colours and anyone who thinks they should be improved is missing the point and the things that should be focused on.

Ignoring a potential player base, relying on your current player base is a way to guarantee stagnation. Your current player base will move on, so you need to attract new players or your game will die.

This is what happened to the state of LFS' multiplayer. The game was too stagnant and multiplayer numbers dwindled to the point where all that's left are a few low quality licenced servers and some demo servers.
Pretty ignorant yes.. You cannot expect from just one person to compete with the multi billion dollar market which the gaming/sim industry now is. Westhill came out, two weeks later, bam GTA V .. I can name thousands of titles which compete in the same gaming/sim market as LFS. Times have drastically changed and one person cannot keep up. It's amazing to see that people time after time think they can throw in a coin and that automatically amazing things happen. Like it doesn't require study/knowledge to design a totally new graphics engine. And that this time as a result of that cannot be spend on other stuff. People have to face the facts here a bit better, this is about what you can expect from one human. And yes, it was stagnant for some years, thats also part of being human. Once you will reach an age where you realize things are a bit stagnant, thats how life sometimes develops.

Anyway, nice updates nevertheless. Any update is good. But don't expect world wonders when big companies like Iracing also don't see any advantages from going beyond DX9. And when they finally do, they probably have a dedicated GFX team for this. This is my whole point, unrealistic requests.. Keep it realistic.
Except using iRacing as a benchmark is a terrible idea, given it still is their NR2003 engine without any real additions.

Using Assetto Corsa as a benchmark of "nice" graphics is much more useful. iRacing looks like shit.
Quote from nacim :I thought you were trying to future proofing a bit more LFS on the graphical side while you catch up with modern graphical engines ?

Quote from Keiichi_Tsuchiya :...
I don't know the way you going to push LFS graphics, I'm just trying to point on things that already used in game industry. Anyway, keep it up, Scawen!

Thank you for your comments and I just want to say that I don't have anything against cube maps (and other, more than 1 hemisphere methods). I am interested in doing things like that in future, possibly starting with doing that for the nearest car, and using hemispheres for the other cars. It seems to me that for the case of a car (or any shiny painted object standing outside on dark ground) the hemisphere method is just a good optimisation, because the ground is dark and the sky is bright. The sky reflection is important for the general look of a car in many circumstances.

I would say that omnidirectional environment mapping has a lower priority than a better shadow system, reflections on roads and some methods of blending textures that Eric has been waiting for. Along with the shadows I am interested in going for physically based lighting if possible and perhaps a generated sky which paves the way for changing weather. Aside from graphics, I am keen to get the tyre physics done so I can escape the curse of working with two separate versions and merging the changes. That will allow the possibility of separate graphics and physics threads and so on which would be inconceivably complicated to implement into two separate versions.
Quote from MandulAA :
Quote from AnnieC :The shaders_doc.txt contains wrong command for shader reloading, it says /psh instead of /rsh.

That sentence in the txt also has a grammar typo: a shader / shaders. Smile

Thanks, fixed.
I have no knowledge about this stuff to be honest. But, as we see there

are some graphical changes coming with the possibility to set options to

whatever your system can run I will just ask here. Is it then possible

to have a setting to get ALL textures shown all time ? It would be nice

to see textures if on a higher elevation. Sometimes driving towards the

roundabout at Westhill even has this problem. Thanks in advance, PVL.
Quote from P V L :I have no knowledge about this stuff to be honest. But, as we see there are some graphical changes coming with the possibility to set options to whatever your system can run I will just ask here. Is it then possible to have a setting to get ALL textures shown all time? It would be nice to see textures if on a higher elevation. Sometimes driving towards the roundabout at Westhill even has this problem. Thanks in advance, PVL.

No need to thanks Wink
Looks like chat cannot be shown/hidden by pressing H in Shit+T editor
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :Looks like chat cannot be shown/hidden by pressing H in Shit+T editor

Do you mean in shift + U editor? if so it works fine for me
Quote from GAVD999 :
Quote from LakynVonLegendaus :Looks like chat cannot be shown/hidden by pressing H in Shit+T editor

Do you mean in shift + U editor? if so it works fine for me

heh, no Sir. I mean Shift+T editor in main menu.

Quote :...
Training lesson editor :

SHIFT+T on main entry screen to access lesson editor or list editor
Layouts for lessons must be copied from layout to training folder
SHIFT+T on training screen to view and test newly added lessons

Well you learn something everyday... I have never seen that menu before Looking
Quote from GAVD999 :Well you learn something everyday... I have never seen that menu before Looking

If you are in the test patch thread, the least you can do is read the changelog, don't you think? Face -> palm
Finally found some time to play online and well... I have a proof that full sphere reflections is a must Big grin

Look at the nose - there's just plain grey nothing there Smile
Also the screws texture don't have alpha channel - but i think it's already fixed together with numberplates in that new shader file?
Attached images
Quote from Scawen :I would say that omnidirectional environment mapping has a lower priority than a better shadow system, reflections on roads and some methods of blending textures that Eric has been waiting for. Along with the shadows I am interested in going for physically based lighting if possible and perhaps a generated sky which paves the way for changing weather. Aside from graphics, I am keen to get the tyre physics done so I can escape the curse of working with two separate versions and merging the changes. That will allow the possibility of separate graphics and physics threads and so on which would be inconceivably complicated to implement into two separate versions.

That's very nice to hear, and you can be sure that I'll be waiting for it! Big grin
And I agree with you, I have no problem in seeing full sphere reflection added to the "main" car (or more if you give us the possibility in the graphics settings) added later on when some cascaded shadow mapping is implemented for example. Wink
And you should really experiment Subversion software, it will really change your life and open your development to other people if you want (be sure to call me if you need a graphic or UI programmer Big grin).

And a small reminder, this alpha sorting bug is still not fixed, can you take some time to look at it (see attachments) ? Smile
Attached images
With this version I get a problem under Linux/Winewhen I try to scale window sometimes (picture 1)

The problem happens if I start LFS in windowed mode and then try to increase the size.

If I start fullscreen then I can go to windowed mode and have any size I want.

Not a critical bug, but I thought it's worth mention here.

Another note: can we have this new shader on the Car's dashboard part and probably even on the steering wheel? Will make it even fancier (Y)
Attached images
Wine - Configure Wine
- Applications = Windows Version: Windows XP ???
- Libraries = d3dx9_43 (builtin, native) ???

Sometimes when I disable Shaders Post-Process have artifacts. Resize to maximaze window fix that.
Quote from Abone :.. if we download skins from replay and skin not anymore in lfsworld all car is black (exhaust also) ...

As I have a lot of work to do at the moment, please could anyone help me with this?

I just need to see a replay which displays this "black car" issue (when the skin no longer exists on LFS World).
I uploaded testskin, drove one lap, saved replay, deleted testskin on LFSW.
In replay the car is now just white for me (=looks normal)

I installed patch over old install (because lazy) so I can not check:
On SouthCity the ODEON logo thing is now just strange black. It used to be silver metalic I think?
It is black with post-processing on & off.

Attached images
Attached files
deleted skin test.mpr - 45.3 KB - 510 views
Quote from Scawen :As I have a lot of work to do at the moment, please could anyone help me with this?

I just need to see a replay which displays this "black car" issue (when the skin no longer exists on LFS World).

This would happen if a default skin has been replaced with an all black skin, possibly for use with mods.
Quote from Scawen :As I have a lot of work to do at the moment, please could anyone help me with this?

I just need to see a replay which displays this "black car" issue (when the skin no longer exists on LFS World).

Here is my replay from my previous post, this happen with other replays and online also.

Quote from Bean0 :This would happen if a default skin has been replaced with an all black skin, possibly for use with mods.

I installed a new LFS to test this new patch, If you go back a few post, you can clearly see it in my print screens.

Quote from Gutholz :I uploaded testskin, drove one lap, saved replay, deleted testskin on LFSW.
In replay the car is now just white for me (=looks normal)

I installed patch over old install (because lazy) so I can not check:
On SouthCity the ODEON logo thing is now just strange black. It used to be silver metalic I think?
It is black with post-processing on & off.

here your car is white also, you can test with XRT?
Attached files
G twin with vicha.mpr - 1002.7 KB - 495 views
in that replay one of the skins fails to download and your XRT appears white for me
This thread is closed

TEST PATCH 0.6J2 (now J5)
(130 posts, closed, started )