While I will agree that online DRM done "right" is impossible to crack, it's annoyance anyway. Also once the company ceases, the game will be no longer playable, as major parts of it gameplay will be suddenly missing (otherwise it would be easy to crack, if they were client side).
I also have quite strong noDRM policy when I buy games for myself, with only couple of exceptions (LFS being one, because I like Scawen's work so much, and also in case of some catastrophe, LFS can be cracked "easily", as the client side is fully functional, only locked).
Anyway, this is in ridiculous contrast to openVR lib. If it will stay like this, it's no big deal for things like LFS, it will be just locked out from DK2, but once the CV1 will arrive at the market, anybody can buy it, use openvr lib to extend his SW, and release elsewhere (than viveport shop).
Interesting, I wonder how this will pan out... I'm out of course.