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Please settle a debate...
(35 posts, started )
I don't trust the US Government to do anything very successfully today. Too many interests other than the interests of the people it is supposed to serve. That's why I don't want Sanders as President. He would make the government bigger when it is already too big IMO. However, I think his ideas are generally good, and he's a very genuine person. Of those who are running I like him the most.

I voted for John Kasich. I want to see both of the current major parties to fall apart in many different ones, so a contested GOP convention would be best. I don't want Hillary to win either, but I think it will happen regardless.

I might have switched party on the ballot and voted for Sanders, despite my dislike for his policies, had I thought he had a chance to beat Clinton, but the superdelegates buried him from the start.

I think every person left in both of the races would be a horrible choice, but Sanders and Kasich would be my two choices. Clinton is not trust worthy, Trump is a complete idiot with reguard to large scale economics and politics, and Cruz is too conservative and religious, although I would chose him over Trump or Clinton by quite a bit. Sanders seem genuine, although I don't think his policies would work well, and Kasich has state executive experience and he is level headed and feels genuine as well. However, I don't think he would make any of the changes that are needed. None of the cantidates would do that.
Quote from Racer X NZ :And your vote is meaningless[/url], either it's ignored or changed.

Not necessarily true. It's a representative democracy. You directly influence primaries. After that its up to our electoral college. Furthermore, you vote the electoral college into their senate and representative roles. So... you are voting them in, and then when you vote for presidency asking them to consider what their constituents want. In case you are confused:

Quote from NZGuy :

They don’t care about this country. Their governance demonstrates that reality most vividly. The fact that Hillary Clinton is still running for president rather than rotting in a cell somewhere is proof that this government is above the people and no longer accountable."

Yeah, this is perplexing. She shouldn't be in jail (intent vs stupidity) but she should not be allowed to be the commander in chief.
In order for your "vote" to count in the primaries or caucuses, you have to be a registered member of the political party holding the primary.
I don't vote in the primaries. Neither do most other Americans. Most of us are independents, meaning we're stuck with whatever clown the parties leave for us to pick. What really sucks is both parties have taken such an extreme, that the majority in the middle really isn't being represented. Like I've said before, I tend to be conservative. According to the system that means I'm supposed to vote republican. Yeah right. I don't care what people do in their bedrooms, I want my roads fixed. And they've got all sorts of nut cases like people that think school shootings are God's punishment for teaching evolution. These whackos are about three shades away from the Taliban in mindset. How Could I feel a connection to a party full of that? Democrats? Yeah. They suck too. Remember it was their wanting to prove a case for gun grabbing, they allowed thousands of guns to get sold to the Mexican cartels. And how does wanting to put measures in place banning free speech be liberal anyways? Even that rare liberal that's been blessed with common sense has a hard time dealing with those clowns. So. Does it really matter if our vote counts? Look at what we have to vote for to begin with.
NO !!!!! Sorry but you both have a rose tinted view on how your system works. A Brokered Convention, ie, 'our candidate didn't win', is used to ensure that the parties candidate does win.

"Once the first ballot, or vote, has occurred, and no candidate has a majority of the delegates' votes, the convention is then considered brokered; thereafter, the nomination is decided through a process of alternating political horse trading—(super) delegate vote trading—and additional re-votes.[1][2][3][4] In this circumstance, all regular delegates (who may have been pledged to a particular candidate according to rules which vary from state to state) are "released" and are able to switch their allegiance to a different candidate before the next round of balloting."

Only approved candidates are allowed to win. Your voting system deals with any third party candidates so only the approved parties can win.

"Last Month, Hillary Clinton declared herself the winner of the Democratic Party in the much-anticipated Iowa caucuses. Immediately after the ‘victory,’ Clinton went on CNN to bask in her counterfeit fame.

However, fraud was so rampant that a C-SPAN video caught it. Clinton’s ‘victory’ would have nothing to do with ‘luck,’ and her premature declaration of the “razor thin” tie, was no mistake."

If Voting Mattered, They Wouldn't Let You Do It

Has Clinton Actually Won Anything?
The Theft of Election 2016
"Caucus violations caught on video included:
a)the Clinton's campaign's counting of voters not actually present and not actually voting in the caucuses,
b)counting votes of people who were not registered to vote,
c) officially recording vote counts pre-written results on the palm of a hand that likely did not have reflect the number of raised hands in the room,
d) use by the Clinton campaign of an out-of-state precinct captain caught posing as an Iowa resident in the Iowa caucuses,
e) Clinton receiving delegates from coin tosses where she should have lost the delegates as the the rules say the winner of the toss loses the delegate, but on the videos, when she won the toss, the other side lost other the delegates in violation of the rules, and
f)ordering the Sanders people to leave before the votes were counted. Counting machines supplied by one of Clinton's campaign donors were used instead of live counters in places in Iowa. According to a call from the Iowa chairman to the Sanders campaign, in some caucuses, they didn't even keep track of the vote count, meaning the end result might be completely inaccurate."

Try reading this.......
"The potential for this vote-rigging cyberwar is the result of an ongoing crisis in US democracy - a silent coup of sorts. Over many decades, US elections have been quietly outsourced to a small group of private voting machine companies, some with extreme partisan ties and criminal records. They have now almost entirely replaced our publicly counted paper ballots with their secretly programmed, easily hacked electronic voting technology.

For example, the Diebold AccuVote-TS Touchscreen voting machine was recently analyzed by Princeton computer security professors. They found that malicious software running on a single voting machine can be installed in as little as one minute, spreading invisibly from machine to machine through a virus, while stealing votes with little risk of detection.

While recent laws have limited essential hand-counting audits - in some cases making them actually illegal - in 18 states voting machines are used that produce no paper ballot at all, making verification of the results impossible."
Oh please. Do try and stay relevant. Voting Machines? YOu do realize all that was pretty much debunked about an hour and a half before everyone forgot who Al Gore was, don't you?
Besides, why go to all that trouble and risk getting caught when you can just gerrymander districts to get the votes you want? It's cheaper, easier and perfectly legal.
The election process.... Where do you find this crap? I didn't know there were that many "journalists" living at home, finding stuff to make up murky connections with.
Anyways. Uh no. In Presidential elections, technically the average person's vote doesn't really have an effect. Technically. the popular vote is what's used to determine the electoral vote, but technically, the electorate doesn't have to follow along with the popular vote. They also don't have to get re-elected either.
And what you are getting things confused with actual voting for candidates is the machinery of the actual political parties themselves. And again, if you're not a registered voter for that party, you don't get to vote in their primaries. So you have no real "vote" for president If say the guy you liked loses out on the nomination process. Of the two parties, I don't know the exact workings of the Democratic party selection process. I do know it's more machine like. It's how Hillary Clinton already wins the nomination, no matter how many states Bernie wins in primaries and caucuses. Also for a party that claims to be for transparency, they most certainly are not when it comes to in-house politics.
But the republicans? I know a little about how they operate. The brokered conventions that you seem to think is the grip of the evil empire....
If and this is a big if, there is no clear delegate majority between the hopefuls, then they can opt for a brokered convention. Where it's a free for all for the delegate votes. This has always been in the party playbook. The reason it's done, if it has to be is time. There's simply not enough time to redo all the primaries in time for the actual election. This happened before in 1976, After Nixon and watergate, the republican party was dead in the water. There wasn't enough interest from traditional GOP party members, much less independents to even make much of a difference in the primaries. The delegates were free to (not that anyone cared) vote for Ford to just continue running as a somewhat incumbent so the party could focus more on what it needed - damage control.
But, and you should be more interested in this instead of all that half-baked stuff. What will happen if the GOP decides to have this brokered convention, the results will be disastrous for them. The backlash would be almost if not completely fatal to the party.
There are more radical elements of the party, not Trump supporters either that are vowing drastic reactions if a brokered convention occurs. And most of those delegates will have to worry about a backlash to their own positions should that happen. But the actual splintering of the party. I'd think you'd be way m more into that instead of some old voting machine story. There's all sorts of crazy things that the GOP break up will lead to. I know the democrats are beside themselves because of this, but if this leads to a single party monopoly, it won't be good.
And forget about who the republican candidates are. Like you've pointed out look at the other side. Hillary, if not deliberately criminal, it's at least a shining example of gross incompetence.... What President will she make? 45? 44? That Damned Grover Cleveland!
Omg omg omg
I love our conversations.

Yes, the voting machine fraud goes back to 2000, I REALLY would have thought that this would be history, being 16 Years after this became public knowledge. However, if you believe that then your completely underestimating the IQ of the average american.......
And half of them are even dumber than that ! Big grin

I try not to do that !

"On 22 October 2014, a conservative blog in Illinois published Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan's account of an early voting glitch. According to Moynihan, his attempt to cast votes for himself and other Republican candidates on 20 October 2014 in Cook County, Illinois, resulted in a votes being recorded for Democratic opponents instead..."

"8/5/15 by Jon Green.
While Clarkson has found the same statistical irregularity in a number of localities, her efforts to confirm whether they amount to fraud have been centered on Sedgwick County, Kansas, due to the locality’s use of Real Time Voting Machine Paper Tapes, which provide a paper trail that other localities don’t have. However, her efforts to verify Sedgwick County’s election returns have been repeatedly shut down."

"The potential for this vote-rigging cyberwar is the result of an ongoing crisis in US democracy - a silent coup of sorts. Over many decades, US elections have been quietly outsourced to a small group of private voting machine companies, some with extreme partisan ties and criminal records. They have now almost entirely replaced our publicly counted paper ballots with their secretly programmed, easily hacked electronic voting technology.

For example, the Diebold AccuVote-TS Touchscreen voting machine was recently analyzed by Princeton computer security professors. They found that malicious software running on a single voting machine can be installed in as little as one minute, spreading invisibly from machine to machine through a virus, while stealing votes with little risk of detection."

And, to bring this up to date, 23 March 2016 - Documented voting fraud in Utah, say, didn't Cruz just get a big victory there ???????
And this -
And this -
And this -
And many, many more examples online. Well done Utah, not only electronic fraud but paper fraud as well. You have to be impressed with just how blatant it is.

And you are completely correct that there are many many other ways that your elections are rigged....

"Hillary Clinton’s campaign appears to have committed voter fraud in Polk County last night, during the Democrat Iowa Caucus. And there’s video to prove it!

Socialist candidate Bernie Sanders’ supporters are claiming that the county caucus chair Drew Gentsch in the video (below), along with precinct captain Elizabeth Buck, did not really count Clinton supporters. Instead, they were busy misleading the caucus-goers at precinct #43.

This is a very serious, criminal accusation."

And so it goes on, every state, every election, massive fraud.

Even most Americans see this fraud, so why don't you just change it ???????????
Quote from Racer X NZ :Omg omg omg
I love our conversations.

Yes, the voting machine fraud goes back to 2000, I REALLY would have thought that this would be history, being 16 Years after this became public knowledge. However, if you believe that then your completely underestimating the IQ of the average american.......
And half of them are even dumber than that ! Big grin

I try not to do that !

"On 22 October 2014, a conservative blog in Illinois published Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan's account of an early voting glitch. According to Moynihan, his attempt to cast votes for himself and other Republican candidates on 20 October 2014 in Cook County, Illinois, resulted in a votes being recorded for Democratic opponents instead..."

"8/5/15 by Jon Green.
While Clarkson has found the same statistical irregularity in a number of localities, her efforts to confirm whether they amount to fraud have been centered on Sedgwick County, Kansas, due to the locality’s use of Real Time Voting Machine Paper Tapes, which provide a paper trail that other localities don’t have. However, her efforts to verify Sedgwick County’s election returns have been repeatedly shut down."

"The potential for this vote-rigging cyberwar is the result of an ongoing crisis in US democracy - a silent coup of sorts. Over many decades, US elections have been quietly outsourced to a small group of private voting machine companies, some with extreme partisan ties and criminal records. They have now almost entirely replaced our publicly counted paper ballots with their secretly programmed, easily hacked electronic voting technology.

For example, the Diebold AccuVote-TS Touchscreen voting machine was recently analyzed by Princeton computer security professors. They found that malicious software running on a single voting machine can be installed in as little as one minute, spreading invisibly from machine to machine through a virus, while stealing votes with little risk of detection."

And, to bring this up to date, 23 March 2016 - Documented voting fraud in Utah, say, didn't Cruz just get a big victory there ???????
And this -
And this -
And this -
And many, many more examples online. Well done Utah, not only electronic fraud but paper fraud as well. You have to be impressed with just how blatant it is.

And you are completely correct that there are many many other ways that your elections are rigged....

"Hillary Clinton’s campaign appears to have committed voter fraud in Polk County last night, during the Democrat Iowa Caucus. And there’s video to prove it!

Socialist candidate Bernie Sanders’ supporters are claiming that the county caucus chair Drew Gentsch in the video (below), along with precinct captain Elizabeth Buck, did not really count Clinton supporters. Instead, they were busy misleading the caucus-goers at precinct #43.

This is a very serious, criminal accusation."

And so it goes on, every state, every election, massive fraud.

Even most Americans see this fraud, so why don't you just change it ???????????

LOLOLOL You're probably on to something there. But it's a bit more worse than a couple of rigged machines. Welcome to the world of Chicago politics. Been that way since before Capone. The Democrat party Owns Cook county and Chicago metropolitan area and has a solid history of corruption. It's a amazing they don't still have ward healers standing outside the polling places with bats. But again, why would the people rigging the machines, obviously HRC supporters, have to resort to that in those particular areas, when it's all in the bag for her anyways?
And Utah and Cruz? C'mon. Learn Mormonism! Romney endorsed Cruz. That's almost like I dunno... a Cardinal or a talk show host endorsing a candidate. And as a matter of principle the religious right are in behind Cruz as a whole. There are some evangelicals (protestants) backing Trump, but .... Lord knows why...
There's probably going to be more little instances of alleged and outright voter fraud as this election cycle plays out.
I dunno. there's bound to be some actions by idiots this campaign. looks whose all involved.

You know everyone outside the US tells me they like the system we have because it's so open. WHere people like you can find crap to criticize it, and it's all taken in stride.
Yeah? I dunno. At least the N. Koreans don't have this kind of embarrassing melodrama. Yeah, they may not have any freedom or rights and the may be living on a thread, but no one from New Zealand gives them a hard time about how stupid their government is. Wink
The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea today threatened New Zealand with a nuclear attack in response to new sanctions leveled on it by the United Nations.

The isolated communist dictatorship had earlier made a similar threat against the United States, but retracted it following President Obama’s swift assurance that any ballistic missile attack against his country could be quickly and easily intercepted.

Acknowledging that its initial proclamations were overzealous and unrealistic, the DPRK today reissued its threats, this time against several more vulnerable countries, including Turkmenistan, Iceland and New Zealand.

Speaking from Chile, Prime Minister John Key told a pool of reporters that nothing could be done to stop the attack. “Well, you know, if they want to, what do you want me to do?” asked Key, noting that New Zealand did not possess the sort of anti-missile defense systems available to countries like the United States.

Asked what he thought would happen if North Korea did launch a nuclear strike against the country, Key replied “Everybody would die.”

“Could we not at least evacuate the targeted city?” asked one reporter, to which Key replied “Not in time, probably not. No.”

“Does the government have a contingency plan if such an attack occurs?” asked another. “No” said Key.

When pressed further on the issue, the Prime Minister became visibly agitated, and attempted to take questions on other subjects. “Look, Michael, you’ve had your turn” he said, referring to TVNZ’s Michael Parkin. “I’ve already told you, we can’t prevent a ballistic missile attack. End of story.”

When asked by a frightened TV3 reporter about North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un’s claim that he could turn Auckland into “a sea of flames”, Key replied “Yeah, he probably could.”

While the government appeared disinterested in doing anything about the nuclear strike, there were some promising indications of external aid from abroad. Tonga’s Prime Minister, Sialeʻataongo Tuʻivakanō, promised that he would “look out for any missiles”, and Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard phoned Bill English last night to assure him that, in the event of a nuclear attack, Australia would do everything it could to provide additional news coverage. Cool
Quote from Racer X NZ :The Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea today threatened New Zealand with a nuclear attack in response to new sanctions leveled on it by the United Nations.

The isolated communist dictatorship had earlier made a similar threat against the United States, but retracted it following President Obama’s swift assurance that any ballistic missile attack against his country could be quickly and easily intercepted.

Acknowledging that its initial proclamations were overzealous and unrealistic, the DPRK today reissued its threats, this time against several more vulnerable countries, including Turkmenistan, Iceland and New Zealand.

Speaking from Chile, Prime Minister John Key told a pool of reporters that nothing could be done to stop the attack. “Well, you know, if they want to, what do you want me to do?” asked Key, noting that New Zealand did not possess the sort of anti-missile defense systems available to countries like the United States.

Asked what he thought would happen if North Korea did launch a nuclear strike against the country, Key replied “Everybody would die.”

“Could we not at least evacuate the targeted city?” asked one reporter, to which Key replied “Not in time, probably not. No.”

“Does the government have a contingency plan if such an attack occurs?” asked another. “No” said Key.

When pressed further on the issue, the Prime Minister became visibly agitated, and attempted to take questions on other subjects. “Look, Michael, you’ve had your turn” he said, referring to TVNZ’s Michael Parkin. “I’ve already told you, we can’t prevent a ballistic missile attack. End of story.”

When asked by a frightened TV3 reporter about North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un’s claim that he could turn Auckland into “a sea of flames”, Key replied “Yeah, he probably could.”

While the government appeared disinterested in doing anything about the nuclear strike, there were some promising indications of external aid from abroad. Tonga’s Prime Minister, Sialeʻataongo Tuʻivakanō, promised that he would “look out for any missiles”, and Prime Minister of Australia Julia Gillard phoned Bill English last night to assure him that, in the event of a nuclear attack, Australia would do everything it could to provide additional news coverage. Cool

Wow. I didn't know the little deviant was threatening the whole damned planet too. Then again what do you expect from someone that has a School Shooter's haircut?
Quote from Racer Y :Wow. I didn't know the little deviant was threatening the whole damned planet too. Then again what do you expect from someone that has a School Shooter's haircut?

...Think I'm gonna skip work today....
YOu know there is something happening here that no one is talking about. We, the US seem to be moving towards a sort of organized anarchy. More and more of the population are ignoring the government. It's why we'll never succeed with a Denmark style government. We HATE regulations. Our government is continually trying to over regulate things. Not because of the "Evil Empire" but because of gross incompetence. YOu have a complaint about something, no matter how ridiculous, and some legislator or congressman or whoever is up making a law about it - without even researching anything. Just based on a crazy complaint. When they do that, guess what happens? We ignore it. So if it was a potentially bad thing before regulation, it becomes that bad thing afterwards.
Not Pot, or synthetic marijuana is a perfect example. When it was "legal", it actually was weird plant types picked for their properties and enhanced with synthetic THC (JWH compounds) A few idiots smoked it too much and freaked out and wound up in emergency rooms. Because of that, the stuff is now illegal here. And instead of a purified product and any development towards making it better, it is now who knows what sprayed over lawn clippings and of course it's use has expanded since the illegal dope trade knows a lot about marketing products.
And the really funny part? You'll like this. unlike Coke, Heroin and traditional narcotics, the main money makers from not pot aren't cartels or gangs. Nope. The main money makers are everyone's favorite - Islamic terrorists. They didn't have that source of income when it was legal. And now we have all sorts of idiots whacked on this crap. No. Not stupid high school kids. But people that have to contend with random drug screening. It doesn't show up in any tests - so it's a big hit with plant workers, transportation workers and any other occupation where they like to sniff your pee pee.

Please settle a debate...
(35 posts, started )