(675 posts, started )
mine is about 133

btw: i don't want n2o in lfs
IQ is meaningless. IQ is an indication of how good you are at IQ tests. Intelligence (IQ =intelligence quotient) is not a quantity that can be measured. The notion of IQ is completely meaningless.

as meaningless as having n2o in LFS.

jamexing, you have not the slightest idea what you are talking about OR you are not making any sense. Pretty much anything in this world can be "EXTREMLY dangerous". Very potent oxidizer? I think not. It is inert and smells nice. It is actually, literaly, (OH NOES!) A LAUGHING GAS. Which "2" are you referring to, when you talk about mixing them? NOS notorious for blowing up engines? Well, you can blow up an engine in various ways, NOS isn't special in this aspect.

The rest of what you say is pretty good.
ok, ok...but if you don't wanna gimme some nowzzz, please gimme at least sum cutie bodykits!!!!

just wanna say: guys take it easy! tryin to prove nos directly realte to IQ is just too funny... ...and too sad...
(Memph1s) DELETED by Memph1s
I never said it "directly relates to". I think my dry humour and satirical nature gets lost in translations.

When I meant was that the only people who use NOS in real life are the same type of people who drive with one hand at the top of their steering wheel, turn the music up high so they can't hear what any part of the car is doing, recline their seat so that their arm is straight, fit huge intercoolers to increase the lag, fit a bodykit to slow down any advantage to their 'engine tuning', weigh the car down with ICE, lower and stiffen the car randomly (i.e. without paying the slightest attention to suspension movement and geometry or the unsprung/sprung masses etc etc etc.

People who do this clearly aren't the cleverest people. If they were they wouldn't. And thus it befits to say that they have a lower than average IQ. And they probably wear baseball caps (a good sign in my experience).
tristan, i know i'm gonna give you a are not the only one who talked about nos vs IQ...

btw you are asuming that people who use nos are thos you just described, did you have any stats to prove it?
Do you have any stats to prove otherwise????

Do you really think a well tuned and maintained car, or ANY form of race car would have a Nitrous Oxide system (other than PERHAPS as a charge cooler, not as a power additive as it's first intention)? No. Do you think ricers like it? Yes. How much more 'proof' does one need?
as for me, i think if we going to have nos and bodykits, we need the whole package(free roam city, engine tunning, everything, include change the tagline "online rice simulator") or leave as it is...

like all or nothing

i think that we have strayed into two seperate issues here

should nos be in lfs


the type of user / uses nos has in real life

for what its worth my views are

no for nos in lfs though maybe a yes for a push to pass type button as used in some real life series

nos in real life ? now thats more complicated, yes it is used by people in inapropriate places and manners and with crazy amounts of power being generated (if only in their imagination) but on the other hand if it is installed correctly and used properly then it is a valid tuning tool, a simple 15 hp increase with nos can produce an effect far in excess of 15 hp gained through normal tuning due to the increase being effectively all along the power curve, not just an increase rising to a peak value of 15, this makes it very effective on low powered cars when overtaking and as long as the car is used sensibly with regards to road conditions, other users and regulations the actual usage can be very low. there is also the advantage of the engine being in its normal state when the nos is not triggered, unlike conventionally tuned engines, with the attendant increase in efficiency. years ago CCC magazine fitted nos to a metro of all things to generate aprox 20 hp extra , it made the car far more usable on the road with regards to overtaking etc and after the initial "something new, use it everywhere" consumption phase had passed, they found that quite often it was only triggered once or twice a week and only for periods of 4 or 5 seconds at a time

additionally it can be used very successfully with a turbo car with a small amount of nos being triggered on full throttle untill boost reaches a preset figure, at which point the nos cuts out. this not only provides power before the turbo spins up but actually reduces lag due to the increase in exhaust output, for a road car this can mean that the nos is only actually triggered for periods of 1 sec or less.

basically nos is like alchohol (to drink not use as fuel) in small amounts its a perfectly acceptable aid to relaxation but in excess it can lead to trouble and health problems, nos is a perfectly good power boost but in excess it can lead to accidents and severe reductions in mechanical health (and the drivers)
Quote from tristancliffe :I never said it "directly relates to". I think my dry humour and satirical nature gets lost in translations.

When I meant was that the only people who use NOS in real life are the same type of people who drive with one hand at the top of their steering wheel, turn the music up high so they can't hear what any part of the car is doing, recline their seat so that their arm is straight, fit huge intercoolers to increase the lag, fit a bodykit to slow down any advantage to their 'engine tuning', weigh the car down with ICE, lower and stiffen the car randomly (i.e. without paying the slightest attention to suspension movement and geometry or the unsprung/sprung masses etc etc etc.

People who do this clearly aren't the cleverest people. If they were they wouldn't. And thus it befits to say that they have a lower than average IQ. And they probably wear baseball caps (a good sign in my experience).

You just described me...
Except that I did not lower nor stiffen the car yet, and the ICE is still in the shed, needing some final touches.

Would this make my car be faster than your car? I don't know... Don't care, either. I'm having fun doing it. Not to mention the attention you get from random people in the streets (yes, including but not limited to women).

All I need now is a lambo-door system, and a NOS kit, just for the purge system... Because it looks cool. Maybe could use air-ride too, because the speedbumps are killing me.

(and no, I'm way above average for IQ, and I don't wear baseball caps)
Quote :You just described me...

considering how tristan described you, you are spending money to put gimmicks in your car and, while you don't care if the car became faster or not, you enjoy the attention you get while you drive with your arm straight and blah blah blah, in your 'tuner'.

i believe there's a term for people with this mindset. "attention whore".

Quote from TagForce :I'm way above average for IQ

Pretty much everyone these days is way above average for iq. Hm...

I did the (official) test once. As an experiment. What i understood is that "IQ tests", pretty much like any other test, are things you can get better at. Of course, that, will raise your IQ score. But it has nothing to do with your intelligence. This pretty much proves that IQ has barely any relation to 'intelligence', whatever 'intelligence' is.

Quit mentioning how good you are in IQ tests. It is pointless. It has no meaning whatsoever. It is completely and utterly idiotic. Intelligence is not a quantity you can measure. Intelligence is not even well-defined. IQ scores only show how good you are in iq tests.

Once and for all, those who give even the slightest importance to "IQ" are complete dimwits who think that their 'intelligence' can be brought down to a number. You want 'smarts' ? quit fooling around, study science.
Quote from george_tsiros :considering how tristan described you, you are spending money to put gimmicks in your car and, while you don't care if the car became faster or not, you enjoy the attention you get while you drive with your arm straight and blah blah blah, in your 'tuner'.

i believe there's a term for people with this mindset. "attention whore".

Pretty much everyone these days is way above average for iq. Hm...

I did the (official) test once. As an experiment. What i understood is that "IQ tests", pretty much like any other test, are things you can get better at. Of course, that, will raise your IQ score. But it has nothing to do with your intelligence. This pretty much proves that IQ has barely any relation to 'intelligence', whatever 'intelligence' is.

Quit mentioning how good you are in IQ tests. It is pointless. It has no meaning whatsoever. It is completely and utterly idiotic. Intelligence is not a quantity you can measure. Intelligence is not even well-defined. IQ scores only show how good you are in iq tests.

Once and for all, those who give even the slightest importance to "IQ" are complete dimwits who think that their 'intelligence' can be brought down to a number. You want 'smarts' ? quit fooling around, study science.

I can only confirm what you said about IQ-tests - they are pretty meaningless: I once got 156 in one - drunk. That should say everything
i personally wouldnt want NOS in LFS.Still Car tuning never means that you are stupid...i know at least 5 tuners with Abitur(so they made 13 years on a good school)and i dont know many tuners....I think people who say tuners are stupid just dont know the right persons.
(no,i dont tune my car,in case you thought that now)
'stupid' is meaningless, as well. there are no 'stupid' people. there are people who are ignorant, though. calling someone stupid is an attempt at insulting and nothing more. In other words, "stupid" doesn't tell anything about the character of a person. Most of the time the characterism "stupid" is given to a person who does something we consider "stupid". Hm. I'd say it was ignorance, or not paying attention. But that doesn't mean it is a permanent quality of a person, like "stupid" implies.

Quote :I once got 156 in one - drunk. That should say everything

yeah. you calculated the score while drunk, too

Quote :i know at least 5 tuners with Abitur

So? I know Physics MScs and PHds who can't tell if "gravity" is a force or an acceleration and say Angstr'o'm as "armstrong". I know math PHds who insist that an integral is a limit. school has nothing to do with knowledge. knowledge has nothing to do with whether you can identify the important aspect or quality of a certain subject. school/knowledge/judgement are all completely urelated. You might learn if you go to a school, but that was something the student did, not the school. etc etc.
Quote from george_tsiros :
I know math PHds who insist that an integral is a limit. school has nothing to do with knowledge.

maybe because integral is defined as a limit...
Quote from S0ul :i personally wouldnt want NOS in LFS.Still Car tuning never means that you are stupid...i know at least 5 tuners with Abitur(so they made 13 years on a good school)and i dont know many tuners....I think people who say tuners are stupid just dont know the right persons.
(no,i dont tune my car,in case you thought that now)

Don't mistake a good tuner with a ricer... A tuner will (try to) enhance the performance of a car, a ricer just adds ballast for no good reason, thus decrease performance...
Wow, I've seen a remarkably large number of personal attacks, but this N2O thread takes the cake. That's one reason I've not joined this forum until I've played LFS for months.

Let me explain WHY N2O is so good for detonating engines. It's called LEAN OUT. Too much N2O for a given fuel intake rate is basically too much O2 for the given fuel, causing massive detonation. If it wasn't for sophisticated digital engine systems of today, a NOS boost system would be terribly unreliable, if not deadly. Since N2O is an oxidyzer, it allows more fuel to be burnt for a given cylinder volume, since higher O2 partial pressure of N2O allows this.

More power! Great , right? Not quite. If an engine wasn't adequately prepared for the gneration of much greater than normal power, it's no surprise that parts get overstressed and gudgeons pins start to break, etc. Try fitting a NOS booster to your Toyota Echo engine that's been turbocharged to make 50% greater than stock power with no internal strengthening. If any significant boost is to be obtained (such as over 50% as seen in F&F or NFS:U), be prepared for a petrol fueled grenade.

So before someone says I have no idea what I'm taling about, I dare you to contradict my above explainations valid scientific arguments. I thought we were simulation racers, not NFS:U style neanderthals. illepall
no one said nos is not dangerous if not used as it should be (very little) and no one said that lfs should imitate nfsu.
Jamexing - I can prove your whole post above useless!!!!!!!

You wrote NO2 repeatedly (which is Nitrogen Dioxide, usually a biproduct of combustion), when you meant N2O

I win

Edit: N2O can be used to safeguard an engine. If the air-fuel ratio remains correct, and you're not primarly using the susbstance to increase the power as such, then the charge cooling effect of Nitrous will reduce detonation, and allow higher compression ratios, more aggressive ignition timing etc. But as this can also be done for less money and complexity with other methods it's very rarely used.
Quote from Honey :maybe because integral is defined as a limit...

the important aspect of an integral is that it is a SUM. it is the limit of a SUM. there are many limits, but an integral is the limit of a SUM.
Quote :no one said nos is not dangerous if not used as it should be

Am i the only one who does not understand what this guy is saying?
That's one way to use it, as an intercooler like mechanism. Or you could add much more O2 into the air equation and add just enough fuel to compensate and the result, direct power gains! Great until it stuff your engine up.

Thanks for pointing out my error, tristan. N2O is what I meant. As N2O is 33% O2 by volume, this is much greater than the 20% or so normal air gives. The superior partial pressure alone should explain why nitrous use leads t omore power. Thus, bigger bang per cylinder volume. FYI, NO2 is used as an oxidizer for rockets. Since combustion or detonation requires the presence of O2, fuel and heat, N2O on board a car is definitely extra danger, since it completes one more component of the fire triangle...

Even if the A/F ratio was perfectly controlled by an excellent microprocessor control system, the bursty jolts of extra power won't do mechanical components many favours. Can't believe how many ricers would blow up their poorly setup NOS systems.

I understand that your stated application of NOS is valid in professional racing, tristan, but as it's suggested in this thread, N2O would be used to directly increase power to generate a push to pass mechanism. That's why my post is still valid.
Hey, I'm against it - I'm not trying to justify it's inclusion in any way, and my edit was not to invalidate your post. I was primarily answering your request for contradiction of your statements, which was the N2O NO2 mix up.
I win


BTW, I'm surpsrised and disappointed by our little statement up there. Win what? I wasn't argueing with you. And FYI, I do read posts and I can't believ how much crap gets ont o a thread. Trsitan, I thought you were one of the smarter, better informed and more reasonable ones.
Clearification accepted. Glad you choose reason over silly flaming antics. Wish more posters were like this.

Just flag up any inadvertant errors I made and I'm happy to rectufy them. I've nothing against CONSTRUCTIVE critism. Thank you Tristan.

Gee, why would I want to carry rocketfuel oxidizer on my car...
I win is a light-hearted reference to your dare.

I wouldn't say I was reasonable though. I have opinions which I try to base on fact, and I am not afraid to make them known. I wouldn't say I've been posting crap, it's all (mostly) technically correct stuff laced with a good bit of stubborness. Talk to me about non-rice subjects and I'm all lovely again.

(675 posts, started )