The online racing simulator
Lithuanian Language Pack
(43 posts, started )
gerai gerai!!!
Scawen, can you make that i could add one more letter at line 3a_karesetk (Reset Car) ?
OK - yes I have done that and put it in the online system.
Quote from Scawen :OK - yes I have done that and put it in the online system.

Scawen i would like to suggest to add lessons to on line translating system, because i notices some mistakes i have made (not very important, but still...) and i would like to fix them. I want to upload lessons translation again, but i don't want to bother you, so if you would add lessons to on line translating system it would be easy to translate and fix mistakes and that wouldn't take your time to add translated lessons to your LFS patch folder I hope you will understand what i am suggesting
I know what you mean... but I'm not sure if it's the best thing to do.

Anyway, I am not bothered at all if you post some fixes here, it only take me one minute to get your updated lesson pack and put the contents in my patch folder. No worries! There are always mistakes in text and changes you want to make later, I do it all the time!
training fixes
P.S. you could do something like that :
Lithuanian on line translation
In game menu, help text, lessons/Testdrive - Formula BMW
/Testdrive - MRT
/Testdrive - GTI
/and the rest...
that would be very useful
Attached files
training fixes.rar - 13.6 KB - 1091 views
Thanks - got them!
i have i little selfish suggestion
i want to suggest to give ability to download 25 skins for thous people who are official LFS translator
if u wont agree with me i will not be disapointed its just a suggestion
I have updated lithuanian translation for training lessosn. Scawen please add this update to next patch.

P.S. and i want to remind about options / display / interface.
Attached files
LTU training - 15.3 KB - 1539 views
Thank you, I have added these to my Z19 folder.
Sveiki, esu vienintelis oficialiai verčiantis žaidimą, bei tinklapi į lietuvių kalbą. Pastaruoju metu vis sunkiau pasidarė atrast laiko vertimui, tai būtu labai šaunu jei atsirastu norinčių padėt ar visiškai perimt vertimo darbus. Jei atsiras norinčių atsakykit čia, arba į skype (mariuspx), tada jūsų nikus nusiunčiau Viktorui ir jis įtrauktų jus į vertėjų sąrašą.
Aš galiu.
Quote from prOmo_LTU :Aš galiu.

šaunu, brūkštelsiu Viktorui, kad tave įtrauktu į vertėjų sąrašą
Quote from prOmo_LTU :Aš galiu.

pasak Viktoro tu jau itrauktas i verteju sarasa, greitai turetum gaut emaila is jo su instrukcijom, kaip, kur ir ka verst
me too. Aš taip pat galiu pamėgint Smile
I can Smile
Aš galiu Smile

Lithuanian Language Pack
(43 posts, started )