The online racing simulator
"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )
Last timers join the grid, so we are in 15 Smile (edit: 18 - second photo updated)

So its MTDX-UM21 on pole, then Camoradi/1, [WCL]J.A.Katila, Anici <3, Corse\xyx, Sainted, 9397, then following racers who did not drive the qualifying: Keskitalo#56, Riddick, 5tag, Jay Fin, MTDX-Arska, MousemanLV, sveinall, Kucharz, [TC]P.Butcher, GenR mitz, and Inlovee
Green light!

After dramatic, exciting and long moments ,the result were:

Congrats to amazing sovereign MTDZX-UM21 (who managed the race without pitting!)
There were definitely ways in which the organisation could be improved as we discovered in qualifying but I think once you've organised a few more of these you will work this stuff out and the quality of the events will improve. I enjoyed the race so good job.
Meh, i would have joined in but the pub races going on at B2r Rotate GTi were too good (30 people with close and fun racing) depending on the combo i will try to make the next one!
B2R is a button-clutch festival these days which kinda sucks, I prefer long races anyway.
Quote from ymeshulin :My race only lasted 98% of the first lap, and I swiftly left the server and went for a drive in a real car.

The reason I often fail in these online races is that for some obscure reason I expect everyone to know what they are doing. Clearly, this is rarely the case - in this particular instance MTDZX-Arska was in a rush to overtake me, despite having 110 minutes of racing to go. In his clear and unfogged mind the best way to do this was to move me out of the way entering the last chicane - I clipped the kerb and went on the roof.

I don't know why he never finished the race himself, but I would not be at all surprised to learn he has crashed hard somewhere in his over-eagerness to make further progress. You are welcome to blame me for my ignorant tone in this message, I but seriously can't stand people who enter races thinking that driving as fast as possible for the entire race duration is the best / only way forward. I appreciate that the incident could have been his genuine mistake, but nevertheless, I know a million people never allowing themselves to produce crap like this.

On another note, amazing job by 9397 for preparing and running the event. Very well done, mate, I am truly amazed by your enthusiasm, and in many cases compromising your own race in order to ensure a smooth running of the event. Keep it up, and I look forward to taking part in your events in the future.

Not definitely gonna defend him, his mind was not from this planet and foolishly attempted to overtake you, only hitting your rear bumper and causing indirectly you roll-over...

...but don't you think you could had avoid that flip? Faster counter-steer and that kind of involved error could not have happen.

Oh well...

Quote from k_badam :Meh, i would have joined in but the pub races going on at B2r Rotate GTi were too good (30 people with close and fun racing) depending on the combo i will try to make the next one!

Race report!! (I must be crazy spending my night watching replay and writing this)

Looks like we were 18 on starting lap. All on RB4 except me (9397), MousemanLV, [TCR] P.Butcher, Inlovee and sveinall on XRT cars.

*LAP 1*

At green light [TCR] P.Butcher did not had any hurry and was maybe drinking coffee or smthing and just idling in his car in the back of the field while others jumped hungry to first lap.

Comradi got good sc1 and was on MTDX-UM21's tails before the bumpy section.
Sainted was sliding after bumpy section had to let Keskitalo#56 (who got blinding sc1) pass him and got 5tag and MTDX-Arska on his tails. When the field entered sc2, [TCR] P.Butcher started slowly his race.

I decided to take very careful sc1 and dropped from 7th to 10th and in the bumps had to stop because of Kucharz and MousemanLV coming full speed almost on me and right into the tyres.

First non-qualifier Riddick with XRT, started from pos 9 but messed in T1 and remained last. It looked like he was first time on this track and struggling in everything. In the bumps he broke his car and before sc3 ended up in the sand and retired.
At the same time more ahead happens: Jay FIN begins to struggle and had nice excursion on the sand just before sc4.

On the long bridge Anici got good speed and had a serious challenge with [WCL]J.A.Katila in 3rd pos anyway taking it careful meanwhile Katila defending strongly his place.

Later in the field Kucharz defending from my overtaking challenge on long bridge, he brakes on me, and after us MousemanLV crashes on Kucharz and spins. Then comes sveinall (who was in troubles with slippery Hybrid tyres) and almost crashes MousemanLV's car in the middle of track.

Last turns of the lap and Sainted got the deadly kiss from MTDZX-Arska and his car turned upside down.
Meanwhile MousemanLV couldnt handle XRT on first dirt hairpin and did 180 degrees spin. His car rear bumper got sadly stucked on the edge of gravel and couldnt move his car and retired.

*LAP 2*

MTDX-UM21 had created 3.5 gap lead when starting lap 2. Then came near each others Camoradi\1, [WCL]J.A.Katila, Corse\xyx, and Keskitalo#56. Almost drama at the bumps; Camoradi\1 goes wide in the tyrewall and drops 3 positions. [WCL]J.A.Katila gets distracted about that mess and gets passed by Anici. Keskitalo#56 gets good speed to the long bridge, and makes bold move outbraking Corse\xyx who does not even try to defend his position.

Later in the field, Kucharz's increasing struggling during first lap had a sad end on second lap entering the bumps with damaged suspensions. He went into tyres and upside down.
Immediately after that, it was sveinall's blue XRT into barrier after "superspeed" bridge with overheated left rear tyre. The gamble with Hybrid tyres payed its price. Retirement.
At the end of the same sector, Inlovee makes a huge excursion on sand with his XRT but continues back on track.
Bit ahead the tires of RB4 of GenR Mitz are seriously overheated. And it is lap 2 of 35.

*LAP 3*
In the lead big drama. Keskitalo#58 who had made incredible climbing from pos11 to pos3, was putting serious pressure on Anici who was on second place. Anici distracted and flipped his car on the tight corner before going under bridge. Retirement.
It was the same lap and same corner, but later in the field, in pos 10, 11, and 12 was three XRT's: me, Inlovee, and [TC]P.Butcher. Under pressure Inlovee flipped his car following the example of Anici. Retirement.

The last of the field on pos 13 was Jay FIN who had already demolished his car, overheated, clutch, overheated tyres, damaged suspension, frustrated driver banging in every barrier and finally flipping his car. Jay was another driver gambling with tyres, using Normal tyres.

At this point it was half way of lap 3 there was ten cars remaining and the situation was:

1. MTDX-UM21 with a gap of respectable 8 sec.
3.[WCL]J.A.Katila one second from pos2
4. Corse\xyx at 0.3 from pos3
5. Camoradi/1 at 0.6 from pos 4
6. & 7.: MTDX-Arska with overheated tyres and 5tag battling side by side at 12 sec from pos 5
8. GenR mitz at 6 sec from pos 7
9. The only XRT's left in the race: me (9397) and scary fast [TC]P.Butcher overtaking me on the long bridge (at 9 sec from pos 8)

At the end of lap 3 both MTDX-Arska and GenR mitz have one tyre totally melted and three others overheated, but they continue pushing hard their increasing slippery cars.

*LAP 4*
GenR mitz was in big troubles since his tyres were like melted cheese. Even I overtaked him. MTDX-Arska had similar problems but continued pushing 100% wich leaded to a flip on sc4 and retirement.
Not a surprise that those who made mistakes on first laps, were racers that joined the event "on the fly" without practising.
GenR mitz managed to the pits at the end of lap4, and after pistop continued half lap behind me. At this point Camoradi/1 had overtaken Corse\xyx and was chasing [WCL]J.A.Katila

*LAP 5*
Keskitalo#56 increasing gap to 3rd pos but driving 10sec behind leader
Comoradi in 4th chasing Katila in 3rd
Corse\xyx makes his tactical move and without damages or overheated tyres pits from 5th position. He rejoins the race on 6th 6sec after 5TAG.

On lap 9 Corse\xyx closes gap on 5TAG whose suspensions have several damages. 5TAG cuts the deadly corner of sc1 too much and flips his car. He was anyway helped by GenR mitz and managed to get back on track one lap after me. Meanwhile GenR mitz was more laps behind and retired on lap 11.

With everybody finding his place in the field, the race continued and field getting longer while gaps increased between cars.

At lap 18 it was some middle point of race and standing was
1. MTDX-UM21 with best lap 3:05:7
2.Keskitalo#56 gap 19sec best lap 3:06:7
3.Camoradi/1 gap another 19sec best lap 3:07:7
4. [WCL]J.A.Katila gap 40 sec best lap 3:09:1
5. Corse\xyx gap 0.7 sec best lap 3:09:3
6. [TC]P.Butcher with XRT, gap 4.5 sec best lap 3:08:2
7. me with XRT gap half a lap and I was just lapped by the leader. best lap 3:14:9
8. 5TAG some ~10 sec to me but one lap behind me . Best lap 3:10:2

During next few laps 5TAG was closing gap to me wich motivated me to drive more accurate. However on his lap 21 (leader lap 23) 5TAG with tyres consumed and suspensions damaged, he spectated.

Meanwhile much action on lap 18:
[WCL] J.A.Katila makes error on lap18 and Corse\xyx moves 4th
Then Camoradi/1 pits from 3rd pos and joins in front of [TC]P.Butcher and right after Corse\xyx and [WCL] J.A.Katila. At the same time [WCL] J.A.Katila smashes his car in deadly corner on lap 19 and gets front susp damaged. Right after that [TC]P.Butcher passes Camoradi, and Camoradi passed [TC]P.Butcher back on lap 20. Both them chasing Corse\xyx who is lapping 1-2 sec slower.

On lap 21 huge pressure on Corse\xyx, he misses gear and get even bit damage to engine and drops to 5th place. Then Camoradi with the more suitable RB4 begins to create gap on [TC]P.Butcher meanwhile [TC]P.Butcher increasing gap on Corse\xyx.

On lap 27 Keskitalo#56 with a comfortable +30 sec gap to #3 does his pit and joins race 19 sec before Camoradi on pos 3. Keskitalo did not fixed his damaged suspensions on pitstop, and they get worse during the race.
On lap 32 [TC]P.Butcher pits with thin layer of rubber remaining on rear tyres. He is 4th with 13 sec gap to Corse\xyx. Making fast pit he joins race right after Corse\xyx.

So on lap 33(of35), there is one serious battle of 2nd position while Camoradi has closed the gap to Keskitalo and his suspension-damaged RB4 wich is lapping 2-3 sec slower.
Then there is another serious battle of 4th position with [TC]P.Butcher driving XRT and chasing Corse\xyx with slightly engine damaged RB4 (still able to lap 3:10 laptimes). On that lap these four fits in the same screen, because while 2nd and 3rd goes on bridge, 4th and 5th go under bridge. (see photo).

While Corse\xyx surrendes to [TC]P.Butcher after a small battle on sc4 of l33, Camoradi still on tails of Keskitalo on lap 34 but then finds easily way through since Keskitalo's car's driveability reminds a boat instead of race car. Drama happens when Keskitalo pushes like a crazy after being overtaked, and flips his car in the deadly corner, in the beginning of last lap!

Meanwhile MTDX-UM21 was cruising his soverign lead on last lap, laps me 2nd time during the race and had an crazy scary long two-wheel session on sc3 on last lap but survived that with style and went to victory.

(picture of lap 33, 2nd and 3rd on the bridge, 4th and 5th under it)

edit: added more details on lap1&2 + race replay
Attached files
35 lap fe6y rc.mpr - 14.6 MB - 378 views
Nice done lucaf, on both, the event and description above Smile I would be grateful if you could upload replay of this race, or send me it on email. I was so mad at myself that i messed up in such stupid way, just like a rookie, that i wasn't in mood to watch the race anymore. I think that i just didn't do enough practice, it was for sure not more than 25 laps overal, and like only 4 laps using setup which i was starting on to race. I didn't felt confident at all, and i always need a lot of practice before i will feel good in particular combo. But beside my problems with concentration, congrats to MTDX-UM21, he was in different league, the fact that he was doing such laptimes without pitstop, i really don't know how it is possible, for me it was like one fast (and perfect) lap, which would be about 3:05.5x and tyres are dead with teperature up to 120d deg Big grin. One more time, really good job lucaf, keep it up! Looking forward for another race! Smile

EDIT: thank you for uploading replay Smile I hope that next race will be finally more fortunate for me Big grin
I do not regret my choice of the XRT, I like a challenge Tongue
Updated photo of starting grid, where all 18 cars are.

Quote from Razor1373 :Nice done lucaf, on both, the event and description above Smile I would be grateful if you could upload replay of this race, or send me it on email.

Uploaded replay and updated race report of first two laps. Yes, I was really sorry about you and Sainted being out so early :/ But I understand your mistake, the guy behind you was really flying from the start. And if this helps you - he flipped his car on last lap in the same place and same position than you (2nd) being pressured same way he pressured on you.

Quote from mbutcher :I do not regret my choice of the XRT, I like a challenge Tongue

me too, and really enjoyed of driving XRT and it sounds Smile
It was so fun that Im thinking of organizing new shorter race on that track for XRT only (maybe 20 laps or smthing)
And your driving was just awesome to watch from replay
So the next question goes, is there an interest for a RWD race on that track? Maybe 20 laps? I had some laps with FZ5 and felt very interested how it would manage against XRT since it is well known as tyre eater.

Anyway soon I will release the reverse version of that layout, we can think about it also... less bumps there Big grin
I would prefer a different track
Something unique however Tongue but I give +1 for FZ50
Quote from mbutcher :B2R is a button-clutch festival these days which kinda sucks, I prefer long races anyway.

you right i don't like it to .... before we had it turned off and I got also lot off complains about it. But maybe we should forbid it again. Not sure becourse bc also possible in hl's.
what exactly is a button clutch? do you mean the shifting scripts?
Any news about next race ?Smile
Thanks for asking! No news, just ideas Big grin

I'd like to see another event on the recent FE6Y Black RC layout, with different car combination:
How would it sound
  • one event with LX4 & XRT & RAC
  • one event with LX6 & FZ5?
Unfortunately these would be S2 events.

Another idea is to have a long XRG-only demo race on Blackwood, like we had with XFG.

Then I'planning to finish the reverse version of FE6Y Black RC layout but.. hmm..

Also I'm open to any suggestions.

Someone was complaining last race was too long. The other side is, that if races are shorter, we will miss interesting and creative pit-strategies. I feel mandatory pitstops boring.

Lets see. Anyway I cannot plan things much in advance. I can announce 1-2 days in advance when I feel to organize an event. Smile Next weekend not impossible...let see..
Most of the drives that participates to that kind of events are s2/s3 users, don't look at the few (probably im the only one Big grin) who doesn't have S2. Since few months i was thinking about buying S2 finally, but i didn't had time to drive, now i don't have it either but i want to show myself at such events and work on my skill, because demo is demo, one car, one track, and everyone can practice it to reach perfectionSmile What im trying to say is that if you will organise S2 race, there's 70% chance that i will buy S2 to join it Smile

And about your ideas, i don't know if it wouldn't be better to pick different track and come back to FE6Y Black RC later, so ppl wouldn't get bored with it (im not talking about myselfSmile ), also another demo race would be good to have more drivers, but they can give up early on, and again, licensed drivers may think it will be boring and don't participate. Anyway it's up to you, i will join no matter what combo you will choose, if i will have time, and will be as hyped as during both previous races Smile

Cheers Anici<3
lx4 sounds good to me, but i think RAC is more on par with LX6,

i would maybe suggest a slightly shorter lap?
I suggest thus:

Quote from mbutcher :For real? That would be a real pain to balance, not even sure how I'd do that.

what? what? I need details please! :|
I've been away for a while, and will be away for another while (sorry for that, need to get rid of my LFS addiction before continue playing..)

Meanwhile I got idea of next race event, and just want to introduce my idea for your feedback. Of course you can also re-use this idea on your own servers:

So the race event (on the layout running currently) would contain several races with different cars.

The theme would be RWD racing, and cars:

Qualifying : LX4

Race 1 = 8 laps ~ 30 min = XRT
Race 2 = 8 laps ~ 30 min = FZR
Race 3 = 8 laps ~ 30 min = LX6
Race 4 = 8 laps ~ 30 min = RAC

Of course, I would configure start order = finishing order

I would like to introduce also my idea of the pointing system:

Winner points = amount of cars in grid
2nd points = winner points -1

in addition everyone who finish race will get bonus point, so its important to finish race:

Race finish bonus = amount of cars in grid * gain
gain depends on car; XRT = 0.5, FZR=0.7, LX6=0.8,RAC=0.9 - this means that more challenging car will give you more race finish bonus

EXAMPLE of the pointing system

10 cars on grid, XRT race

1st will have points 10 + 5 = 15
2nd will have points 9 + 5 = 14
3nd will have points 8 + 5 = 13

8 cars on grid, LX6 race

1st will have points 8 + 6.4 = 14.4
2nd will have points 7 + 6.4 = 13.4
3nd will have points 6 + 6.4 = 12.4

At the end all points of 4 races will be summed.

My idea is to encourage consistent racing, finishing every race (instead of just trying to win). Does this have any sense? (You can of course copy this idea in your own events.)

What I am unsure is: will LFS allow to change cars after qualifying and still preserve qualify standings for starting grid?

"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )