The online racing simulator
hello bros at last i can join this lovely sim its been since 2006 that i wanted to do so but i had a wooden PC now i got S2 and im having the time of my life with drifting and cursing.

wish you all the best :>
Well, he is Arabic so i assume Arab drifting Big grin
Quote from faissalero :hello bros at last i can join this lovely sim its been since 2006 that i wanted to do so but i had a wooden PC now i got S2 and im having the time of my life with drifting and cursing.

wish you all the best :>

Anyway welcome Thumbs up
Lots of new players though, but where all they?. Lets check it out now, it is 11:30 GMT+3 now

Anyway, for everybody, welcome to Live For Speed!
Attached images
I haven't been able to play online yet. No internet at home. What I do have is slow. I live out in the county and its hard to get it. But some day!
Quote from kturner :I haven't been able to play online yet. No internet at home. What I do have is slow. I live out in the county and its hard to get it. But some day!

If you're racing with just a few people it should be fine. I remember hosting games with a few friends while being on 56k in the days and it wasn't peaking at all at 3 packets per seconds.(5KB/s US robotics ftw!). That is called optimization I guess.
Well I guess I have no excuse then!
Hey , whats up ?!
danishviper0379, racho1990 Hi, I'm not much help there are plenty that are.
To be fair though - if you need help hooking LFS up to an 80's arcade cabinet steering and pedals, kturner is your man!
LOL Shirtkicker Thanks man!
Hi Big grin
Hola, soy nuevo x acá un saludo para todos, adquirí licencia S3 y quisiera saber donde hay q unirse para correr..?
Otra cosa si alguien sabe xq el juego no me acepta o reconoce los pedales de Leo Bodnar..? Gracias un saludo.
Hi to S3 Smile
Hi everyone Smile
holaaa,juego en demo y me gustaria subir una piel. ¿como se suben?
As a demo you can't upload skins unless you either buy a licence or, spend £1 or more on skin slots

Como demostración no puedes subir skins a menos que compre una licencia o, gaste 1 o más en las ranuras para la piel
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Adam pls stop lie
i no lie
Hi All,

Been a member since 2006 - the good ol days!

Back for the first time in 6 years!

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )