The online racing simulator
Hello everyone... I am Callum from England

And yes, at the mo I only have a S1 Licence cause I am a cheap skate, yes
better than nothing mate, Welcome to the LFS Forum and well Hopefully you can upgrade to an S2 in the near future
Welcome to the Forum everyone!
Callumpy 0 S1 Licence has a lot of features still, you can definitely work with it and improve your driving!
Quote from Callumpy :Hello everyone... I am Callum from England

And yes, at the mo I only have a S1 Licence cause I am a cheap skate, yes

Meh, every time a tightwad like you goes for the cheap option, somewhere a puppy gets killed.

Welcome aboard . you`ll still get some damn fine racing with the license, so don`t worry about it. If you like it enough to get S2 later, you`ve only got even more goodness to come.
Cheers people
I'm From Portugal, and I just started this week...
Brand New New Player

Day 1)
Downloaded demo
Day 2)
bought G25
Day 3)
got technical advice on forum AND then bought S2 License.

I'll be here a while so get used to me
Hello guys

I bought today my S2 license.
And 1 week ago i received my G25.
See ya guys on the track.

Quote from gaireaani :Hello guys

I bought today my S2 license.
And 1 week ago i received my G25.
See ya guys on the track.


Cool, nah we wont see you on track if you're on cruising servers.. you should give me your g25, you don't need it in cruising.
60% of my time on LFS was cruising
Hello everyone! Merry xmas and happy new year!

Just got my S2.
Quote from exspeed :Hello everyone! Merry xmas and happy new year!

Just got my S2.

hey mate!

Enjoy LFS and all the fun and thrills LFS S2 has to bring.

Merry Christmas and a Happy new year
Hi all, I am Billy from Toronto, Ca. and if I had known lfs existed I would of been here long ago.
I bought a new comp. a while back to game with, and saw the G25 in store, but was too busy at work to give gaming much time. Well, winter and construction are a bitch so I went out and got the G25 yesterday. On the way home, I pitted at my local EB's and picked up one of the few driving games they had. DiRT, is a good name for it. It,s going back tomorrow!
So, after 6 hrs. or so of trying to get it to work, and having seen lfs advertized at Logitec, I downloaded the demo. Woah!!! what a ride!
It took me all of one nights sleep to decide. Picked up my license first thing this morning as fast as I could go. Get thee behind me Satan!
I am racing with the name Wm. Peddle and I hope to see you in my rear view soon.
Hi everyone. I am from Scotland in the Highlands. I have played LFS before on my brothers account (Mackie The Staggie) and he bought me a license so i can stop improving his stats. To be honest he is faster though. I am interested into any kind of sports. Am looking for clean fun races and this is a great game for it. I did have a account in the April 2007 as a demo but never really used it, so my brother upgraded my license to S2. Thats all I can think to say so bye
Another one from Toronto!
Cheers to you all! Just discovered LFS, and I'm hooked! I've been looking for something like this for a long time. What a game. Some of you guys are amazing: winning races, making videos, uploading info...

Congrats to the LFS team for an amazing simulation tool! I hope to be around LFS for a long time, and become competitive sooner rather than later!

Toronto, Canada
Hi all, how you all doing? ... just bought LFS tonight ... infact i just bought a steering wheel last week lol(bought the Logitech Formula Force EX), anyway never played LFS before, not even the demo lol, ... i asked about on some forums as to what a good realistic racing sime was and LFS popped up 99.9% of the time so i just bought LFS Licence S2, great game so far ... gonna take alittle practice but hopefully ill get there in the end, aint played online yet, just been doing the training/racing AI, dont wanna get hammered by expert races lol.

Will probabaly be seeing alot more of me around here ... more oftern than not asking stupid/noobish questions lol.

(Im from the north east of England & my racer name is the same as my forum name)
Me too. Hello.

My nick is devotid
username devotid78

i raced RC cars professionally for about 15 years.....gave it up and did some virtual rc with my old racing radio online. It was fun...... but not really.
I looked into buying a shifter Kart and start racing that....too much money and time.

so then i found out about this and woah BACK. haha sweaty hands....white knuckles. everything. force feedback in this new wheel is CRAZY fun!

day one full license S2
day two logictech PS3 wheel (on Imac running bootcamp) beauty.
day three Full cockpit, racing seat, back rumblers, and working on triple screen or projector with complete surround sound.

My nick is devotid
username devotid78

Thanks and see you guys soon.
Hi everybody! I'm Alessandro, 18 years old (almost 19, 'cause my birthday is in January). I live in a small town in northern Italy, almost 100km (62mi) from Turin and 60km (37mi) from Milan.

My interest in cars began when I was very, very young. I drove the first time when I was 9, and didn't stall
Nowadays I drive a '99 Daewoo Matiz to go to school, and my dad's '01 Opel Astra 1.2 to go out with my friends. Sometimes I drive my mom's new Ford Fiesta 1.2 (the latest model): respectively 51, 75 and 82 bhp's. Wooooow.
Of course, because of my not-so-fast cars, I spend quite a lot time driving at the PC... and LFS is the best simulator I've ever come across. My S2 Licence will come in a few days (edit: freddyalek90 ---> S2 licensed)
My wheel is a Thrustmaster Rallye GT Pro Clutch Edition. It's not the G25, I know, but it's the best I could afford. Before I had a Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP and an old Wingman Formula. I've changed them because, after years of use (abuse is the best word) almost all the buttons didn't work, and the pedals went wrong. Tried to mend them, but it didn't last long...

I'm also an avid watcher of Top Gear (I just adore the trio!) and I like to listen to hard rock/prog metal/prog rock and lately classical music. I also play the keyboard in a progressive metal band... but we are now without a drummer.

Bye, and... have a happy new year!!
Hello all, My name is Pawel and I'm 24. I live in Warsaw, the capital of Poland.

I've been enjoying S2 license for some time, but haven't noticed this thread since now.
I'm not really a car enthusiast to be honest, but I like LFS because it's accurate, fast and optimized. I've never been a gaming fan neither, but this game keeps steeling my time. I feel addicted

Anyway, my main interest is in 3d graphics. Especially SubD modeling and physically based rendering. I mainly do architectural visualizations, but I've been dreaming about some decent racing car render since my first LFS experience. You can check my webblog at:

Cya on forum render section

My name is Marian, I'm from Slovakia and I live in its second largest city - Kosice. I'm playing LFS for few years, but I stopped playing online since patch Z? I think, because I had to be registered and I was lazy to do so
I was playing only over VPN or LAN, I'm connected to metropolitan optical network,...So yesterday I decided to register and started to play again. I hope that this month I will finally buy my S2 license (and I hope that S3 won't be released day after that ).

So, what about me? I'm 18, I don't even have driving lessons , but I'm auto-enthusiast. What I like is WRC, F1 and sometimes I'm watching WTCC. Only racing simulators I play are LFS and Richard Burns Rally (very buggy game ). I own Logitech DFP wheel.

I'm studying electronics on high school. Also I'm student of CISCO academy, almost finished CCNA's second semester and I'm in half of COMPTIA+. I'm webdesigner too, maintaining some online web portals. I love music and I hate MP3 format.

I think that's all See you online racers!
Quote from majod :I hope that this month I will finally buy my S2 license (and I hope that S3 won't be released day after that ).

I can assure you that it won't. S2 final isn't even released yet.

And even if, you would still have paid the same amount of money.
Im New Too!
I Buy S2 License Today. I love LFS. My name is Eevert Kuoppala
Hello and welcome!

New players say hi here
(3739 posts, started )