The online racing simulator
MTDZX- Flat Out! Series! Season 2 ( CANCELLED! )
Welcome to the speed! ( Well, mostly of speed! )

Notice: Season 2 starts from here:
Notice: Season 2 is postponed:

Rulebook, Standings, and other: HERE

More stuff added very soon!

Our unofficial website! sponsored by Gerben "Bose321" Bol. ( EDIT: Still technically WIP, but does the job! )

This league is cancelled due coding error and lack of coder's interest, which causes this thing to be dead.
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Here. If any questions pops out. Shout them here!
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AS4_MTDZX_Fastoric.lyt - 11 KB - 1035 views
Track and layout will be selected and locked on Thursday morning, as well as car. It will be on practice mode.
To get some boost for this series. Prizes are added. ( No attention whoring though, it was planned anyway, but not revealed as what )
( It will be shown on Race Statistics )

EDIT: Reminder, series will be very long! At least 50 rounds are planned to have.
ah, balls forgot about this



The race of Round 1 was a several laps tight, but ultimately it was Willi, who takes the first victory from first Flat Out! Series! race! He managed to keep his car on balanced. Despite a mandatory pitstop, he didn't need to fix his XRT for damages received during race. Congratulations! With a win, he takes 10 points.

The battle between 2nd and 3rd was literally tight. Few laps before finish line, it was ultimately LLM.Sobis who reached the finish line before MTDZX-UM21. Although the latter mentioned managed to have a pole-position on qualify, and also setting fastest lap during race ( which he receives 3 bonus points for that as total ), stability was the key for victory.

As from 7 qualifiers, 6 of them managed to get to start a race and all of them managed to get to the finish line! Here is some pics!

The start grid

The fastest man in track was not the fastest on turn 1 due taking it way too carefully

The moment, when foxclub fordern is going to hit on tires, ultimately having a spin

The moment of having some trouble between members from MTDZX-, due the very different race line

[WCL] T.Soini had some also issues to tackling the hill after "Eau Rouge". He was also the first guy ever having to flip his car back to wheels on !flip command.

This is one beautiful moment!


1st lap leader: MTDZX-Arska
most laps led: Willi ( 5 )
Pole position's finish: 3rd

MTDZX-Arska was the first guy having a DT penalty due the speeding on pitlane.
[WCL] T.Soini was the first one having to use !flip command to get back on wheels.

No penalties given!

The Race pace was somewhat 2 seconds slower compared to qualify times.

Statistics and points and other boards are updated on Race Statistics. I hope I see you on next thursday, when we are going to have "Slick Car" on one of 100% full throttle "race track". But what it will be, that will be random! Layout will also be random, but at least it is 100% full throttle! Stay tuned.

Thank you for all guys who participated for it. Even if we did have only 6 starters, the race itself was amazingly fun!

EDIT: Replays added
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MTDZXFOS R1 R1.mpr - 3 MB - 1094 views
MTDZXFOS R1 Q1.mpr - 2.6 MB - 884 views
Was too tired and sleepy yesterday,so I kinda went easy in qualifying,then chilled. Later accidentally hit my 3G modem,lost connection to network,could not be bothered to rejoin server...
This one is for next!
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KY1R_FlameCZEbankedrev.lyt - 10.8 KB - 830 views
Current combo is now set and locked on server!
Server is now passworded, 3 hours 30 minutes to go! See you there!
BTW this page takes an eternity to load on browser, because of big pics
Quote from lucaf :BTW this page takes an eternity to load on browser, because of big pics

Ahh.... have to fix it by putting some of them off, I will put smaller pics on next time, once new page comes


The Round 2 did continue the story what started to writing up in Round 1. Despite having different car on different track on... well, almost everything being different, the story itself, was clearly not! The winner was once again Willi the "Mr. Flat Out"! Having tight, very tight battle against MTDZX-Arska, it was so tight that laps led was Arska: 16, Willi: 14.

Here is conclusion where the Arska's plausible victory melted away.

[WCL] T.Soini finished the race on "Bronze", having some drafting practicing with MTDZX-UM21, who unluckily and greedily had a laggy hit against Willi while brave bumpdrafting attempt on lap 5.

It was not far when Soini had a similar moment compared to Arska. In worst case scenario, podium would have been too far.

Fourth place goes to foxclub fordern and fifth place, who "finally" starts and finishes the race ( and went straight to bedroom to sleep ), was RG^Rony!

There were 2 "new" racers, who did took the 6th and 7th positions: x-power756 and lucaf. They switched positions from qualify.

If wanting to see something good on MTDZX-UM21, at least there were not 10 racers, as he would have finished very likely last position, and because finished by +1 lap, no points would have been received. Here is how problem occurred:

Greedily and unluckily MTDZX-UM21 did hit straight on Willi's back-left wheel. Laggy result goes to wall...

...and ultimately, gone to second crash with 9397!

The plan of qualification did look like this:


Arska led most laps: 16
There has still not been any retirements.
Tires were absolutely cold. Entering to non-banked section could cause trouble
LLM.Sobis did not enter qualify, or the race at all, despite being on practice mode on server before qualification.
Race pace was getting slower as tires getting colder.
No one managed to make under one minute... Frown

Willi has escaped 6 points away against MTDZX-Arska, having points 21-15. On 3rd place in standings is the creator of Flat Out! and on 4th-5th place is T. Soini and fordern, having points 11-9.

On team points, MTDZX- is escaping from others!

Stats and points on updated. We are going to have ROUND 3 on tuesday, on 15:45 UTC, which is 17:45 on finnish time. And having another race on next thursday called ROUND 4, this time 19:00 UTC...

Stay tuned! Thank you for the joining the race, and better luck next time for all! Remember, series is long!

Oh... yes, the next car and track will be random on tuesday, well kinda random. I did ask Willi after race to pick-up any number from 1-84... He did select 18.

I swear I have no idea what is the combo, until now, when I did select a layout, which is 18th most used on our server. Car was easier to select 18th car available, except it is not "official" car this time. More info will come soon!

As always, if you have anything to ask, go ahead! Always better to ask than being on silence ( this time Smile )
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MTDZXFOS R2 R1.mpr - 3.7 MB - 823 views
MTDZXFOS R2 Q1.mpr - 1.7 MB - 776 views
As in the picture can be seen, I did not fully understand how bump drafting works Big grin Seriously, in the replay it may look like I aimed straight to your car, but what I was thinking was, that your spinned car may roll down towards middle, so I saw it more safe to pass you outside, but you was also thinking something wich was not in sync with my idea Smile
Quote from lucaf :As in the picture can be seen, I did not fully understand how bump drafting works Big grin Seriously, in the replay it may look like I aimed straight to your car, but what I was thinking was, that your spinned car may roll down towards middle, so I saw it more safe to pass you outside, but you was also thinking something wich was not in sync with my idea Smile

Racing symptom Smile It was also weird to start from flat side, also messed the start a bit.
As I asked to Willi pick-up a number, as he did select number 18, which was literally unknown to everyone, this did happen. ( It is not Winner choose a car/track, as no one could know. The choice of combo was anyway random of all possible combos, only measured from random section )

REMINDER: ROUND 4 WILL BE 02.02.2017 19.00 UTC
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KY3Y_MTDZX_Uiop's Pass.lyt - 8 KB - 778 views
I was on the other night. There was only 2 other racers on but enjoyed my time there. +rep.
Server is now passworded. 1 hour 25 minutes to go
Oh come on, how could I miss that event :<
First of all, I have got some pm's about this thread is loading too slowly, I apologize for giving this error from me, as even I made so tiny pics as possible, the quality itself was all the time maximum, so that's why. As I have somewhat good internet connection speed and also fastened web browser, I could not see really the difference. I will put some of the hi-res pictures off the sight that you do not need to load 'em. For now, you will get much much smaller pics in both size and quality. Thanks for the feedback! However, I went to make some of them too much on lower resolution, so here is another failure, hehe... UGH.



Round 3 did offer many dramatic issues straight from BEFORE turn 1 exit to last corner in last lap. It was, if you can say, FINALLY time for the creator of series to gain a victory on strategically tricky Uiop's Pass! Taking 10 points from victory, taking extra 2 from pole position, totalling up for 12 points.
2nd place takes Willi, who makes good progress to keep his position on top on scores. His contender Arska takes the 3rd place. Both are also getting 8 points for the series.

Then for few exotics! There were first time someone managed to make in top 5 without qualification, and we did see first retirements in this series. Let's also mention about [WCL] T.Soini for making good, if not top stuff, then at least very steady job! Finished 4th this time!

And for last position to mention, it was AN EXCELLENT Work for MicroSpecV, nicknamed as AOR Nova from AirAttack Racing team. 1st time joined for the series, WITHOUT qualification, with some problems on GUI and very likely no good setup at all, yet he still managed to finish on Top5 and slammed very good laptime as looking on race pace. The Fastest Lap Point "ruiner" was however jh89 ( Jay FIN ), but because he did not manage to finish the race, he won't score any points of it. Well, no one did.

Here is some pics, the grid did look like this! ( Don't mind the pics hah hah )

This is where the first retirement did happen!

The other two guys failed as well, Speed Senna as own mistake, Jay as suspension failure


First retirements seen
MicroSpecV was the 1st guy finishing top5 without Q
jh89 did lead 3 laps
RacePace was about 2 seconds slower compared to Qualify laptimes
First 100% Concrete layout.

On points standings: Willi is still on lead with 29 points, 2nd is UM21 with 25 points, Arska is 2 behind from 2nd position, so 23 points. T. Soini steadily lies on 4th position, 16 points. Others have not reach over 10 yet. On team side, well, there is not any fights happening... at least yet.

Thank you for joining to the Round 3. REMEMBER! Round 4 will be on this thursday, on 19.00 UTC. Layout will be random, but this time car WILL BE FWD. Stay tuned!
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MTDZXFOS R3 R1.mpr - 2.1 MB - 765 views
MTDZXFOS R3 Q1.mpr - 1.5 MB - 971 views
Quote from Hakseli90 :A questionable feat but I'll take it.

He would have got penalty after race, but because he did retire as well, it was settled up then.
This was another pick-up a number, first it was supposed to be Eclipsed to select after RTFR race, but he was not anymore logged in on the forums, then T. Soini selected one: 33.

And 33 is this:
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AS7X_MTDZX_SS R7 Cutted.lyt - 14 KB - 910 views
#25 - jh89
Im glad to be on the first top3 retirement list Big grin Damn suspension, broke them twice in P1. First suspension failure i made it in the pits, second time not Smile