The online racing simulator
680+ km/h with XF GTI ???
(202 posts, started )
680+ km/h with XF GTI ???
Hi everybody.
Yesterday i was on a bl1 xfgti only demo server and i saw an xfgti going up to 600km/h. I was ONLINE its the important point. How is it possible?

I asked to the driver his setup. He used hard track (anyway, its impossible to have a setup that's permitting that but ... who know what's possible when you see "that" passing you?)
I asked how he's doing to go that speed and he replied to me "Turbo fuya" or something like that (apologize but i don't remember exactly).

I join a screenshot (You can see my car on the right in the grass). It's NOT a fake! Unfortunally i totaly forgot to save the replay Shame on me.

My conclusion: he used an external software (i know, i'm a genius ).

I repeat that's not a fake, i'm juste worried about the impact that can have on lfs. If its working for all cars we will soon see bf1 going mach 1. Another important thing before end this topic: in lfs the speed is limited. When you go over the maximum speed your car reset (or maybe i'm wrong) but he didn't reset and go ... realy fast. I prefere not to say the top speed i can saw you'll think i'm mad.
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#2 - Vain
Let's just increase power by 5 hp. That gives you a few tenths a second, no one will notice.
"It's the end of the world as we know it" (- REM)

#3 - joen
It's a cheat that will hopefully be stopped soon.
It's made by a moron who can't drive and so he needs a cheat.
At least its only on one car, afaik.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Howether it should be fun trying to drive a car and staying on track at about mach1 speed lol
u guys kidding, but i agree VAINS reply, whats if someone does hotlaps with an very "small" increase of 5 -7 hp, no one of you will notice that and f.ex. 7 hp are enuff 2 drive WAY better times... (xfg hp change: patch u 1:33.xx / patch q 1:31.xx)
Then when someone goes to view their WR time and finds the replay fails to load ...
Sickenning, but on the other hand, you have to admire human ingenuity. If they put as much effort in learning how to go fast as they did in learning how to cheat to go fast ... who knows just how fast they would be ...
Quote from Lorenz188 :
So, what I want to say is: How is it possible?!? There isn't a way to solve this bug and to make this game "real" for all?


Trust me when I say this won't be possible for long... I don't know how it's possible, and wouldn't tell anybody except a dev or mod if I did, but it will be dealt with.
Quote from n3o :Hello, sorry for all the trouble but i had to race and cause some trouble online so that ppl realise that its possible to cheat now.

Anyway, this thing got to me as i was coding my own program, similar to mecanik or lfstweak, but for demo patch U. I came across several variables, and i preety much got blazed when i realised they could be used online. The replay you saw, was just a little preview of what its capable of, it can also mess with the gas settings, besides other stuff.

It can also be used to submit hotlaps, and thats the big deal in my opinion, as it was said, a minor increase, only enough to give a little more power, should be enough to lower like 0:00:40. And yes they are valid replays, possible to submit and see.

I don't think this should cause anymore trouble as i already informed the developers, the thing is its not easy to solve in my opinion. Of course me and my team won't be releasing any version of the software and i won't provide any info, besides the developers.

Feel free to post any comments about it


Why I have feeling that you use 2 names...or maybe your team mates using this.I doubt there would be chance that 2 Portugal guys achieved same result at the same time.Something smeels here.

Seems it got out of your control.You could simply sent it to devs when you realized what you have achived there was not point to try it online because devs could test it themself.
You could have opened a private server, invite a friend a just silently report it to the devs with a replay. Good thing, that you won't release your program and you reported it though
Quote from herki : Good thing, that you won't release your program and you reported it though

Somebody else were trying.Look at my post above.I hope the "aplication" really didnt spread out widely because in the position of a demo racer I would be really confused.
#13 - joen
So you did it to provide the community a favour. Oh, then it's all good illepall

Quote from n3o :Hello, sorry for all the trouble but i had to race and cause some trouble online so that ppl realise that its possible to cheat now.

Why is it important for players to realise cheating is possible? The less people know about (if at all!) the better imo.
The devs are the ones who should know about it, and noone else. But maybe that's just my twisted logic...

I can't stand people who cheat, and after that try to defend themselves by trying to say they did it to prove something and to be of use to the community.

You're a troublemaker in my book. And you're loving every minute of it. Your other posts have made this clear already.
Quote from joen :So you did it to provide the community a favour. Oh, then it's all good illepall

Why is it important for players to realise cheating is possible? The less people know about (if at all!) the better imo.
The devs are the ones who should know about it, and noone else. But maybe that's just my twisted logic...

I can't stand people who cheat, and after that try to defend themselves by trying to say they did it to prove something and to be of use to the community.

You're a troublemaker in my book. And you're loving every minute of it. Your other posts have made this clear already.

Hi there, check both attachments.

One with and one without.

Thats offline, and did a lap online too, on FM server, got to 378 just as i turned it on, then braked and disconnected, it showed something about a speed record, so plz delete it!

Already sent it to admins

The program simply turns off all drag, so its like you are always in a slip-stream.

PS: check the without replay first, then the with, so u can see the diference

PS2: i think it works with all cars, tested gti, turbo and fb1, the program makes drifting alot better XD , yet, using it online will mess up all racers, so if u have a copy of this, dont use it online, really...
Attached files
with.spr - 11.8 KB - 491 views
without.spr - 11.2 KB - 415 views
#15 - joen
Quote from silentwarrior :Hi there, check both attachments.

One with and one without.

Thats offline, and did a lap online too, on FM server, got to 378 just as i turned it on, then braked and disconnected, it showed something about a speed record, so plz delete it!

Already sent it to admins

The program simply turns off all drag, so its like you are always in a slip-stream.

PS: check the without replay first, then the with, so u can see the diference

PS2: i think it works with all cars, tested gti, turbo and fb1, the program makes drifting alot better XD , yet, using it online will mess up all racers, so if u have a copy of this, dont use it online, really...

I don't need to check the replays. I believe it. Besides I have seen it in action before.
I'm afraid you're not getting my point though.
Don't you think it's stupid (big understatement0 to put this out in public and then telling the public not to use it?
I sure as hell won't use it, but I know some people will. And they will be destroying the races of people who want to have a fair race. Not to forget the horror this will bring if this app has fallen into the hands of a certain demo team that most people will probably know.

Bottomline: if this is intended as a proof on concept, why wasn't it tested on a private server and send to the devs directly, instead of putting it out for the public to get?
Quote from silentwarrior :and did a lap online too, on FM server, got to 378 just as i turned it on, then braked and disconnected,

OH NO:-(.
It seems to be worst then it is.More and more people are trying this online:-(.
What I really dont like is that some idiot made this public and Scawen has to spend a time on fixing this rather then making the development of LFS.Thats really suck and I am really annoyed by that.
#18 - joen
Quote from filur :

Making it public means it really needs to be fixed, and if it gets fixed that's not a bad thing.

I understand your point and essentially you're right, but your assuming it wouldn't be fixed if it was just send to the devs instead of making it public. That I do not agree with.

If this is publicly tolerated more and more people will try to make something like this. What do we end up with? Scawen working on patches to disable cheats instead of working on what we all want him to work on, features and content.
the replay goes OOS after a few seconds btw...
Anybody else finds it strange, that almost exclusively portuguese people "test" it?
Quote from joen :.. but your assuming it wouldn't be fixed if it was just send to the devs instead of making it public.

Not at all, i simply pointed out that it would probably be highly prioritized if made public.
Quote from zeugnimod :Anybody else finds it strange, that almost exclusively portuguese people "test" it?

Well, if u cant talk in portuguese, how will you persuase the maker to send it to you?

This is a racing sim, normally everyone that had S1 full was more than 18 years old, so, even tho i know it changed alot since S2, its not a bad thing to ask for ppl not to use it online, ppl with some brains and some respect will agree with me and will follow...

We need new content, yes, but we need this kind of stuff fixed too, at least, the online zone must be protected, as it is for slick tyre mod and other mods.

ORION, whats OOS ?, i think it does corrupt right? hmm, point is, i get a 27 sec lap with it on, and do over 390, around 391-392, that is the max of the motor/set, on oval track.

Hope you guys dont think that just because I tested it, that i will be playing with it online... I almost dont race, only join cop/robber and drift servers, all my race is on oval track in FMs racing server. I am an old player of LFS, and will not risk my rep over this (even tho my rep is not showed on TV)

PS2: added 2 more replays, of drifts with it, it actually makes drifting kinda crazy, because the wind efect on the car sides makes the car drift a bit less, you will see that with the drag remover i will sometimes overdrift and miss turns and crash.
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DriftWith.spr - 58.2 KB - 372 views
DriftWithout.spr - 54 KB - 305 views
Not all this again, i don't mind people trying it but only offline and he i see people useing online i hope they get reported and banned
Quote from silentwarrior :ORION, whats OOS ?, i think it does corrupt right? hmm, point is, i get a 27 sec lap with it on, and do over 390, around 391-392, that is the max of the motor/set, on oval track.

OOS is short for "out of sync" and is supposed to cherck exactly what downwiz2 said:
Quote from downwiz2 :could this be done using a hex memory editor program ? but i thought when your car and the rest of the other player's cars dont match, you are automatically dropped from teh game.....

For online usage, there is a special anti cheat protection though, called CPS or something (dont remember really).
I'm pissed off by what i read but in the other hand i don't care. If people are too lazy to improve themself to drive better and need a cheat, ok, perfect. In 1 month (maybe more, maybe less) evrything will go better and the firsts will be the lasts. Cheaters will be pissed off to make bad times and we won't see them anymore. So, go ahead, cheat more and more to disgust youreself from lfs.

Quote :I almost dont race, only join cop/robber and drift servers, all my race is on oval track in FMs racing server.

Ho yes you are an old good player for shure. Oval is so difficult to handle! *Respect* But even on cops and robbers using this cheat is stupid. How do you want to be catched if u can go faster than a fxgtr . . .

I don't have anything to said exept: Thank you for destroying the interest of the game. Want to cheat? Go play need for speed and leave good players playing the great game that lfs is in peace.

shadow2kx vote for banning Neo_TheOne [1/6]
shadow2kx: Press 1 plz !

One more thing. Somebody send a mpr of a cheater, here is the answer of the devs:
Quote :Hi,

Thank you for the notice. We are aware of this cheat and will try to solve the problem. This isn't a 1 day fix though unfortunately so I hope people can hold on for a little more.
Note btw that this cheat contains a keylogger virus, so everyone trying the cheat will end up with a nice virus if they don't have a proper virusscanner.


Victor van Vlaardingen

680+ km/h with XF GTI ???
(202 posts, started )