The online racing simulator
"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )
yes it allow change, because restarting race after qualification stands grid from qualification results, regardless of any. Unless 3rd party code ofc
”Full tank race” @Blackwood 4.3.2017
20:30 CET / 21:30 EET

License type: Demo-S3
Server: 9397 Racing
Car: XFG
Laps: 80 (=race length ~ 130 min)
Qualification 10min
Pre-qualification session 25min

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edit: link fixed (i hope wasn't first sign how i will mess race organizing Big grin)

And little bit extra explanation; Yes, I'd like to see my demo racer mates there, thats why DEMO event, at the same time I had to think about how to deal situation if more than 12 want to join race. Let's see how it goes, and of course also similar S1 event can be organized later...
weird link, it wants me to sign in...
Hello lucaf, it's great that you decided to organize next race Smile. Is it only for demo players, or demo and licensed? Smile
If I restrict it only for demo players, then I can't join it either! Big grin No, that would be too much - to organize events that I cannot join myself Big grin

But please, anyone who thinks about this, read the invitation from the web page link above! No, here, click click click https://9397racing.wordpress.c ... -race-blackwood-4-3-2017/
Ok mate, then i will try to join, it can be really nice and fun race if more ppl will join, i did less than 100 laps on new bl1 but im feeling pretty good there, better than on old bl. I hope for really close race, and maybe my tire will not blowup this time Big grin
Very nice! I am encountering serious hw problems since yesterday night, may happen that I need to spectate the race :/
Thank you for attending the race!


Race results

Big congrats for Anici for amazing pace.

I have no words how sorry I am for swissline who got spectated by Airio because of harmless lagging. He was keeping very similar pace with me, first 18 laps and I enjoyed hanging in his pace.

Happened that me and Soini gambled without pitstop. Anici was using hotlap setup and needed new tyres in the middle of race. Monza pitted quite early, then pitted second time because of hand pain problems(!). Sainted retired on lap 59 from 3rd place with not so healthy sounding engine.

All drivers except me used Hybrid rear tyres, I was curious enough to see how Normal tyres work on such race (with lowered pressure).

The plan was to draw one £6 voucher between all Demo drivers who finished the race. Monza was only one, and he rejected the offer. So it was a game between Anici and T.Soini, Anici also rejected the voucher, so congrats to T.Soini to have it.
Well i didn't set it towards the end. The thing is that i did only few dozens of hotlaps on the new bl, just when it came out and a few races, then i didnt drive it until yesterday race. All of that with my own tweaked set, and i suck at making sets. Since i didn't had any time to prepare for that race, i was just using my hl set with normal gearing. Moreover i wasnt feeling very comfotable, first 30-40 laps i was trying to recall good racing line and braking points, and how to drive decent lap. Thats why my very first laps looked nasty, i just didnt know how to drive Smile. Then i realised my right rear tyre was wearing faster than i thought, so had to slow down, and make early pitstop, and then continue to driving slow, because i was afraid that my tyre will not last 42 laps. I only did 2 laps where i actually pushed, one of them with some error, and the other was my fastest in the race, and these laps were lap 79 and 80 because i knew my tyre will withstand it.
Was surprised that ymeshulin you mentioned your clutch. What my ears heard on your laps before retiring (when watching replay), your engine was bit damaged, i think it affected laptimes more than your clutch state. But of course you know better.

I noticed about my race, that I would have saved some 0.2s/lap with hybrid rear tyres, but bigger issue was my concentration. After my race buddy swissline disappeared because of lag, I moreless entertained myself by monitoring other racers gaps and did not so well concentrate on my own driving. I also had decreased camber in my race setup wich affected much sc3 times. Anyway was very satisfied with this experience.
UF1 @BL4X_Boreas 26.3.2017
UF1 is a great choice for the event, looking forward to it! I hope I don't forget this one after the F1 race Big grin Also, please mind the summer time change, which happens at the weekend.
EDIT: oh, you also have a £3 LFS voucher to be drawn? Wow, did not expect that Smile
EDIT2: if you have any promotion material for this race, feel free to send it over, I'll be happy to advertise it Smile
Quote from MandulAA :UF1 is a great choice for the event, looking forward to it! I hope I don't forget this one after the F1 race Big grin Also, please mind the summer time change, which happens at the weekend.
EDIT: oh, you also have a £3 LFS voucher to be drawn? Wow, did not expect that Smile
EDIT2: if you have any promotion material for this race, feel free to send it over, I'll be happy to advertise it Smile

Thanks for reminding the summer change. Corrected start time!

Please all, R E A D the updated invitation. Notice for example the chapter: "What if I crash my car"
Unfortunately this collides with the BurnoutCrew CityLiga practice race otherwise I'd be there.
I'd love to attend but i will most likely be hungover at that time
Quote from mbutcher :Unfortunately this collides with the BurnoutCrew CityLiga practice race otherwise I'd be there.

The race is am time, morning right after F1 Australian GP finished
What if there are red flags? Big grin
Quote from johneysvk :What if there are red flags? Big grin

I will send email to Australian GP organizers, that they should finish the grand prix at time, because of my event.
Quote from johneysvk :I'd love to attend but i will most likely be hungover at that time

For me it is ok, if you race under hungover conditions
I'm in for the event! Just need to be more careful with the trolley-mobiles and their understeer Tongue
Looks like button clutch may be disabled in tomorrow's event, poll result now changed
Quote from lucaf :Looks like button clutch may be disabled in tomorrow's event, poll result now changed

That actually good probably, looking at the latest discuss about that topic. I'll try to join, but it's really early, and i will have not much time to prepare setup, and learn UF1, since i've never raced in this shopping cart Smile
Qualification ongoing, you can still join!
Thanks for joining! Race report later

UF1 @BL4X_Boreas 26.3.2017
UF1 @BL4X_Boreas 26.3.2017

Spoiler - click to reveal
It was 12 cars on the grid, with last time joiners Kid and velcroman. They both were allowed to join without qualification, since I knew both drivers have enough skills for joining the show.

Because of the purposely loose starting grid, no drama happened in T1.

Right after, it was Texas attacking Anici by kissing his car rear bumper, then holding back too much and losing position to Mandula.

On l1 sc2, Jam has also kiss contact with DeVSHOT rear bumper that causes his car slow down in the tight right. Soini avoiding to hit Jam, loses places to 9397 and Eric.

Meanwhile, Nova has already created a small gap in the lead, as well number 2 racer Tukko.

On lap 2, its Texas first to kiss the chicane walls and losing position to DeVSHOT. That resulted a small fight between them, Texas wins position back on sc3, and DeVSHOT drops even behind Jam.

While Nova slowly creating a gap in the lead, Mandula and Anici have closed the gap to Tukko, and racing in a close group. Then follows Texas and then another group of three, Jam, DeVSHOT and 9397 having also close racing. Behind them, came Eric and Soini close eachother, then gap, then last time joiners velcroman and Kid close eachother, velcroman trying bold move outside on L4sc3, without succeeding.

On L4s4 Anici took pos 2 (being 3sec behind Nova), when Tukko misses racing line on last curve, and slides onto the artificial banking too much.

Latter group comes in the same corner, DeVSHOT dives inside Jam, Jam being fair, gives space even too much, and slides on the banking to barriers, losing position also to 9397

On lap 5, Eric staying comfortably 9th, 0.6sec in front of Soini, loses internet connection and disappears.
In the tail, velcroman overtakes Kid after having better exit speed from last curve of l5s4.

Takko keeps hanging very close on Anici's rear bumper during lap 5, but a little mistake in the chicane on lap6 costs him a place to Mandula. At this point Texas has closen the gap and is only some 2 seconds behind.

Behind, DeVSHOT has created 2s gap to 9397 & Jam and running 5s behind Texas. Soini was some 4 sec behing Jam, and velcroman and Kid continue having a furious battle for not being last.

On lap 9, Texas is right on Takko's rear bumper, and its again the right-left after the long straight, offering space for creative actions. Texas dives nicely and clean inside Takko and takes 4th and throws a smile into chat.

On lap 10 t1, velcroman, being 1.5s behind Kid, hits barrier and car flips. Retired. Kid follows same procedure three laps later.

On lap 14 Anici has closed the gap to the leader and on the next lap, he gets into ”DRS area”, with a gap of 0.94s. Six seconds later, Texas continues his climbing and passes Mandula at the right-left on sector 3.

At the back, hard lapping between 9397 and Jam, both making same amount of errors and desperately dropping slowly from the pace of DeVSHOT.

Nova in the lead being cool and putting more speed, increasing the gap and cruising safely to victory, letting Anici come very close before jacket flag.

The lucky 3£ voucher winner was this time Mandula!

First laps:

And once again, the results:

Attached files
UF1 BOREAS 20LAP EVENT RACE.mpr - 4.4 MB - 474 views

"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )