The online racing simulator
5 qualifiers, 5 finishers, wth. Big grin
Quote from zeugnimod :5 qualifiers, 5 finishers, wth. Big grin

Did you really expect THAT you mentioned earlier? Big grin
Well, since the track has no outer walls, I expected a lot of flying off-track. Big grin
Round is scrambled!

EDIT: Psst.. 32x Boost and it reversed configuration is overhauled to version 2.0. No more monster jump
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WE1X_MTDZX_32x Boost ^3Rev.lyt - 15.6 KB - 508 views
Cars and Track is now locked on server!
45 minutes to go before Q starts. Not so many people online atm.


Round 14, miscalculations and tactics, errors and close calls. Those were the ingredients hold on 32x Boost Rev. As thrown those mentioned "items" to the blender, we get the final results. Winner is once again the guy, who undoubtedly is the real hardcore racer in these series: Will.I.Am! Won by 0.07 seconds before another hardcore "flat outter", Mr. 1st Grand Slam! ( Sobis ). They had a plan, they kept it to the finish line. Strangely there was chance for Sobis to overtake in final straight, but high-likely gentleman issues had some play on final straight and let the Willi to go for win. Fun fact: Willi was going actually to give 1st place to Sobis, but results are settled as they are now. Congratulations!

Congratulations are also willingly given to "Jay from Finland!" (jh89 ) for taking 3rd position. Now as having 2 podiums in row, there is good chance to improve more, to become ultimately victory on following rounds! Good pace, but simply not enough for the tacticians. Maybe next time!

4th place is taken T. Soini and keeps the ultimate record on having still 100% races finished on highest volume, 14/14 ( 15/15 if counting ALL races ). And fifth place is taken by UM21, who was the fastest LX4 driver, while the first four had RB4 GTX. Miscalculations about RBX pace, it was actually no chance to get any higher than that as practically. We had 6th finisher as well, also driven LX4: Rony ( Eclipsed ) , who bravely attempted to go as fast as possible on drop, unfortunately, it did not pay off and ultimately suspensions were goner, only few laps to go to finish line. Anyway, he managed to finish and it is indeed a crucial aspect to gain some points, taking it seriously or not.

No one used RCC, so, there is no clue how good that car could have been in actual race. At least in sprint races it is rival to RBX. Anyway, here is some highlights and some extra!

Start grid. Notice in this layout, 1st place starts outside of corner, this is due the having obstacles on inside of corner. ( Speed Humps and Invisible Tree! )

After T1

Lap 1 is completed, this was the very first time Willi lost chance to get Grand Slam. ( Willi would had lost another time when both Willi and Sobis are going to make pitstop, Sobis actually crosses the finish line by 0.04 seconds before Willi. How ironic! )

It was going to look that Lead goes on its own way, and LX4 drivers have it's own race, until this happened!

Rony have damaged his car's suspension too much, forced to go second time in pits ( 1st time was that drop-off the "cliff". )

There was actually potential that UM21 could have ruin it's own race by a START LIGHT! Rony is at the pitbox and have hitted lights under way to pitstop. UM21 rans over the start light, but luckily nothing critical did happen.

Now here is some extra pictures. T.Soini had found an invisilbe tree on practice race. Obviously track had to fix!


Willi led 12 laps, and 1 lap each is led by Rony and Sobis
UM21 miscalculated big time of RBX pace on this track. If it was sprint race, the situation would have been somewhat opposite, but not 14 lap race!
Jay managed to get 2nd podium.
It was first time that in race had same fastest laptime with 2 or more racers.
Race was boring to drive and watch, excluding last lap if no clue of possible predicts of final results.
There were 6 qualifiers, all of them started, all of them finished! Just like in Round 1, except Arska was exchanged to Jay.

All statistics are updated!

Thanks to you for participated this round! Next round will be postponed to next Thursday, due the host having busy on next tuesday, all day. Next round will be absolutely on South City, but the track and car itself will be random, except car must have WINGS. So expect formula car or GTR and it's (un)official restricted variants! See you soon! Thank you!

EDIT: Actually there is replay how the invisible tree is found. Attached on this post.
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Time to find out about who are the real speedsters!

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Can't participate this time
Hello I would like to participate, I am new to this, I have to write me down or just directly enter the server?
No sign-up required. Just enter the server on that day
thanx !
Great day tomorrow, two events! I will announce this on my server also
There should have been some mention about summer time like lucaf and Rony have in their events... I would have participated to 9397 event maybe if would have known this starting time better..
Quote from teppari :There should have been some mention about summer time like lucaf and Rony have in their events... I would have participated to 9397 event maybe if would have known this starting time better..

Ahh... Yes, there was discuss about that, but it simply forgot. HOWEVER, there was exact time added on leagues section though, so, I didn't thought this further, my bad.


46 unique racers, 8 of them actually set time on qualify, 7 of them did start a race, 4 of them did finish the race but only one was the overpowered compared to others. 4th time we have seen this someone makes the Grand Slam. It was UM21, which had both qualify and race set on so high level, that no one was a match against him. However, as mentioned earlier, the combo was indeed hard! Despite having race pace much faster, only one mistake and race would have been ruined! Ask for those people who actually tried, no joke!

2nd place goes for Will.I.Am, who survived from lap 1 incident, and managed to pass T.Soini, gaining back the position as from where he started. 3rd position is taken Mr.Steady aka teppari aka T.Soini and continues the extreme streak of finished races! 4th place finished is Sobis from LLM team and... well, that's that.

We had some first timers here, actually many, if counting all of them from before the start of round, but we only mention now johneysvk and [DS]HANS ( DRMZ ). Both managed to set time on Qualify, but unfortunately, neither them succeed to finish the race. Here is some highlights ( This time, we have some more pics than usually )

We start on here, the start grid did look like this!

When we exit from Turn 3, it did reveal johneysvk had a GREAT line and managed to climb on 2nd. It is safe to say that UM21 did escape to the victory on this point. ( Unless a mistake would have occur, obviously )

We are now on "The 270". It did look like this. Arska overtakes johneysvk at this corner.

Now the problems starts happening, on two different spots. Willi and johneysvk has this contact on "decoration line", while a bit later, Arska drops himself to the oblivion, forcing him to DNF. It is also DNF to johneysvk, while Willi survives and barely manages to get himself to the pitlane, fixing his car and getting back to business. Here is pics from timeline:

Race did show how brutal it could have been. It was this close, though we have seen closer moments in past!

Then we have moments when it is way too close! DRMZ is out of the race!

We could call Sobis as true survivor on this round! Crashed twice, used !flip command four times, but still managed to finish the race. However, only mistakes by other racers would had save the place for podium!

The moment where Willi gains back the 2nd Position. T. Soini did not even bother to defend it. That's so because you only get points for finishing the race!

...That's it! Finishing the race, lapped or not! ( If you of course are in position nine or better! )

Longest race so far: 36 min 53,66 seconds
UM21's 2nd win and first grand slam!
Arska did use !flip command 7 times, ultimately did DNF.
Sobis did use !flip command 4 times, he survived!
T. Soini made 0 pitstops.
Biggest difference between 1st and 2nd, over one minute!
First double points race, due the combo was that hard!
First time round held on South City.
Willi claimed that without that contact on lap 1, he would have managed to finish the race without need of pitstop. That would have still not been enough for taking the victory due the leader's pace. The difference would have still been approximately 8-10 seconds. However, if the time lost on the crash and pitstop and time used traveling pitlane is not counted, Willi could have won it by somewhat 10 or more seconds.
Fuel was burnt 0,3% per lap as average in race less than in qualify ( 3,1% vs. 3,4% )
Arska did DNF first time.

Individual standings after Round 15
1st: 163 - Will.I.Am
2nd: 137 - UnknownMaster21
3rd: 99 - teppari
4th: 83 - Arsk4
5th: 64 - Sobis
6th: 44 - Eclipsed
7th: 23 - jh89

For everyone, big thank you for participating races before round and of course even bigger thank you for guys who did participate on actual round! Next round is not decided when it is, but it is decided what kind of it is! It involves more cars, which are not that fast, but the track will be fascinating! Stay tuned and see you in Flat Out! server!
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MTDZXFOS R15 Q1.mpr - 2.5 MB - 492 views
That was such a dumb move from myself... Frown very sorry about that
And next random combo is this one!

Please notice that some countries are on summertime, for example, finnish times will be +3 hours from UTC times.
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KY2Y_MTDZX_Sabutnik.lyt - 16.5 KB - 496 views
Attempt of attracting more ppl
13 minutes to go before First Q and R starts, I also noticed some people must have practiced well, even though only once layout is downloaded!
Qualify 1

Race 1

Qualify 2

Race 2


Round 16 with double race did not attract many people, despite sets were shared and tips given of racing line. This means this was the last double race we will ever see, no point to see nearly empty grids.

However, this round did offer some dramatic moments and spectacular try-outs! Ultimately it was once again Mr. Flat Out with ten round victories! Will.I.Am managed to win both races with one pole-position and one fastest lap. Car he chose was XG ( XR GT with 9% air-intake restriction ) and proved it is overall the best car from six to choose! However, despite big gap in overall results, it was not that easy, as Speed Senna managed to finally finish the round and gave some pressure with XF GTi car, but suspension ultimately did not last in 2nd race and results are settled!

We have 3rd guy finisher. T.Soini finished first race, but sadly had to retire second race due the car flipped upsidedown and no chance to recover as car spawns straight to void, dropping infinitely. His great finishing strike ended. Still, his name glimmers on results board, that is deserved for points!

There is no 4th or 5th finisher and there was no more than five racers anyway. Here is some highlights in pics:

Start Grid from race 1

On lap 1, there were already happenings when entering the big hill after "Sabutnik 1" corner. Soini loses control of his XF-BR but manages to keep car on track. However, all he could do now is just drive to the finish.

Now we are on straight section after "Sabutnik 2" corner, ZevY ( Extreme1234 ) drops the wheels on this tricky trap, but with enough speed he escapes from the ramp and survives to another lap.

Jump comparison on finish line between LX6 Junior and XG car, ZevY and Willi.

1 lap later, UM21 makes similar flashy control loss like T. Soini, he loses the lead.

Just after UM21 have lost control, another LX-car driver, ZevY, have lost control on big hill, result is "took the wrong route". DNF.

And on same lap, Speed Senna vs UM21 entering the "Sabutnik 2" corner. Speed Senna must brake a little when entering the hump, this ends UM21's race due the required avoiding crash and when race line is changed, path is also changed from ON to OFF. Straight drop to oblivion. DNF.

So, three racers remaining, Willi vs Senna and Soini simply trying to get finish line, we will see one more flashy moment, where Senna almost ends his race. Epic 2wheel action, thank the wall later mate!

Situation did not change anymore, so Willi wins the 1st race, Senna being 2nd and Soini takes the 3rd.

Now on Race 2, start grid looks like this:

No actions happened on starting lap, here is another comparison picture of how racers takes 2nd last corner.

Only three laps to go now and UM21 has trouble with suspension, all of sudden LJ4's suspension is gone due the critical jumps which have strained suspensions too much in few laps earlier. Managed to keep car on balance with 2 and half laps, then no chance to recover on "Sabutnik 1" corner. Ultimately suspension is 100% broken and only one thing to do is DNF. Reason for not having done a pitstop is simple: Risk!

Willi sees the situation and needs to brake down a little, Speed Senna manages to catch him up and we see a repeat from race 1!

Sadly, Senna's XFG's supension wont hold longer and pace is lost against Willi, this is the moment when it is settled down, on "Sabutnik 2" corner.

And finally, we see why T.Soini had to retire from race 2. This happens on 7th lap, car simply rolls and idles upsidedown. When Soini uses !flip command, it spawns under the track, and car drops to the "retired" mode, unlucky situation. No chance at all to recover. That must have been very annoying...


Ultimately shortest races so far.
Only 5 different racers did participate.
This will be last double race.
Willi did not manage to get 1 point from fastest lap from race 1, as UM21 managed to make 0.02 seconds quicker laptime on race, before he retired.
Speed Senna managed to get first points
T. Soini suffered first time retirement.
There was 1 new guy who participated: ZevY ( Extreme1234 )

Points and Stats are updated.

Thank you for joining this round! Next round will be on Thursday, on secondary time, which means it will be 17:30 UTC. Also car will be with wings and slicks and track is randomly chosen. What is next one? Stay tuned! ( Will be revealed very soon )
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Strong Wind
Mandatory Pitstop and that also means you have to make extra lap, but that is same for everyone else, so deal with it!
Not full throttle map, but fast!

EDIT: There is 1 part edited a bit, due the tree being enormous size, have to add more pillars, but that unlikely will change anyone's race line... I hope Tongue
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I think we have achieved something, as 34 minutes to go before Q starts, we are going to have another very "exotic" racer. Smile

Get to the track, Willi has already set highest speed detected: 246km/h



The best round ever! The most dramatic race ever! The most extraordinary, undoubtedly, very exotic and ultimately most people gathered, with several happenings included, with good battles involved and new racers taken part!

Ladies and gentleman! This is the thing what's Flat Out! Series! is all about! This, my friends... this! Without any overreactions or overestimated conclusions! Longest race ever held with biggest start grid so far! This is the news of Round 17, in Flat Out! Series!

Alright! Congratulations to Ardeeé ( LFSW: sMaShMoLtH ) for nearly flawless victory! First time taken part and straight away to win from pole position, leading all laps! Excellent driving, well played! However, three other guys managed to set faster laptime in race, but win is a win and that win is for 10+2 points worth! He is also the 2nd guy who managed to win a race with first attempt! Obviously the first guy is Willi in Round 1. So it took 16 more rounds to see this "one-time wonder" happen again! Hopefully it is not last round taken part!

2nd Position goes to Sobis, with 11,11 second gap. He claimed the race was boring, but obviously not that boring as managed to finish the race! Stable and fast going as well.

3rd Position goes to Mr. Butthole aka "pole grinder", the creator of these challenges. Although UM21 suffered some flaws during race, laptime 2:08.17 tells enough about the speed.

Excellent! We have another new guy, who almost managed to get podium due UM21 received penalty, but unfortunately the gap was too big. Still, however, first attempt and managed to keep FBM car alive and on track, 4th place is earned! Not bad either! Hopefully we see this guy again here! This racer is called as [MRc] Michal ( LFSW: michal 1279 ) and takes first points on both individual and team standings, presenting team called Master Race car.

5th place goes to Rony, who suffered a hit from behind by KnownDisaster21 and one-time error on latter "U-turn". He had potential go faster, but for some reason, simply could not.

This Top5 looks very different from earlier rounds. Actually, whole result looks awkward because there is 10 finishers. We go to congratulate them all!

Congratulations for johneysvk, T.Soini aka Mr. Steady, kurkku aka Mr. Cucumber, Mr. Droppertool aka Two and Jay from Finland. You managed all to finish the race and first time ever we managed to make whole top10 results!

I have no idea how to react this on properly, but I give this link!

We have this time "moving" highlights!

Here is the start grid! As you see, one guy is changed to another guy for some reason. What was the deal anyway? Did they already knew there will be a cr-nothing ahead?

Of course, they do knew! But first, here is the moment which did shock half of the gallery instantly! Mr. Flat Out is....



... TURN 1! Schwitz

... Rest of the people who decided to DNF goes like this!

Judge concluded it was [SRT]kurkku's fault ( LFSW: kurkku87 ). It was very, very hard decision and several many aspects was holding the thing. Sure, it was unfortunate racing accident, but it could have been avoided. That's why decision is like it is now.

here is the Lap 1 video:

Battling was intense in first laps, as it can be shown on this picture:

Next happening. Jay against michal from Master Car race, ultimately Jay drops himself but eventually managed to continue. Race however, was ruined!

Here is the moment which can safely say the winner of race is settled! UM21 hits the pillar!

Arska the dropper show-offing his dropping skills. Here is his version!

It was not flawless run for Ardeeé either. Close call mate!

UM21 hits Rony on first U-turn. Rony spun but did not drop! This happens on lap 13.

After that incident, Rony goes for drift some reason. Probably little mistake or could it be even purpose? Speaking of drifting, that corner indeed involved some drifting aspects!

On second last lap, T. Soini all of sudden gets clipped on mid-air, causing a spin but survives!



Longest race so far: 37 minutes and 0,4 seconds
sMaShMoLtH's first victory on first race! Also pole position and led very lap, but failed to get fastest lap during race.
6 new racers involved!
!flip command was used 8 times in total: Arska once and Jay 7 times.
First time wind was activated, strong one!
Willi did happen to be first guy to be taken out, by himself. Similar mistake as Arska and Ardeeé
First time Top10 were full!
Most qualifiers and starters so far: 13 ( 14 unique attendees )

Statistics and points are updated!

Thank you for participating this round! Next round is not yet decided when, but what kind of it is, I give hint: Class 5 cars with wings and Fern Bay! See you next time! ( Oh, blame michal for next combo, he did chose 47 as number, stay tuned! )
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