The online racing simulator
#26 - axus
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I have always had respect for the Devs and the fantastic game they have given us the opportunity to play. However i think respect works boths ways, and after recent events i have little respect for Victor and his 'i don't care' attitude when asked for simple clarfication.

You said that a demo racer's first real overtaking (it probably was) is "nothing special" - yes we do it day to day now but how special did you feel when you pulled it off for the first time? Now ask yourself how you'd feel if someone had told you it was nothing special as opposed to someone telling you "well done, may you have many more of those - I'll see you online!"

You basically put a demo racer off LFS. Now stop being a spanner and remove that shit from your signature.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :I have always had respect for the Devs and the fantastic game they have given us the opportunity to play. However i think respect works boths ways, and after recent events i have little respect for Victor and his 'i don't care' attitude when asked for simple clarfication.

Please dont start with this again.You should finally realize the DEVs are not regular users here they are DEVs so they dont own you any answer.

Have you ever visited any other forums of commercial games.You would even didnt get any reply from them.I am not suprised by Vic`s reaction after all these threads around with moaners(I am not saying you are) etc.

You may notice Vic has still problems with the servers not running properly so he obviously spend some work on this quite a lot and then came Phlos with his spam to the server.After all of this Victor is still human so he has the right sometimes act like he did.
Quote from DEVIL 007 :P.S: People in LFS comunity had in 0.1-0.2 demos so huge respect to each other including the DEVs and this is becoming all lost in dust..... .No respect here on forum, no respect on track. This was great comunity and I still consider it is but is it starting turning to the wrong direction.

Best post ever on this forum :up:
People do neither seem to have a reputation to lose, or care about losing it if they have one.
Why not just stfu, race and have fun? I don't get it.
Yes i think Phlos was out of order, and my reaction to Victor was over the top. Its only a small warning after all and i understand how hard it is trying to keep order other so many people with different opinions. So this is my official apology for my over reaction.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver : So i am sorry if i offended the person who posted that video, but i will always stand up for my right to give my opinion.

Sure everyone has a right to their own opinion but looking at your answer, was it really neccesarry to post it? did it add anything to the thread? and will anyone actually be interested in reading it?

Imagine if every person posted their feelings about that video, it would be one pointless and huge thread as i dont really care what others think about it.

I watched it, i thought it was ok, but i didnt feel the need to post my opinion as probably no one would really care what i think, it would be anyother useless post.. so i kept it to myself

Quicksilver, I don't want to start a flame or to be involved in it, but what Victor wanted to do was to pay you back with the same money you used with that person who posted the video, and Victor made that already clear. After all, it was you who said "Who cares?". I think that, while I concede the post you criticised could be hardly defined useful, the answer you gave is disrespectful.
Victor gave to you an answer that, while questionable, isn't worse than what you did, and you decided to make that public without even trying to understand the original intent Victor had: that there are far better ways to tell someone something than saying that you don't care, or that nobody cares (which is even worse because it becomes impersonal, almost universal, therefore implying everyone doesn't care).
Maybe you were unfairly treated, if you like to think that, but the way you were treated has its logic, originating in your own words.
If I were in you, I'd think I have some very good reasons to remove that signature.
No offense intended, clearly. Just my very humble opinion.
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Please dont start with this again.You should finally realize the DEVs are not regular users here they are DEVs so they dont own you any answer.

Have you ever visited any other forums of commercial games.You would even didnt get any reply from them.I am not suprised by Vic`s reaction after all these threads around with moaners(I am not saying you are) etc.

You may notice Vic has still problems with the servers not running properly so he obviously spend some work on this quite a lot and then came Phlos with his spam to the server.After all of this Victor is still human so he has the right sometimes act like he did.

And the devs are also users (with more powers on these forums, true enough)... Nobody owes anybody an answer. I think that's what Quick is trying to say. When asked a question, it is polite to give a meaningful answer. I've always seen the devs as very friendly towards people that weren't being blatantly ignorant or trolling. I have no idea what happened between Vic and Quick, nor do I want to know. I just thought that it was a bit uncharacteristic for Victor, and I thought no more of it. When you get an answer like that, it is best to just back off a bit, and let the other cool off... After that, reasoning is possible. So in that respect Quick made a mistake... Obviously at entirely the wrong time.

And it's not just Victor... Something's up, and the last couple of days seems like a couple of buckets were filled up to the last drop.

Yes, Victor is entirely entitled to flip his lid every now and then. He should just take a break, think things over, have some fun, and then come back all refreshed. Last thing we need is Victor having a nervous breakdown (although being on the phone with an ISP will do that to you, I know).
Thank you. I realise this all know, i have pm'ed Victor to say sorry for my attitude. Your right, he made a very good point because i didn't like him saying 'i don't care' so the maker of the thread wouldn't of liked me saying it much.

I have removed my sig, i consider it all water under the bridge now. We all get annoyed at times, my post was unfair and my punishment was just.

(need I say more, Quicksilver?)
Quote from axus :You said that a demo racer's first real overtaking (it probably was) is "nothing special" - yes we do it day to day now but how special did you feel when you pulled it off for the first time? Now ask yourself how you'd feel if someone had told you it was nothing special as opposed to someone telling you "well done, may you have many more of those - I'll see you online!"

You basically put a demo racer off LFS. Now stop being a spanner and remove that shit from your signature.

Ask yourself how many others on these forums have dones exactly the same thing, posted a comment, an opinion in a world where freedom of speech is allowed and encoruaged.

A demo racer will but lfs IF they want to, its not your decision to tell anyone they put anyone off anything, just like its not my position to tell you what to say and not to say, but on the same lines, there is no need for the word "S**t" on a PUBLIC forum, QS is allowed an opinion and Spamming is not in this thread.

Its not your place to tell anyone not to have something in thier signature, thats a moderators or developers job.

A lot of people are very quick to call others on here about respect, you know its a funny word, so many use it but dont know what it means. These things work both ways, respect TO the developers and others on the forums and respect BACK from developers and others on these forums.
Originally Posted by DEVIL 007
Please dont start with this again.You should finally realize the DEVs are not regular users here they are DEVs so they dont own you any answer.

dude, i think you spelt gods wrong
Quote from mkinnov8 :Ask yourself how many others on these forums have dones exactly the same thing, posted a comment, an opinion in a world where freedom of speech is allowed and encoruaged.

A demo racer will but lfs IF they want to, its not your decision to tell anyone they put anyone off anything, just like its not my position to tell you what to say and not to say, but on the same lines, there is no need for the word "S**t" on a PUBLIC forum, QS is allowed an opinion and Spamming is not in this thread.

Its not your place to tell anyone not to have something in thier signature, thats a moderators or developers job.

A lot of people are very quick to call others on here about respect, you know its a funny word, so many use it but dont know what it means. These things work both ways, respect TO the developers and others on the forums and respect BACK from developers and others on these forums.

Putting that stuff into his signature sure wasn't smart, but imho his "public apology" was for real. Many people here should be given the same "penalty" by the mods but this time it seems that the rolling dices ended up with his id number...a lot of people have got away with similar comments, few have apologized.

If someone has something stupid on his signature, I think everyone has the right to say his opinion about it. Not that it is necessary or can be taken through PMs, but the fact is that you don't need a mod to tell something to other people.
#38 - axus
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Thank you. I realise this all know, i have pm'ed Victor to say sorry for my attitude. Your right, he made a very good point because i didn't like him saying 'i don't care' so the maker of the thread wouldn't of liked me saying it much.

I have removed my sig, i consider it all water under the bridge now. We all get annoyed at times, my post was unfair and my punishment was just.

Glad to see that.

Quote from mkinnov8 :Ask yourself how many others on these forums have dones exactly the same thing, posted a comment, an opinion in a world where freedom of speech is allowed and encoruaged.

A demo racer will but lfs IF they want to, its not your decision to tell anyone they put anyone off anything, just like its not my position to tell you what to say and not to say, but on the same lines, there is no need for the word "S**t" on a PUBLIC forum, QS is allowed an opinion and Spamming is not in this thread.

Its not your place to tell anyone not to have something in thier signature, thats a moderators or developers job.

A lot of people are very quick to call others on here about respect, you know its a funny word, so many use it but dont know what it means. These things work both ways, respect TO the developers and others on the forums and respect BACK from developers and others on these forums.

Stoney, did you know that the word "s**t" (as if the *'s make it any less "offensive") is the most commonly used word in the English language? In fact, I bet you've used it a good dozen times today. As for the signature, I highly doubt any of our 3 moderators had bothered looking at it and I don't think I need to point out the issues of making a PM conversation public.
not nitpicking but it's actually fcuk
Yes they are called PRIVATE messages for a reason, and me making it public was a stupid thing to do. I have said sorry for that, because thats the right thing to do. Everyone is allowed their opinion, however theres no need to be a dick about it like i was. I forgot my manners, constructive and polite posts are much more beneficial in those situations.

Now lets all get back to the business of racing and having a good time

EDIT: actually i think 'what' is the most commonly used word. :P
if only we could race as quick as we are to respond on this forum eh
Quote from axus :What happened to this place? I used to love posting here a few months ago, because I could always expect an intelligent resposnse. Now I can't even stand reading the threads.

That, and why do most of (if not all) the S2 users jump on a demo racer (such as me) even if (some) of us demo-users are NOT crackers? Is it simply because we don't have S2, or is there a certain detail I'm missing out on?

Have to quote you for truth.
Quote from GTR_Yuni :That, and why do most of (if not all) the S2 users jump on a demo racer (such as me) even if (some) of us demo-users are NOT crackers? Is it simply because we don't have S2, or is there a certain detail I'm missing out on?

Count me out. In fact I can be seen only on demo servers, and I know a good deal of fair and fast demo racers.
Just go to the technical assistance forums and you'll see lots of licensed users trying to help demo users, when it can be sensibly done: that is, when the information is sufficient to try to give help.
If I say some demo user believes that most (if not all) s2 licensed users believe demo users are crackers I may be far closer to truth than you may be: in fact, truth is not a belief. It's based on facts. Your sentence is a fact, in fact. And nonsense is better than no sense at all.

To translate it: discussions about the majority of licensed users hating demo users are baseless and not supported by facts. If you find - here and there - some licensed user behaving in a bad way against demo users it's his own business, not the business of the majority of licensed users. At least, not mine.
#45 - axus
Quote from GTR_Yuni :That, and why do most of (if not all) the S2 users jump on a demo racer (such as me) even if (some) of us demo-users are NOT crackers? Is it simply because we don't have S2, or is there a certain detail I'm missing out on?

Have to quote you for truth.

Quote from axus :Axus' guide to dealing with crackers

1. Potential crackers are people with Demo User written under their name that posts pictures of S1/S2 cars
2. Demo Users asking for autocross layouts/skins for S1 or S2 cars/textures for S1 or S2 tracks are also potential crackers
3. If you see a potential cracker, you should first ask him to prove that he is not - it is not a rare occurance that someone doesn't know that he can use his LFS username and password
4. If he proves it, then help him out with his request accordingly
5. If he disappears from the forum, you have saved many people a lot of time
6. If he comes back with an excuse that he used LFS at a friend's house, ask him to prove it by getting his friend to post here
7. If his friend posts here, help him with his initial request accordingly
8. If he says that his friend has no internet connection, you have proved that he is a cracker beyond reasonable doubt as you cannot unlock LFS with no internet connection


Quote :That, and why do most of (if not all) the S2 users jump on a demo racer (such as me) even if (some) of us demo-users are NOT crackers? Is it simply because we don't have S2, or is there a certain detail I'm missing out on?

Have to quote you for truth.

i think a while ago i repleid to one of your threads with a bit of an attitude. i apologize for that, however i think i did stick up for you somewhere not long ago.
#47 - MR_B
Quote from axus :Stoney, did you know that the word "s**t" (as if the *'s make it any less "offensive") is the most commonly used word in the English language? In fact, I bet you've used it a good dozen times today.

Yes but it's rude, people can be highly offended by the use of degrading language, yes we may have used it now and again. But my key point is that it's far too common in a forum like this.
I remember seeing one forum where every thread must have had a word as such in every sentence.

It's funny how everyone loves to moan about the state of the forum, but no one's standing up and doing something about it

As an edited quote by the late great Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith,
"I just love it when a forum collapses..."

It's happening guys, and if you don't like it, pull your fingers out and fix it.

'nough said. This is my token reply on this topic.
Quote from dadge :if only we could race as quick as we are to respond on this forum eh

lol :rally_dri
Being on topic here.
When i started to read the forum back when i was a demo racer at the end of last year i found out some interesting things. Since joining the forum it does seem to have got worse. Its not that there is less interesting or informative threads its just theres more threads covering same topics (i dont mean ones that were discussed years ago, i mean where some one starts a thread a couple of days later) or people start flaming one another.
I think the reason there is so much flaming is because everyone is individual and has their own opinions they voice them and then get annoyed when someone has a different opinion to them. The second reason for spamming (and you can see this alot) is mis-communication and mis-understandings be this because of language differences or interpretations.
Really to me there is only one word why there is so many complaints/pointless threads etc and that is respect. I respect the devs as they have made LFS what it is today, their hard work and time. Also the risk they took deciding to make a game of their own. I also respect people on here, i admit i respect some people more than others, but everyone is respected. Examples of this is where people ask something and say scawen replies helping out. Another example is sometime ago their was a discussion about turbos and BOV's and it was a technical discussion but still i respected the people posting as they had more knowledge on the subject than me.
If someone has an opinion, even if i disagree with it, i respect that that is their opinion and either post my opinion or dont post. Take the demo users over taking video - he or she thought it was a good overtaking move and made me remember my first overtaking move that went well. Watching it i thought that it wasn't particularly special (as in there was nothing like a good dummy move etc) so i didnt post anything.
People saying the way to improve this forum is having more mods or whatever. To me the way to improve this forum is for people to have respect. If everyone respected everyone else then these problems wouldnt exist (we would also live in eutopia but thats another discussion).

On a happier note - not all is lost - i asked a question on this forum the other day and the replies i got were useful no flaming or anything etc.
Quote from MR_B :It's funny how everyone loves to moan about the state of the forum, but no one's standing up and doing something about it

uhmm...How can a regular user do something about it or is it a hidden mesage to moderators.
Do you know the secret how to move thread raised in wrong sections.Sorry I dont or maybe I am missing your point as non english native speaker.