I searched for the old thread on this but it got closed after everything at the time was sorted out.
I was reading the threads about Phols and I also saw that the test patch thread got closed...
I have to say, I'm shocked at the attitude towards the devs lately - we are lucky to have the devs posting and talking to us here, and as such we should respect them. Don't treat them like normal forum posters because they're not. Its not really just a matter of lack of respect froma handful of users anymore, but much more serious. I'm sure that a big part of the reason why Scawen, Victor and Eric are in this project is because they enjoy it - please don't take that away from them because they deserve it. If they were just in it for the moeny, people as capable as them could quite easily find more profitable jobs.
If you're gonna request features in the test patch threads, make sure they are urgent/important and not too difficult to code or they are on topic. If you are uncertain, then just don't request features there. Simple, yet so many people get it wrong and every 3rd post doesn't belong there. For example, requesting textures for sand on the tyres there is just plain dumb. Using abnormally large quantities of LFS server bandwidth without asking for permission from the devs is inappropriate. Back-chatting the devs or revealing a private message exchange that you had with the devs publically is totally disrespectful. When the devs give you a warning, be it via PM or in a thread, they probably have their reasons even if you can't understand them.
What happened to this place? I used to love posting here a few months ago, because I could always expect an intelligent resposnse. Now I can't even stand reading the threads.

I was reading the threads about Phols and I also saw that the test patch thread got closed...
I have to say, I'm shocked at the attitude towards the devs lately - we are lucky to have the devs posting and talking to us here, and as such we should respect them. Don't treat them like normal forum posters because they're not. Its not really just a matter of lack of respect froma handful of users anymore, but much more serious. I'm sure that a big part of the reason why Scawen, Victor and Eric are in this project is because they enjoy it - please don't take that away from them because they deserve it. If they were just in it for the moeny, people as capable as them could quite easily find more profitable jobs.
If you're gonna request features in the test patch threads, make sure they are urgent/important and not too difficult to code or they are on topic. If you are uncertain, then just don't request features there. Simple, yet so many people get it wrong and every 3rd post doesn't belong there. For example, requesting textures for sand on the tyres there is just plain dumb. Using abnormally large quantities of LFS server bandwidth without asking for permission from the devs is inappropriate. Back-chatting the devs or revealing a private message exchange that you had with the devs publically is totally disrespectful. When the devs give you a warning, be it via PM or in a thread, they probably have their reasons even if you can't understand them.
What happened to this place? I used to love posting here a few months ago, because I could always expect an intelligent resposnse. Now I can't even stand reading the threads.