The online racing simulator
"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )
It's Bahrain this week Tongue
Minor change to layout, that had to be done. Affects only split times in the future. I had to remove 3rd checkpoint, since it did not cover pitlane (pit visit resulted into missing lap). Thanks for user texxxas for reporting that bug.

So for now, sector 3 time will cover both old sectors 3 & 4
lucaf, great job!

This was my first bigger event in LFS, and I have to say, I've never had more fun in LFS. I hope more people will participate next time, as this is really great opportunity for all drivers, slower and faster.

I am looking forward to next event and hopefully I will be able to participate!
Quote from Spiiiky :lucaf, great job!

This was my first bigger event in LFS, and I have to say, I've never had more fun in LFS. I hope more people will participate next time, as this is really great opportunity for all drivers, slower and faster.

I am looking forward to next event and hopefully I will be able to participate!

How did it go mate?
TBO's @BL2X_IndustrialEurus 16.4.17 Race report
TBO's @BL2X_IndustrialEurus 16.4.17 Race report

Spoiler - click to reveal
Twentynine cars recorded a time in qualification session, three of those did not pass the qualification level 1:30 and were disqualified. Was not surprise, that FXO cars were seen on top of the results.

Unfortunately, also this time, all qualificators did not join the grid. From twentysix racers, only nineteen joined the grid. Our interviewer didn't succeed in catching top qualifiers Laguckas and Neiva for asking why they did not joined the actual race.

So in top row there was Mercy and FasT, both guys I don't remember having met on my server before. On third slot still FXO car with M.Tunc, and Katila got his RB4 on 4th slot on the grid. Quickest XRT driver Tukko was found on 8th slot.

(red lined were disqualified, gray lined did not join main race)

Narrow layout was compensated with loose starting grid, and thanks for respectful racers, the start happened somewhat in full harmony. Top RB4 drivers Katila and Michal gaind some positions when cars left the grid, because of their 4wd power, but were quckly re-passed by FXO drivers. At the back of the pack, Soini known as gentleman who collect fruits later, give spaces for others in hurry, and continues as helmsman.

(its green light!)

(field is on the way on 1st lap)

(M.tunc taking back place lost for Katila in start)

(Luis in yellow, taking his place back from Michal's RB4, Nick follows in red, then Tukko)

(middle pack exiting chicane first time)

(Mxtu who had already lost places to Tukko and Sainted, is outbraked by Edvards - who by the way had very good looking skin!)

The dramatic moments of first lap happened in the back of the pack; Nissan350z performed an epic fly along the bumpy long straight#2 touching the barrier at 200kp/h - making a full spiral in the air like an aeroplane, landing back on track, and in full adrenaline heading to the next curve ignoring pit entrance, even one suspension was fully damaged. This was worth of youtube vid:

Jealous about that, or was it the kiss in the rear bumper got by Litro, Kurkku decided to show his stunt skills. His car raises bit higher, even noticed by one photographer sitting on race cafe. One suspension out, and pit on next lap.

(kurkku's performance)

(he got into newspapers also)

Situation after first lap:

(Luis had already passed Katila in the photo)

On 2nd lap tension increases in mid pack.

(traffic in the chicane on 2nd lap)

(Nick drs-passed Michal on straight, Katila eats inner corner too hungry and bounces out)

Michal and Tukko and get attacked by Sainted. Spiky passes first 9397, then Mxtu.

(mid pack on 3rd sector of 2nd lap)

Nissan350z did not get enough of flying on lap1. He comes full blast on straight#2. God knows was he heading to pits. He possibly did not know his left front suspension is out, so he did normal full brake - car went in uncontrollable slide, and flies even higher than Kurkku's stunt on previous lap. Later he lands outside track and pits, trying unsuccessfully search the way back to racing area. The James Bond-alike action photo shoot is crowned by full strike to tyre wall by Litro, happening excactly at the same time in same place.

(Litro getting the fun out of tyres)

(Bond style action #1, Nissan having wings, Soini in the middle of mess)

(Nissan350: "look, I can fly")

(Soini parking his car aside Litro "howdy mate, shall we continue race?" Notice Nissan350's black RB4 landed under the tree)
How that all really happened:

On 3rd lap the fight for lead was furious and M tunc was chasing the two with similar pace. Luis-Pt coming 4th dropped from podium fight, then safely Nick 5th, but then a bigh tight group of Michal, then Katila who ram-passed Tukko, Sainted, Edvards and Spiky all coming like a train. Unlucky chain contact between Sainted and Edvards causes both losing position to Spiky.

Behind mid pack comes Mxtu, Darecki, 9397, and also Rony who has finally closed the gap to this group. For unknown reason, at the end of lap 4 Mxtu heads to pit, without damages. Taking full service.

(standings on lap4)

On lap 5, the top5 is still unchanged; Mercy, Fast, M.Tunc, Luis, Nick.
The two RB4 of Michal and Katila 6th and 7th have create small gap and fighting between themselves.

Spiky with FXO outbrakes Tukko's XRT on the end of straight#1. Then it was Sainted's turn to chase Tukko. Trying to reach wider lines than the track actually is, Sainted earns a sweet and deadly kiss with the barriers.

(Sainted try to take wider line than where the barrier is)

Lap 6, Luis-PT, running in very comfortable but also boring 4th position, 6 seconds behind M.tunc, suffers very unexpected accident, looks like heart attack, or just distraction. But his car totally destructed and thrown outside track.

Katila pushing pressure on Michal whose front tyres are getting hot, fails in overtake, dives into barriers and loses place to Tukko. A train of cars was flowing from Michal 5th to 9397 on 12th. 30 seconds later, Litro had forgot how it feel to dive into tyres, and repeated the full strike. This time, Soini who followed him, did not park beside him.

(Lap 6: six XRT in a row from 9th (Tukko) to 14th (Litro))

For several laps there was fighting between Tukko, Katila and Spiky, until on lap 9 Tukko did minor mistake under pressure from Katila. Retirement. Race situation dropped Darecki behind Rony and 9397. Meanwhile Edvard damaged enough his front suspension and finally pitted.

(standings on lap 7)

On lap 10, the twin in the lead, Mercy and Fast, were still racing inside one second with their FXO's. M.tunc running still 3rd, but dropped some 8sec from the lead. Then Nick 4th, safely 5sec in front of middle pack, but well 19 sec behind 3rd place. Then Michal who was well managing with his overheated front tyres, keeping still Katila and Spiky behind until next lap:

(Spiky in the FXO finally finds his way through)

On following laps the battle in the lead was just awesome. Fast was putting huge pressure on Mercy, and only the overheated clutch prevented him to push even more.

(Battle for the lead: Fast in his black FXO almost succeeded to dive inside Mercy on lap 12, awesome stuff)

Spiky after took 5th position, was closing slowly the gap to Nick, who was cruising safely on same position from the beginning. Michal still struggling with overheated tyres, and having behind him a train of Katila's RB4, Ronys XRT and 9397's XRT. Some seconds behind Darecki, and much behind Soini, Litro, Edvards, and Kurkku

On lap 15 Nick, with Spiky behind him at 3 sec, has contact with barrier on strong braking. Retirement.

(Nick, oh why, oh why (look at his right front tyre), in very hard braking contacts barrier)

Unexpectedly on following lap, the 3rd place man M.tunc spectates without reason.

So its Mercy and Fast in the front like brothers, then Spiky all alone 3rd, then furious battle between Michal and Katila, partially also Rony and 9397 joining it. Finally defense of Michal breaks and Katila goes through. Meanwhile on XRT world, Darecki has closed the gap to 9397 who struggles to follow Rony's pace. In the back, Litro has recovered and overtaken Soini, Edvards after his pit, is closening them, and Kurkku racing alone half lap behind.

(lap 16, Michael...its time to surrender)

Then its Rony's time to have battle with Michal, and fight for 5h position. Meanwhile 9397 has surrended to Darecki, who is also closening to Rony.

(braking contest after long fast straight at the end of lap 16, how it ended? Michal was latebraking perfactly and succeeded to exit the curve before Rony who received a love-tap from 9397)

It looked like Fast finally let go to fight for victory,but no. Again awesome pressure, and the black and red FXO's go almost side by side on straight#2 at 200kph and Fast try outside overtake in the tight left corner. What an awesome battle.

(lap 20, sector 3; Fast is almost making it, outside)

(Lap 20: Rony finally pass Michal with coragious outbraking, Darecki try follow Rony but found some deadly poles in between. Retirement. )

The fight for lead lasted until last lap, the fight and respect towards each others was just superb.

It was great and earned victory for Mercy who put the fastest lap of the race at lap 21 and didn't do an error under full stress. Unbelievable pressure resistency.

Amazing chase and super clean and fair racing from Fast who didn't give a moment of peace for the leader.

Very good 3rd place for Spiky, started 12th and improved his pace throughout the race.

Last time retirements for Edvards, Litro (both losed connection) and Kurkku (flip).

Final standings:

And short TV-style clip of first laps:

The 3£ LFS voucher draw went once again to Michal, who friendly returned it to the pool. So in next event there will be two voucher draws!

The unwanted phenomenon of the event happened by racer Mxtu (username Mate2169) who after ruined his own race, shows disrespect towards the event by wrecking his car on purpose, continuing cruising with the wreck around, chatting unnecessary things, slowing his car in front of the leaders and blue flags and doing silly performances on the track while others were racing there, continuing this for many laps. This way he earned ban until the end of this year. (edit: a discussion with Mate2169 convinced me he has understood his uncorrect behaviour, his ban will be shortened to last only 2 weeks).

Thank you for reading/joining/supporting/giving feedback. Keep tuned for the next event.
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TBO @ EURUS.mpr - 7.1 MB - 431 views
Great report! Smile
Quote from Litro :Great report! Smile

Thanks! I found your Youtube channel and saw one of your LFS race video that looked awesome. I don't have an idea how to create such videos, would be nice to have a lesson (in pm for example), or in case you are interested to create similar stuff from the replay of yesterday, would be supernice Smile
What a race it was!!! As reported I jumped off the line from 7th to 5th thanks to AWD power of RB4 and then spent all 23 laps in defense mode as the mobile chicane. Katila had really hard time trying to get around (damn 16 laps behind me Cool ) If I hadn't open the door there, I'd probably manage to keep him behind for whole race (There wasn't much sense fighting FXOs so I didn't resist them too much and kept my eye on Katila instead). But once he got in front I had no chance of staying with him Big Eye His tires were just great...

Oh BTW, that 90-degree left-hander with pit entry was just awesome turn! Great spot for some nice late braking manouvers and hanging the car around outside (Rony can tell Big grin )

Can't wait for next event Wink
Awesome racing guys - watched that reply from start to finish, over and over again Smile
Quote from MicroSpecV :How did it go mate?

As you can see from report, it went quite well Smile

I qualified with XRT, but since I had pretty much no experience with the car, I knew I had to switch to XFO for the race. I had better pace than cars around me, so I had a lot of fun fighting through the field.
"The moment you thought you can handle it..."

ps. this will happen right after SRT's NGT@South City event

PLEASE READ INVITATION HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://9397racing.wordpress.c ... dustrialerebus-22-4-2017/

If anyone "well known old fart" would like to act as moderator/admin during the race, please let me know! <3

edit: A note to statistics freaks: I had to move last checkpoint, because it originally was placed in a place where it did not cover pitlane at all. So old statistics have uncompatible last split/sector times

a collaboration between Nova's Really good Circuit Layouts and 9397 Racing may be in the works....

Watch this space for a track in the very near future . . .

And dang I miss competing in the races Shrug
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf
"ps. this will happen right after SRT's NGT@SO1 event"
It´s SO2/NGT to be honest...
(lucaf) DELETED by lucaf
Last call! Please read full invitation. <- There is also a mention of voucher draws.

Check quick facts from the flyer in my previous post. (Note event is open for GTi, not only XFG Smile)

If there is anyone who would like to look after the race as a specator/limited administrator, would be nice.
Your job would be
  • Remind about blue flag if racer doesnt seem to understand situation
  • Remind racer to drive carefully and respect others, if looks like it doesn't happen
  • Remind racer to spectate if he doesnt continue racing/flips
  • Warn/Kick out spectators who chat unnecessary things
  • Warn/Kick racers who do not respect race/racers by causing unnecessary mess
  • etc.
If you feel this would be your job, you should contact me as soon as possible, or here or on the server.
not a big fan of the jump start rule...
Quote from k_badam :not a big fan of the jump start rule...

me neither, but I dont find better solution with Airio Free that is running on server. Airio wants to spectate all drivers taking jump start (its a design thing, if spectating would not happen, the first sector time could be unfair because of jump start).

So I cannot prevent Airio from spectating jump starters.

And since I have midrace joining disabled, those drivers could not join race anymore from pits (happened to Katila in one event). So the rule I introduced was 10sec penalty to jumpstarters. But looked like this time in restart jumpstarter was in the back of the grid, so he did not need anymore that 10sec penalty. I think its not bad penalty to starting from the back of the grid.

What would you suggest?
Maybe not a suggestion, but you could do something like this (assuming that you can edit files related to Airio on your server):

Quote from lucaf :me neither, but I dont find better solution with Airio Free that is running on server. Airio wants to spectate all drivers taking jump start (its a design thing, if spectating would not happen, the first sector time could be unfair because of jump start).

So I cannot prevent Airio from spectating jump starters.

Actually, it should be possible. In Airio.srv.txt at section Driving Filters, you can choose whether you like to always specate for false start (you're using this at the moment in your server), send to pitlane for false start (this may or may not be good for the driver who takes a false start) or do the normal thing in LFS (this will give a penalty which severity depends on that how early driver took the false start. And if that specific driver drives even more before starting lights turn green, he/she will be specated)

Quote :
And since I have midrace joining disabled, those drivers could not join race anymore from pits (happened to Katila in one event). So the rule I introduced was 10sec penalty to jumpstarters. But looked like this time in restart jumpstarter was in the back of the grid, so he did not need anymore that 10sec penalty. I think its not bad penalty to starting from the back of the grid.

You could allow midrace joining, but with this little trick done by Airio:

Again in Airio.srv.txt, but this time at the section called Joining Filters. Here you can configure that how many times drivers can rejoin the race and you can even do that after a set percentage amount of the race length has been driven (for example, 25% of the race length), rejoining will not be possible at all.

Here's what I have done in SRT's server:

I have configurated that if someone makes a false start, he/she will be returned to the pitlane. Midrace joining is possible, but each driver can rejoin only three times and if more than 20% of the race length has been driven, no one (with the exception of Admins and Limads) can rejoin anymore.

Even though that server is using an Airio Pros-version, changing those Driving/Joining-filters should be possible in Airio Free too.
^ That is a good suggestion.
GTi's @BL2X_IndustrialErebus 22.4.17 Race report
GTi's @BL2X_IndustrialErebus 22.4.17 Race report

Spoiler - click to reveal
Thirty cars recorded a time in qualification session, all passing the qualification level 2:00. Was not surprise, that XFG was really popular choice.

22 racers joined the actual grid, eighteen XFG, four XRG, eight mouse drivers, one keyboard driver. Kid was purposely the slowest qualifier (told his will to start the race from last pos). Last moment joiner AdamB was allowed to participate without qualification time because his well known experience in LFS.

(gray lined did not attended race)

Grid drama this time happened around last race winner Mercy who qualified in front row. He does a jump start, and the race is restarted with Mercy thrown in the back of the grid.

The second green light and all good. Average joe with his XRG gets brilliant start and dives 3rd into first corner.

First and second place XFG drivers Ardeee and Celeritas seem to immediately run away from others. In the tail, jumpstarted Mercy and experienced AdamB both pick 2-3 places in T1.

While the field was flowing on the first lap, AdamB and Mercy where working hard their way up the field passing cars in every corner.

(1st lap after first checkpoint)

Problem free first lap on the back straight chicane, just layout creator testing if the banners at the chicane exit could be used as bankings. No damage, only loss of two places. What a relief!

Several small fights happened on first lap as usual. While Ardee and Celeritas flying safely in the lead, Average joe was doing good job keeping his XRG in 3rd pos. Spiky 4th and good fight between Jepis and Katila (5th and 6th) both swapping their places couple of times.

(situation after 1st lap)

The slow corners of sector 2 had full action also on second lap. Very nice and clean dives where seen in fights, but also less cleans.

(action photo featuring "Lengyel and the boys")

The chicane on sector 3 was again the action place. It was Spiky's time to try the limits of the chicane exit. He just licks the gate and hits a bit the banners, no position loss but right front suspension was not anymore brand new after that one:

(Spiky: " wide I can take this..?")

Instead Ram93rus with his driftish driving style achieving better stunt points by losing control after banner hit, and losing positions to Kozak and AdamB dropping to 10th place:

On third lap Ardeee in the lead still followed by Celeritas, they already on 2nd sector while the back of the field is starting the first sector. Average joe safely on 3rd, Spiky little bit dropped from his pace with damaged suspension. All 22 cars still in the race.

(situation after two laps, leaders in upper photo, back pack in lower photo)

(Michal fine tuning distance to apex, maybe using the formula printed in his rear bumper)

On lap 4, Celeritas adding pressure to Ardeee, and really optimizing lines.

Next fight is for 7th position, Lengyel and zeugnimod running very close. AdamB who had worked up 50% of the field with Mercy following, now on 11th, experiences unhappy moments. After picking 10th position on sector 1, was rammed by Kozak who was trying too agressively take his position back. Meanwhile confused about the situation, AdamB lost a place to Mercy also.

Close racing also on 13th, johneysvk and ram93rus. Then before last group came Lucas 15th and Nierkus in red XRG 16th, and in the tail there was a fight between Shash, Kid and 9397 followed by SRT Traceur and Soini. Emka who seriously damaged his right rear suspension at the chicane gate on previous lap, was already dropped one full sector behind.

Lap 5 was great battle in the lead, Celeritas really close to attack some curves. Lengyel had closed to Jepis who was running 6th, and had a good fight also.

Kozak had already overheated his tyres with his drift cornering style and was sliding seriously. AdamB had closed again gap on him, and passed him at the back straight on sector 3. Kozak tried still latebreak AdamB out in the fast chicane, causing his car heavily crashing on Adam's car and flip.

(later Kozak insisted he was inside..race chief's opinion did not match on that)

Adam managed to turn his car away from racing on the last moment before Lucas came on the chicane. Breathtaking moment for Lucas. Not as lucky was ram93rus who came next, almost hit Kozak's flipped car, and full door2door hit on Adams car wich was still moving very slowly.

First retirement: Kozak. In the back Shash is sliding with overheat rear tyres and gets passed by Kid and 9397. First pistop at the end of lap 5 by SRT Traceur with full damaged suspension.

On lap6 Celeritas was still right on Ardeee's rear bumper. So exciting fight. Average joe, Spiky and Katila following each one in their own peaceful space.

Second retirement: Michal; on chicane exit doesnt turn his car in time back to track, and encounters a fatal hit with the barrier contact point:

On lap 7 the fight in the lead was still tight. Things get interesting also some positions later. Jepis, Lengyel and Zeugnimod running in a tight group, are caught by Mercy who is running 3rd fastest laptimes. On 10th pos Lucas is under pressure from ram93rus and Nierkus.

Later Kid and 9397 where fighting already for many laps:

(Kid optimizing chicane exit)

Soini was finding pace on pos 18th and was closening rapidly to Shash.

On lap 8 Kid suffers low FPS on his computer and hits barrier. Meanwhile Mercy passed all three cars that were in front of him. That was too much for two of them - Jepis and Lengyel both tried some stunt action at the fast chicane, ending up on the roof. Had to be interesting moment for zeugnimod following:

(suicide style hit on the gate by Jepis)

(zeug: "boys, what the hell u r doing?")

Nierkus, having very small experience of the track, showed so far good pace with XRG and nice lines. Running 11th on lap 8.

AdamB retired on lap 9 from pos 11th. He managed to flip his already damaged car on the inner curbs of sector1 chicane.

On sector 3 Emka is entertaining leaders with a pole show on sector 2 (shot from Celeritas' cockpit) before getting lapped by them:

Nierkus hits the gate at the chicane of sc3, and drops behind 9397 at 12th position in front of Shash and Soini running 13th and 14th.

On lap 11 the fight in the lead hasn't changed, looks very similar than in the previous event. Now different cars and drivers, but they run like a two-car train lap by lap:

Average Joe doing excellent job with his XRG 15 seconds behind them. Spiky in 4th some 3.5s behind, running for many laps identical laptimes with Average joe. Behind Spiky, Katila on 3 seconds, running also similar laptimes. Then comes the 3rd fastest man on track, started last, now 6th, Mercy on one second from Katila. Then with quite big gaps comes Zeugnimod, Johneysvk, Lucas.

Then on 10th place Ram93rus with increasingly overheating tyres, drifts too heavily into barrier and flips his car. One corner later came 9397 with XRG and at 8 sec later Nierky struggling with his damaged XRG and flips it in front of Soini.

Mercy passed Katila on lap12. In the lead Ardeee begin to push faster laps and on 13th lap did first 1:48 time, increasing his gap to 1.5s

On 14th lap Mercy picked up Spiky, and passed him the way he was passed so many others already, in the back straight on sector 3, mastering the previous left curve with great exit speed. Another orvertake happened in the back, SRT Traceur who pitted very early in the race, overtaked EmKa who was doing his best with a damaged and sliding XRG. (Later Traceur crashed and pitted again)

It was lap 15 and three lap to jacket flag, and maybe unexpect threat appeared in the mirrors of Average joe. Mercy with XFG was lapping one second faster, and closening rapidly. It was no mercy for Joe, he surrended to Mercy on next lap:

(Mercy gaining podium place)

No remarkable changes during last laps and Ardeee went to well earned victory.

Great pressure and pushing from Celeritas arriving second:

Beautiful overtaking show from Mercy, started 22th, and arriving 3rd.

Great respect also to Average joe, who sacrified his opportuntities to top finish upon the decision to participate with the slower XRG car.

Full results:

Two 3£ LFS vouchers were drawn this time, one among XFG drivers and one voucher (returned from Michal in the last event) among XRG drivers. Voucher winners were Ardeee and EmKa.


Ban until the end of next event to driver Kozak (SULiikCZ) because of several rule breaks:
  • Disrespecting blue flag during qualification, ruining another racers hot lap
  • Ramming in race on lap 4
  • Dangerous driving in race on lap 5, causing a serious crash
  • Leaving a flipped car for long time into dangerous place
  • Continuous chatting during the race after his own retirement
Short television style clip of first laps:

Attached race replay.
Attached files
GTi @BL2X_Erebus 22.4.17.mpr - 9.7 MB - 469 views
Great report as always.

It was great to see all drivers in race for several laps, but sadly in the end the number of those who managed to finish was very low.

I hope there will be another event this weekend Wink
Quote from tankslacno :
Actually, it should be possible. In Airio.srv.txt at section Driving Filters, you can choose whether you like to always specate for false start (you're using this at the moment in your server), send to pitlane for false start (this may or may not be good for the driver who takes a false start) or do the normal thing in LFS (this will give a penalty which severity depends on that how early driver took the false start. And if that specific driver drives even more before starting lights turn green, he/she will be specated)

As we already discussed this in chat, doesnt seem to work in open configurations.
I have:
...and still it spectated from false start.

Quote from tankslacno :
You could allow midrace joining, but with this little trick done by Airio:

Again in Airio.srv.txt, but this time at the section called Joining Filters. Here you can configure that how many times drivers can rejoin the race and you can even do that after a set percentage amount of the race length has been driven (for example, 25% of the race length), rejoining will not be possible at all.

Yeah, had forgotten this percentage feature, or actually it was enabled at 80% for me. I need to check it works on open configurations.
@lucaf next round my layout? If yes I'll put it up
great report and nice race! i find the participation is quite high because you can use unrestricted setup (compared to UFB for example)
nice report as usual, was quite a challenging race must sayBig grin

"9397 Racing" -Events
(181 posts, started )